share the world

时间:2024-04-18 02:03:19编辑:分享君

海贼王share the world中文歌词

HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 I bielive 奔向同一个明天~ (MICKY:hey~) [ALL]come on let’s go everybody oh we share the music (XIAH:we share the music) [ALL]:come on let’s go baby baby oh we share the one dream [ALL]come on let’s go everybody oh we share the good times (MAX:We share the good times) [ALL]come on let’s go baby baby oh we share the one word(MAX:now) [U-KOWN]:在迷失的黑暗之中摸索谜题 [XIAH]:当我们失去方向无所适从之时 [U-KOWN]:umm you and me yes 畅快 在这个同甘共苦的世界上 [XIAH]:引导你我 I feel the beat 踏上旅途 oh yeah [ALL]:share the music (MICKY:无论何时) share the one dream (MICKY:相互信赖) share the good times (MICKY:手牵着手) [ALL]:Share the world right now [HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步排除万难 I bielieve 奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~ [ALL]come on let’s go everybody oh we share the music (XIAH:we share the music) [ALL]come on let’s go baby baby oh we share the one word(MAX:now)[MICKY]:你追我赶 梅比斯环 上的角逐 [MAX]:相识 乐观 渴望share style [MICKY]:起始 蔓延 这片超乎想象的flavor [MAX]:全身 I feel so good 享受自由 oh yeah~ [ALL]:share the music (XIAH:无论多远) share the one dream (XIAH:相互倾诉) share the good times (XIAH:开怀畅笑) [ALL]:Share the one world now[MAX]:在那堵无形的墙后 有你在等待着我这就去相会I bielieve 一同奔向新世界yeah yeah[ALL]Come on let's go everybody oh we share the music[ALL]Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one dream[ALL]Come on let's go everybody oh we share the good times[ALL]Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one world [HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步?? 排除万难 I bielieve 奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~ [MAX]:在那堵无形的墙后 有你在等待着我?? 这就去相会 I bielieve一同奔向新世界 yeahyeah~~ [ALL]come on let’s go everybody oh we share the music (米:hey)[ALL]come on let’s go baby baby oh we share the one word 是这个吧~~~

东方神起为《海贼王》唱的主题曲《Share The World》中文歌词

I bielive 奔向同一个明天~
[ALL]come on let’s go everybody
oh we share the music
(XIAH:we share the music)
[ALL]:come on let’s go baby baby
oh we share the one dream
[ALL]come on let’s go everybody
oh we share the good times
(MAX:We share the good times)
[ALL]come on let’s go baby baby
oh we share the one word
[U-KOWN]:umm you and me yes
畅快 在这个同甘共苦的世界上
I feel the beat
踏上旅途 oh yeah
[ALL]:share the music
share the one dream
share the good times
[ALL]:Share the world right now
排除万难 I bielieve
奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~
[ALL]come on let’s go everybody
oh we share the music
(XIAH:we share the music)
[ALL]come on let’s go baby baby
oh we share the one word
[MICKY]:你追我赶 梅比斯环 上的角逐
[MAX]:相识 乐观 渴望share style
[MICKY]:起始 蔓延 这片超乎想象的flavor
[MAX]:全身 I feel so good
享受自由 oh yeah~
[ALL]:share the music
share the one dream
share the good times
[ALL]:Share the one world now
有你在等待着我这就去相会I bielieve
一同奔向新世界yeah yeah
[ALL]Come on let's go everybody
oh we share the music
[ALL]Come on let's go baby baby
oh we share the one dream
[ALL]Come on let's go everybody
oh we share the good times
[ALL]Come on let's go baby baby
oh we share the one world
排除万难 I bielieve
奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~
这就去相会 I bielieve
一同奔向新世界 yeahyeah~~
[ALL]come on let’s go everybody
oh we share the music
[ALL]come on let’s go baby baby
oh we share the one word

海贼王OP《share the world》歌词 罗马音

Share The World - 东方神起

あの大空に届くまで I believe一つの明日へ hey
a no o o zo ra ni to do ku ma de I believe hi to tsu no a shi ta he hey

come on let's go everybody oh we share the music
come on let's go baby baby oh we share the dream
come on let's go everybody oh we share the good times
come on let's go baby baby oh we share the world

ku ra ya mi ma yo I ko mi te sa gu ri de na zo to ki
I ki sa ki mi e zu ni ta chi to ma ru to ki
umm you and me yes分かち合う世界に
umm you and me yes wa ka chi a u se ka i ni
导き I feel the beat歩き出してくoh yeah
mi chi bi ki I feel the beat a ru ki da shi te ku oh yeah

share the music いつだって
share the music I tsu da tte
share the dream 信じあって
share the dream shin ji a tte
share the good times 手をつないで
share the good times te wo tsu na i de
share the one world now

a no o o zo ra ni to do ku ma de nan do de mo bo ku wa i ke ru n da
今こそ越えて行こう I believe一つの明日へ yeah yeah...
i ma ko so ko e te i ko u I believe hi to tsu no a shi ta he yeah yeah...

