drive away

时间:2024-04-18 13:43:22编辑:分享君

drive away什么意思

drive away的意思是:驱走;驶离;使不愿久留;使想离去。drive away的造句如下:1、I will drive away your loneliness by talking about things that interest you.我要谈论让你感兴趣的东西赶走你的孤独。2、What can I do to drive away these feelings of sadness?我怎样才能驱散内心的悲痛之情呢?3、It is such a good way to drive away the hotness.这是一种有效驱散炎热的好办法。4、a person whose job is to destroy or drive away vermin.负责杀灭或驱赶害虫的人。5、I will stay at your house tonight and drive away Nian.我今天就留在你家里,我一定会赶走年的。6、Some towns found that lynching was the only way to drive away bands of outlaws.有些城镇的人们发现私刑是惟一能够驱走那一帮帮歹徒的方法。7、A thin coat of balm on the arms can drive away the mosquitoes.在手臂涂上一层薄薄的香油,能驱走蚊子.

drive away是什么意思

Drive away的字面意思是开车离开,通常指驾车离开某个地方的意思。也可用于比喻性的语境,例如指某人或物离开某个地方、结束某个状态。drive away例如:1、He drove away from the gas station after filling up the tank.他在加满油之后从加油站驾车离开了。2、The noise from the construction site drove me away from my apartment.建筑工地的噪音迫使我离开了我的公寓。3、Laughter and joy quickly drove away his depression.开心笑声迅速地把他的忧郁驱散了。4、Her behavior and attitude drove her friends away from her.她的行为和态度导致她的朋友们离开了她。

drive out 和drive out of的区别

drive out 和drive out of的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、drive out:驱赶。2、drive out of:驱逐出。二、语法不同1、drive out:drive的基本意思是“向前运动”,主要指操纵车辆运动的施动者本身的动作,而不管车辆是自己驱动还是牲畜牵拉; drive也可指乘车运动,引申可表示任何运动的物体“猛冲”“急跑”。2、drive out of:drive作“路”解时,主要指连接私宅与公路的车道或公园及游览区的车道,偶尔也指林荫大道,也可用于表示路或大道的名称,这时首字母要大写。三、侧重点不同1、drive out:只表示动作,没有方向。2、drive out of:of后面给出了确定的范围。

