calendar girl

时间:2024-04-17 01:43:04编辑:分享君


《Need You Now》第53届格莱美奖独领风骚的乡村大热曲,乡村组合Lady Antebellum演唱。2010billboard排行榜年度歌曲第二名。一曲带有60年代R&B灵魂乐和富于感情表达的70年代的独特风格的音乐穿梭在格莱美激动之夜。

Need You Now   此刻我需要你   
Picture perfect memories   记载美好回忆的照片   
scattered all around the floor   都散落在地板上   
Reaching for the phone   伸手去拿电话   
'cause I can't fight it anymore   因为我再也无法抗拒    
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind   我想知道我是否偶尔浮现在你的脑海    
For me it happens all the time   对我来说这是很经常发生的   
It's a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分    
I'm all alone and I need you now   我独自一人 此刻我需要你    
Said I wouldn't call   说过我不会打电话   
but I lost all control and I need you now   但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你   
And I don't know how I can do without   没有你 我无所适从   
I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   
Another shot of whiskey   又喝了一杯威士忌   
can't stop looking at the door   不可遏制地向房门张望   
Wishing you'd come sweeping   期待你翩翩而至   
in the way you did before   就像以前你做的那样   
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind   我想知道我是否曾经浮现在你的脑海   
For me it happens all the time   对我来说这是经常发生的   
It's a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分   
I'm a little drunk and I need you now   我现在微醉 此刻我需要你   
Said I wouldn't call   我说过我不会打电话   
but I lost all control and I need you now   但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你   
And I don't know how I can do without   没有了你 我无所适从   
I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all   我宁愿遍体鳞伤也不愿麻木不仁   
It's a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分   
I'm all alone and I need you now   我独自一人 此刻我需要你   
And I said I wouldn't call   我说过我不会打电话   
but I'm a little drunk and I need you now   但是我微醉了 此刻我需要你   
And I don't know how I can do without   没有你 我无所适从   
I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   
I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   
Oh baby I need you now   哦,宝贝 此刻我只需要你


急求一首男女对唱的英文歌拜托各位大神 那个动画的歌名我知道,名叫: love in december -- 8 我敢保证绝对是它,这个歌是我最喜欢的歌之一,以前做过很久的空间背景音乐 PS:你可以加我QQ,如果能把之前的歌传给我,我可以帮你听听,也许听过~就可以告诉你名了 求一首男女对唱的情歌 歌名 急拜托各位大神 爱很美 这首歌我想了半天,希望可帮到你,谢谢 满意请采纳 急!求一首男女对唱的英文歌! out of this 求一首男女对唱的英文歌 是不是这首??歌词有点像.又有点不太像: 歌名:You Can Trust In Me I know It is hard to fall in love When you feel blue Deep inside your heart I'm sure You got so much more to give Believe in me I can let it shine again Surrender Baby please surrender I will be so tender If you trust in me Pretender I won't be pretender Baby please surrender You can trust in me You know these are not only words (not only words) I know it's true look into my eyes I'm sure If you wanna feel the same Believe in me I will let it shine again Surrender Baby please surrender I will be so tender If you trust in me Pretender I won't be pretender Baby please surrender You can trust in me 求一首英文歌 男女对唱的 Don't cry,Joni 歌词: (Woman) 女声 Jimmy please say you'll wait for me 吉米请说你会等我 I'll grow up someday you'll see 我会长大让你注目 Saving all my kisses just for you 为你保留所有的吻 Signed with love 那是爱的记号 forever true 永无虚假 (Man) 男声 Joni was the girl who lived next door 强尼是个邻家女孩 I've known her I guess 10 years or more 我认识她十年有余 Joni wrote me a note one day 有一天她写了信给我 And this is what she had to say 那是她发自内心的表白 (Woman) 女声 Jimmy please say you'll wait for me 吉米请说你会等我 I'll grow up someday you'll see 我会长大让你注目 Saving all my kisses just for you 为你保留所有的吻 Signed with love 那是爱的记号 forever true 永无虚假 (Man) 男声 Slowly I read her note once more 我把她的信读了又读 Then I went over to the house next door 然后来到她的家里 Her tear drops fell like rain that day 那天她泪落如雨 When I told Joni what I had to say 当我说了不得不说的话 (Man) 男声 Joni, Joni please don't cry强尼,强尼,请你别哭 You'll fet me by and by你会慢慢将我遗忘 You're just fifteen你才十五岁 I'm enty o我已二十二 And Joni I just cant wait for you我想我真的不能等你 (Man) 男声 Soon I left our little home town 后来我离开那小小的城镇 Got me a job and tried to settle down 找了份工作,安定下来 But these words kept haunting my memory 但是那些话总在耳边回响 The words that Joni said to me 那些强尼说过的话 (Woman) 女声 Jimmy please say you'll wait for me 吉米请说你会等我 I'll grow up some day you'll see 我会长大让你注目 Saving all my kisses just for you 为你保留所有的吻 Signed with love 那是爱的记号 forever true 永无虚假 (Man) 男声 I packed my clothes 我收拾了行李 And I caught a plane 买了一张机票 I had to see Joni 我要看到她 I had to explain 对她说 How my heart was filled 在我心中 With her memory 全都是她 And ask my Joni if she'd marry me 我要强尼做我的新娘 I ran all the way 我跑啊跑 To the house next door 来到她的家里 But things weren't like they were before 但是一切已改变 My tear drops fell like rain that day 我泪落如雨 When I heard what Joni had to say 当我听见她不得不说的话 (Woman) 女声 Jimmy, Jimmy please don't cry 吉米,吉米,请你别哭 You'll fet me by and by 你会慢慢将我遗忘 It's been five years since you've been gone 从你离开到现在已经五年 Jimmy I married your best friend John 我嫁给了你最好的朋友,约翰 不知道噢

