burning out

时间:2024-04-18 20:16:00编辑:分享君

burning歌词 完整版歌词


Passion is sweet,激情是甜蜜的

Love makes weak,爱却带来脆弱

You said you cherished freedom,你曾说自由至上

so You refuse to let it go,因此你不愿被束缚

Follow your fate,跟随你的命运

Love and hate,爱恨情仇

Never fail to seize the day,决不失去每一天

But dont give yourself away ,但不要放弃你自己

Oh when the night falls,哦 当夜晚降临

And your all alone,你孤身一人

In your deepest sleep,在你沉睡之时

hat Are you dreaming of,你梦见了什么

My skins still burning from your touch,肌肤之亲 ,让我陶醉

Oh I just cant get enough,哦, 我只是无法满足

I Said I wouldnt ask for much,曾答应不再向你索取

But your eyes are dangerous,然而你的眼睛摄人心魄

o the thought keeps spinning in my head,对你的思念挥之不去

Can we drop this masquerade,我们可否坦诚相对

I cant predict where it ends,纵使结局无法预料

If your the rock Ill crush against,我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火

Trapped in a crowd,置身于茫茫人海之中

The music is loud,乐声嘈杂

I said I love my freedom too,我说我同样珍爱自由

Now Im not so sure I do,可现在我却又不那么确定我珍爱

All eyes on you,看到你的一切

wings so true,那么真实地告诫着我

Better quit while youre ahead,最好在你还在前面的时候就离开

Now Im not so sure I am,可现在我却又不那么确定我能

Oh when the night falls,哦, 当夜幕降临

And your are alone,你孤身一人

n your deepest sleep,在你沉睡之时

what are you dreaming of,你梦见了什么

My skins still burning from your touch,肌肤之亲让我陶醉

Oh I just cant get enough,哦 ,我只是无法满足

Said I wouldnt ask for much,曾答应不再向你索取

But your eyes are dangerous,然而你的眼睛摄人心魄

so the thought keep spinning in my head,对你的思念挥之不去

Can we drop this masquerade,我们可否坦诚相对

I cant predict where it ends,纵使结局无法预料

If your the rock Ill crush against,我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火

My soul my heart,我的灵魂,我的心

If youre near or if youre far,无论你近在咫尺或是你远在天涯

y life my love,我的生命, 我的挚爱

You can have it all....oohyeahho ah.,请一并带走

Oh when the night falls,哦, 当夜幕降临

And your are alone,你孤身一人

In your deepest sleep,在你沉睡之时

what are you dreaming of,你梦见了什么

My skins still burning from your touch,肌肤之亲让我陶醉

Oh I just cant get enough,哦, 我只是无法满足

Said I wouldnt ask for much,曾答应不再向你索取

But your eyes are dangerous,然而你的眼睛摄人心魄

so the thought keep spinning in my head,对你的思念挥之不去

Can we drop this masquerade,我们可否坦诚相对

I cant predict where it ends,纵使结局无法预料

If your the rock Ill crush against,我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火

ooh, if your the rock Ill crush against.,哦 ,我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火



  Passion is sweet,激情是甜蜜的

  Love makes weak,爱却带来脆弱

  You said you cherished freedom,你曾说自由至上

  so You refuse to let it go,因此你不愿被束缚

  Follow your fate,跟随你的命运

  Love and hate,爱恨情仇

  Never fail to seize the day,决不失去每一天

  But dont give yourself away ,但不要放弃你自己

  Oh when the night falls,哦 当夜晚降临

  And your all alone,你孤身一人

  In your deepest sleep,在你沉睡之时

  hat Are you dreaming of,你梦见了什么

  My skins still burning from your touch,肌肤之亲 ,让我陶醉

  Oh I just cant get enough,哦, 我只是无法满足

  I Said I wouldnt ask for much,曾答应不再向你索取

  But your eyes are dangerous,然而你的眼睛摄人心魄

  o the thought keeps spinning in my head,对你的思念挥之不去

  Can we drop this masquerade,我们可否坦诚相对

  I cant predict where it ends,纵使结局无法预料

  If your the rock Ill crush against,我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火

