
时间:2024-04-15 02:12:37编辑:分享君

milk shake是不是可数名词?

milk shake(奶昔)不是可数名词。因为milk shake(奶昔)属于液体的,液体是不可数。但有一种情况就是和其他的词语组合在一块,以一种商品名称出现时,可以在前面加上单词“a”来指一份一份。如以下例子:例子:I'll have a cheese burger 、 French fries and a large chocolate milk shake, please. 释义:我想要一个芝士汉堡包、薯条和一杯大巧克力奶昔。例子:Making a banana milk shake needs some ingredients: three bananas, one cupof yogurt and some honey. 释义:做香蕉奶昔需要的原料:三个香蕉,一杯酸奶和一些蜂蜜。例子:I'll have a grilled cheese and tomato on whole wheat anda chocolatemilk shake. 释义:我要一份烤奶酪,面包夹番茄和巧克力奶昔。但单独出现时就为不可数,不能再加上“a”或者其他可数的数量词进行修饰,如:例子:Finally, pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it. 释义:最后把奶酪放到杯子里就可以喝了。扩展资料英语中可数名词和不可数名词的区分可数有单数和复数两种形式。指一个人或一件事物时,用单数形式;指两个或多个人或事物时用复数形式。名词由单数形式变成复数形式的规则如下:可数名词复数的规则变化:1、一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。如:book → books room → rooms pear→pearshouse → houses day → days song→songs2、以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。如:bus → buses box → boxeswatch → watches dish → dishes3、以"辅音字母+y"结尾的名词,要先将y改为i再加-es。如:city → cities body → bodies story→storiesfactory → factories4、以o结尾的名词,通常有生命的加es无生命的加s。如:Negroes and heroes like eating tomatoes and potatoes.黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿。无生命:piano→ pianos radio→radios有生命:potato→potatoes5、以f 或fe 结尾的名词,要将f或fe改为v再加-es。如:half → halves leaf → leavesknife → knives wife → wives可数名词复数的不规则变化:男人女人a变e, man→men woman→women鹅足牙oo变ee, goose→geese foot→feet tooth→teeth老鼠虱子也好记,ous变ic, mouse→mice louse→lice孩子加上ren,鱼鹿绵羊不用变。 child→children fish→fish deer→deer sheep→sheep不可数1、不可数名词没有复数,当它作句子的主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式 [1] 。如:The food is very fresh. 食品很新鲜。2、有的不可数名词也可以作可数名词,有复数形式,但他们的意义往往发生变化。如:water (水) → waters (水域)orange (橘子) → oranges (橘汁)3、很多的不可数名词表示泛指时为不可数,表示种类时就可数,但意义大多不发生变化。如:fruit → fruits food → foodsfish → fishes hair → hairs最常见的不可数名词有:baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress;traffic ,beef,mutton,broccoli,orange(橘子,橘子汁,橙色)其它不可数名词还有:absence, age, anger, bread,courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research;respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作).参考资料来源:百度百科-可数名词参考资料来源:百度百科-不可数名词

milk shake是可数名词吗?

milk shake(奶昔)不是可数名词。因为milk shake(奶昔)属于液体的,液体是不可数。但有一种情况就是和其他的词语组合在一块,以一种商品名称出现时,可以在前面加上单词“a”来指一份一份。如以下例子:例子:I'll have a cheese burger 、 French fries and a large chocolate milk shake, please. 释义:我想要一个芝士汉堡包、薯条和一杯大巧克力奶昔。例子:Making a banana milk shake needs some ingredients: three bananas, one cupof yogurt and some honey. 释义:做香蕉奶昔需要的原料:三个香蕉,一杯酸奶和一些蜂蜜。例子:I'll have a grilled cheese and tomato on whole wheat anda chocolatemilk shake. 释义:我要一份烤奶酪,面包夹番茄和巧克力奶昔。但单独出现时就为不可数,不能再加上“a”或者其他可数的数量词进行修饰,如:例子:Finally, pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it. 释义:最后把奶酪放到杯子里就可以喝了。扩展资料英语中可数名词和不可数名词的区分可数有单数和复数两种形式。指一个人或一件事物时,用单数形式;指两个或多个人或事物时用复数形式。名词由单数形式变成复数形式的规则如下:可数名词复数的规则变化:1、一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。如:book → books room → rooms pear→pearshouse → houses day → days song→songs2、以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。如:bus → buses box → boxeswatch → watches dish → dishes3、以"辅音字母+y"结尾的名词,要先将y改为i再加-es。如:city → cities body → bodies story→storiesfactory → factories4、以o结尾的名词,通常有生命的加es无生命的加s。如:Negroes and heroes like eating tomatoes and potatoes.黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿。无生命:piano→ pianos radio→radios有生命:potato→potatoes5、以f 或fe 结尾的名词,要将f或fe改为v再加-es。如:half → halves leaf → leavesknife → knives wife → wives可数名词复数的不规则变化:男人女人a变e, man→men woman→women鹅足牙oo变ee, goose→geese foot→feet tooth→teeth老鼠虱子也好记,ous变ic, mouse→mice louse→lice孩子加上ren,鱼鹿绵羊不用变。 child→children fish→fish deer→deer sheep→sheep不可数1、不可数名词没有复数,当它作句子的主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式 [1] 。如:The food is very fresh. 食品很新鲜。2、有的不可数名词也可以作可数名词,有复数形式,但他们的意义往往发生变化。如:water (水) → waters (水域)orange (橘子) → oranges (橘汁)3、很多的不可数名词表示泛指时为不可数,表示种类时就可数,但意义大多不发生变化。如:fruit → fruits food → foodsfish → fishes hair → hairs最常见的不可数名词有:baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress;traffic ,beef,mutton,broccoli,orange(橘子,橘子汁,橙色)其它不可数名词还有:absence, age, anger, bread,courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research;respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作).参考资料来源:百度百科-可数名词参考资料来源:百度百科-不可数名词

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