let me in

时间:2024-04-18 18:58:01编辑:分享君

"let me"是什么意思?

"let me"的意思是让我,一般是祈使句的开头例如:1、Should I need to furnish further materials, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you soon.如需进一步材料,请告知。企盼早日回复。2、Meantime the fools bring grist to my will,so let them live out their day.目前这群傻瓜对我们还有好处,且让他们活下去吧!3、Finally, let me unequivocally state my strong recommendation for Rachel Thomas.最后,再次向您强力推荐雷切尔·托马斯。4、The distance that a propeller would travel in an ideal medium during one complete revolution,measured parallel to the shaft of the propeller.推进器转一圈的距离飞机螺旋桨旋转一次的前移距离,以其与螺旋桨相平行的距离衡量5、Delete Messages删除消息6、Let me introduce Mr.Zhou to you.He is the manager of hub cereal,oil and foodstuffs import and export corporation.我来给您介绍一下周先生。他是河北省粮油食品进出口公司的经理。7、Let me have the photo, would you?这张照片给我了,好吗?8、"All right, men! Today let 's start all over again and figure out just how we are going to market this product. "好,伙伴们!今天我们从头开始来,想想怎样推销这产品9、Let me check the battery, the oil and water first.我先来检查一下蓄电池,机油和水。10、"To illustrate that, let me take one example: the distilled spirits industry“为了阐明这一点,让我以用蒸馏法制烈酒的工业为例。

英语Let me in 到底是什么意思?

Let me in.英 [let mi ɪn] 美 [let mi ɪn] 让我进去。类似 come income in 进来吧!英 [kʌm ɪn] 美 [kʌm ɪn] 进来吧;(信息)传来;(报告或电话)接收到;(钱款)定期收到;有收入;加入,参与(讨论、安排或任务);(新的观点、时装或产品)流行起来,上市;(在某件事中)起作用,发挥作用;(潮)涨来自链接'Let me in, Di.' — 'Okay. Just a minute.' “让我进来,迪。”——“好的。稍等一下。”《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2Please let me know in advance. 请提早告诉我。百度翻译例句库3Let me thank you in the name of us all. 让我代表我们全体感谢你。《汉英大词典》以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考4Well, you can let me in later, right? 好吧,你等会能让我进去是吧?provided by jukuu5You should have let me in on your project. 你早该让我加入你的改建计划。provided by jukuu6She let me in on her way out. 她在出去的时候让我进来了。provided by jukuu7They wouldn't even let me in the house. 他们后来却不让我进屋。provided by jukuu8Why don't you let me in on it? 你们为什么不让我也加入?provided by jukuu9" No problem, just let me in," said the woman. 还有什麽问题呀,就让我进来不就成了。gb.cri.cn10Please let me in, we need to talk. 请让我进去,我们需要谈谈。www.ebigear.com11Let me in, it's cold out here. 让我进去吧,外边这儿冷。provided by jukuu12Then why did you let me in today? 那你还让我进来?provided by jukuu13Let me in& quick! I'll tell everything. 开门让我进去&快点!我会全告诉你们。chinaorb.com14Let me in by the kitchen door,''he said. ‘让我从厨房门进来,’他说。www.putclub.com15Is that why you didn't let me in this morning? 这是不是你早上不让我进来的原因?provided by jukuu16Medical Center won't let me in. 医学中心不接收我。www.dictall.com17Don't let me in for a lot of expense! 别让我花许多钱!provided by jukuu18Is because the captain said they had to let me in. 就是队长叫他们让我进来的。provided by jukuu19Are you gonna let me in on this thing or what? 你是想让我参与还是怎样?provided by jukuu20Let me in a professional business knowledge, so you buy the right house. 让我以专业的业务知识,让您买到合适的房子。danci.911cha.com21' Could you let me in?' I asked desperately. 你能让我进去吗?我绝望地问。www.okread.info22Let me in! My baby's in there! 我要进去救我的孩子!provided by jukuu23They were planning something, but they wouldn't let me in on it. 他们在筹划什么事,但他们不愿让我知道。provided by jukuu24Open the door, let me in. 嗨把门儿开开!rabbit-cll.blog.163.com25"Father! Open up! Let me in, I'm home." 爸,开门!让我进来,我回来啦www.dictall.com26I applied as a joke, and they let me in. 我开玩笑地申请,他们却让我入学。provided by jukuu27Hey! Open the door! Let me in! 开门啊!让我进去!www.hjenglish.com28You gonna let me in there or what? 你要让我进去还是怎样?provided by jukuu29I'll hang around until you let me in the gate. 我会在外面徘徊,直到你为我打开大门。bbs.koolearn.com30I knocked at the door and a young man let me in. 我敲敲门,然后一个年轻人让我进了门。www.english.com.tw