come on let's go everybody oh we share the music
come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one world

追いかけ 追われて メビウスの环の上
o i ka ke o wa re te me bi u su no kan no u e
近づき 前向き ねぇ share したいよ style
chi ka zu ki ma e mu ki nee share shi ta i yo style
始まる 広がる 想像以上 このflavor
ha ji ma ru hi ro ga ru sou zou i jou ko no flavor
身体中I feel so good 自由になれる oh yeah
shin ta i chuu I feel so good ji yuu ni na re ru oh yeah

share the music远くたって
share the music too ku ta tte
share the dream 伝え合って
share the dream tsu ta e a tte
share the good times そう笑って
share the good times sou wa ra tte
share the one world now

mi e na i ka be no mu kou so ba ni ma tte i ru ki mi ga i tan da
もうすぐに届くから I believe一つの世界へ
mou su gu ni to do ku ka ra I believe hi to tsu no se ka i he

a no o o zo ra ni to do ku ma de nan do de mo bo ku wa i ke run da
今こそ越えて行こう I believe一つの明日へ yeah yeah...
i ma ko so ko e te i kou I believe hi to tsu no a shi ta he yeah yeah...

mi e na i ka be no mu kou so ba ni ma tte i ru kimi ga i tan da
もうすぐに届くから I believe一つの世界へ yeah yeah...
mou su gu ni to do ku ka ra I believe hi to tsu no se ka i he yeah yeah...

come on let's go everybody oh we share the music
come on let's go baby baby oh we share the world

求海贼王Share The World歌词

为了拥抱 那片长空 I belive(我相信) 奔向同一个明天 hey~(嘿~) (让我们大家啊,我们每个人都共享音乐) come on let's go everybody oh we share the music (让我们大家啊,我们每个人都共享一个梦想) come on let's go everybody oh we share the one dream (让我们大家啊,我们每个人都共享快乐时光) come on let's go everybody oh we share the good times (让我们大家啊,我们每个人都共享一个世界) come on let's go everybody oh we share the one world 在迷失的 黑暗之中 摸索谜题 当我们失去方向 无所适从之时 (啊 你和我是) umm you and me yes 畅快 在这个同甘共苦的世界上 引导你我 (我感到大吃一惊) I feel the beat 踏上旅途 (欧耶) oh yeah (共享音乐) share the music 无论何时 (共享梦想) share the one dream 相互信赖 (共享美好) share the good times 手牵着手 (现在来共享世界) share the one world now 为了拥抱 那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步 排除万难 (我相信) I belive 奔向同一个明天 (耶耶) yeah yeah (让我们大家哦,我们每个人都共享音乐) come on let's go everybody oh we share the music (让我们大家哦,我们每个人都共享一个梦想) come on let's go everybody oh we share the one dream 你追我赶 梅比斯环 上的角逐 相识 乐观 渴望 (共享风格) share style 起始 蔓延 这片超乎想象的flavor(风味) 全身(我感到如此快乐) I feel so good 享受自由(欧耶) oh yeah (共享音乐) share the music 无论多远 (共享梦想) share the one dream 相互倾诉 (共享快乐) share the good times 开怀畅笑 (现在来共享世界) share the one world now 为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步 排除万难(我相信) I bielieve 奔向同一个明天(耶耶) yeah yeah 在那堵无形的墙后 有你在等待着我 这就去相会(我相信) I bielieve 一同奔向新世界(耶耶)yeah yeah (让我们大家哦,我们每个人都共享音乐) come on let's go everybody oh we share the music (让我们大家哦,我们每个人都共享一个世界) come on let's go everybody oh we share the one world

