
时间:2024-04-17 18:27:44编辑:分享君


bye作为感叹词,意思是拜拜、再见。一、读音:英 [baɪ];美 [baɪ]    二、例句:Good bye, and take care!再见,多保重!三、词汇用法/搭配:1、by the bye 顺便说到2、good-bye 再见bye的词性:1、bye作为感叹词,意思是拜拜、再见。Bye!See you tomorrow.拜拜,明天见。Bye-bye,daddy.爸爸,再见。I'll have dinner ready for you,dear.Bye.我会给你准备好晚餐,亲爱的,再见。也可以用goodbye,Never say goodbye if you still want to try.永远不要说再见,如果你仍然想尝试。2、作名词意思是(竞赛中)轮空。Our team were granted a bye into the first round of the match.我们队在比赛第一轮中轮空了。


bye 英 [baɪ] 美 [baɪ]再见,回头见 和goodBye,see you意思一样。扩展资料:例句:1、He said, `Bye bye Mummy, bye bye Daddy.'他说,“再见妈妈,再见爸爸。”2、Bye, see you tomorrow.再见,明天见。3、He stood mournfully at the gate waving bye bye.他站在门口闷闷不乐地挥手告别。4、Anyway, thanks a lot. Bye bye.那么,多谢了。再见。5、Bye Mum, see you in a minute妈妈,一会儿见。6、Bye! See you next week.再见!下星期再会。7、I bought some bread and some yogurt. I've got to go, bye! 我买了面包和酸奶了。我得走了,再见。8、Oh, goodness, it's almost one o'clock. I have to start work now. Bye! 啊呀,快一点钟了,我得开始工作了,再见。