share the world是什么意思!share特别解释一下+音标.谢谢

[ʃZr, ʃær; ʃZə]
犁头 (plowshare)
[ʃZr, ʃær; ʃZə]
1 a. [用单数] (一人持有的) 份,部分
get a fair ~
获得正当的 [应得的] 一份
→ the lion's share
This is my ~ of it [them].
He has some ~ of his father's genius.
He had his ~ of luck.
他也有几分运气; 他的运气也不差
Each had [was given] a ~ in [of] the profits.
各人有 [分得] 一份利润
b. [用单数] (每人对于费用、工作、责任等的) 分摊,分担,负担
pay a fair ~
Please let me take a ~ in the fund.
Your ~ of the expenses is five dollars.
We must assume our ~ of the responsibility.
The task falls to your ~.
c. (U) [又作 a ~] [对于…] (一个人担任的) 角色; 参加,贡献[in]
He took no ~ in the plot.
I have no ~ in the matter.
He had a large ~ in building up the company.
2 a. (C)股; 股票
ordinary ~s (
preferred [ (
英)preference] ~s 优先股
I have 50, 000 ~s in the steel company.
b. (C) [对公司等的] 出资,股权[in]
He has a ~ in the bank.
他在这银行有股权; 他出资给这银行
c. [~s]股份 ((美)stock)
go shares
I went ~s with him in the taxi fare.
share and share alike
It's ~ and ~ alike.
(英)股 (份) 的
~ capital
股本 [股份资本]
a ~ market
a ~ certificate
1 a. 分配…
How shall we ~ (out) the money?.
b. 分享…,把…分给[某人][with]
He ~d his food with the poor man.
c. [在…之间]分配…,分享… [among,between]
Let's ~ the profits between us.
The teacher ~d the tasks among the pupils.
The cake was ~d out among all the children.
2 a. 共享,分享 ; 分担 ; 赞同
They ~ a room.
他们共住一个房间 [同住一室]
I don't ~ your opinion.
Would you ~ my umbrella?.
b. 共用…,共享…[with]
He ~s an apartment with his brother.
他和弟弟 [哥哥] 同住一间公寓
He ~d my joys and sorrows with me.
I have very happy news to ~ with you.
1 a. 共用 (某物) :"I don't have a textbook."
"Never mind; let's~.".
b. 分享,分受
2 分担 [甘苦、费用、工作等] [in][with]
He ~d in the expense with me.
He ~d in my sorrows as well as in my joys.
share and share alike
平均分配,平分; 一切与…分享
You must ~ and ~ alike with your brother.

share the world是什么意思!share特别解释一下+音标.谢谢

I gave him a minor share of my wealth.
I've had more than my fair share of troubles in my time.
股, 股份, 股票
I deem it advisable to purchase the shares in the railway now.
vt. & vi.
共有, 共用, 均摊, 参与
Children should learn to share.
分配, 均分
They shared the cake between them.

share the world 歌词

  Share The World

  [在中]:あの大空に届くまで I believe一つの明日へ hey
  [在中]:为了拥抱那片长空 I bielive 奔向同一个明天
  [ALL]come on let’s go everybody oh we share the music
  (俊秀:we share the music)
  [ALL]:come on let’s go baby baby oh we share the one dream
  [ALL]come on let’s go everybody oh we share the good times
  (昌珉:We share the good times)
  [ALL]come on let’s go baby baby oh we share the one word(昌珉:now)
  [允浩]:umm you and me yes分かち合う世界に
  [允浩]:umm you and me yes 畅快 在这个世界共同分享这份心情
  [俊秀]:导き I feel the beat歩き出してくoh yeah
  [俊秀]:带着我 I feel the beat 踏上旅途 oh yeah
  [ALL]:share the music (有天:无论何时) (有天:いつだって)
  share the one dream (有天:相互信赖)(有天:信じあって)
  share the good times (有天:手牵着手) (有天:手をつないで)
  [ALL]:Share the world right now
  今こそ越えて行こう I believe一つの明日へ yeah yeah...췼
  [在中]:为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步���
  正是现在超越过去 I bielieve 奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~
  [ALL]come on let’s go everybody oh we share the music
  (俊秀:we share the music)
  [ALL]come on let’s go baby baby oh we share the one word(昌珉:now)
  [有天]:追いかけ 追われて メビウスの环の上
  [有天]:追赶 去追赶 在梅比乌斯的环上
  [昌珉]:近づき 前向き ねぇ share したいよ style
  [昌珉]:向着前方 想要share style
  [有天]:始まる 広がる 想像以上 このflavor
  [有天]:开始吧 扩大吧 想像一下 这个flavor
  [昌珉]:身体中I feel so good 自由になれる oh yeah
  [昌珉]:全身 I feel so good 享受自由 oh yeah~
  [ALL]:share the music (俊秀:无论多远) (俊秀:远くたって)
  share the one dream (俊秀:相互倾诉) (俊秀:伝え合って)
  share the good times (俊秀:开怀畅笑) (俊秀:そう笑って)
  [ALL]:Share the one world now
  今こそ越えて行こう I believe一つの明日へ yeah yeah...
  [在中]:为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步��
  �� 排除万难 I bielieve 奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~
  もうすぐに届くから I believe一つの世界へ yeah yeah...
  [昌珉]:看不见的墙壁 在另一边 你在等待着我��
  �这就去相会 I bielieve 一同奔向新世界 yeahyeah~~
  [ALL]come on let’s go everybody oh we share the music (有天:hey)
  [ALL]come on let’s go baby baby oh we share the one word

Share The World歌词是什么啊不要发日文也不要发英文我外国语言不好发国语谢谢!!



引导我所感觉到的节拍踏出旅途 oh yeah




身体上我感觉非常轻松热衷於自由 oh yeah





下一篇:stranger under my skin