  Trapped in a crowd,置身于茫茫人海之中

  The music is loud,乐声嘈杂

  I said I love my freedom too,我说我同样珍爱自由

  Now Im not so sure I do,可现在我却又不那么确定我珍爱

  All eyes on you,看到你的一切

  wings so true,那么真实地告诫着我

  Better quit while youre ahead,最好在你还在前面的时候就离开

  Now Im not so sure I am,可现在我却又不那么确定我能

  Oh when the night falls,哦, 当夜幕降临

  And your are alone,你孤身一人

  n your deepest sleep,在你沉睡之时

  what are you dreaming of,你梦见了什么

  My skins still burning from your touch,肌肤之亲让我陶醉

  Oh I just cant get enough,哦 ,我只是无法满足

  Said I wouldnt ask for much,曾答应不再向你索取

  But your eyes are dangerous,然而你的眼睛摄人心魄

  so the thought keep spinning in my head,对你的思念挥之不去

  Can we drop this masquerade,我们可否坦诚相对

  I cant predict where it ends,纵使结局无法预料

  If your the rock Ill crush against,我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火

  My soul my heart,我的灵魂,我的心

  If youre near or if youre far,无论你近在咫尺或是你远在天涯

  y life my love,我的生命, 我的挚爱

  You can have it all....oohyeahho ah.,请一并带走

  Oh when the night falls,哦, 当夜幕降临

  And your are alone,你孤身一人

  In your deepest sleep,在你沉睡之时

  what are you dreaming of,你梦见了什么

  My skins still burning from your touch,肌肤之亲让我陶醉

  Oh I just cant get enough,哦, 我只是无法满足

  Said I wouldnt ask for much,曾答应不再向你索取

  But your eyes are dangerous,然而你的眼睛摄人心魄

  so the thought keep spinning in my head,对你的思念挥之不去

  Can we drop this masquerade,我们可否坦诚相对

  I cant predict where it ends,纵使结局无法预料

  If your the rock Ill crush against,我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火

  ooh, if your the rock Ill crush against.,哦 ,我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火

burning out-tata young的歌词翻译

《Burning out》Tata Young

I don't wanna take a step back
But I’m running on the emptiness
We’re just no longer on the same track
And it’s killing me in every way
You take me in and shut me out you’re breaking me down
☆你带我走进你的生活 却把我挡在你的心门之外 你真令我崩溃
Tell me that I’m the one but I see through your lies
☆你说我是你的唯一 但我看穿了你的谎言
As long as I’m living you keep me bleeding it’s like I'm burning out burning out
☆只要我还活着 你令我的心不停地淌血 就好像我的身心疲惫不堪
You’re making me feel so alone
Baby just let me let go
☆宝贝 放手让我走吧
Cuz I just can’t escape your ghost
☆因为你一直在我脑海中 挥之不去
The fire you start once is now burning out burning out
☆你曾在我心中点燃的那把火 现在已经燃尽了
I’m burning out burning out
I just feel the way we’re burning out burning out
We keep on burning out burning out

I can't form the self-living
And it hurts with every breath I take
That I’ll never know the feeling
Of you loving me the same way
☆我永远也感觉不到 你爱我就如我爱你那般
You take me in and shut me out you’re breaking me down
☆你带我走进你的生活 却把我挡在你的心门之外 你真令我崩溃
Tell me that I’m the one but I see through your lies
☆你说我是你的唯一 但我看穿了你的谎言
It's all misleading you keep me bleeding it’s like I'm burning out burning out
☆只要我还活着 你令我的心不停地淌血 就像我已心力交瘁
You’re making me feel so alone
Baby just let me let go
☆宝贝 放手让我走吧
Cuz I just can’t escape your ghost
☆因为你一直在我脑海中 挥之不去
The fire you start once is now burning out burning out
☆你曾在我心中点燃的那把火 现在已经燃尽了
I’m burning out burning out
I just feel the way we’re burning out burning out
We keep on burning out burning out

Have you ever even noticed
all the pain when you’re looking into my eyes tell me
☆告诉我 当你看着我的双眼时 你有没有察觉到我的痛
have you ever even thought about that I’m, I’m burning out
You’re making me feel so alone
Baby just let me let go
☆宝贝 放手让我走吧
And I just can’t escape your ghost
The fire you start once is now burning out burning out
☆你曾在我心中点燃的那把火 现在已经燃尽了
I think I’m burning out burning out burning out yeah yeah
we’re burning out burning out we keep on burning out burning out!
☆其实我们都已心力交瘁 我们的爱火已燃尽了

burning out歌词中文意思

歌手:Tata Young

专辑:《Ready for love》

I don’t wanna take a step back but i'm running on emptiness 我不想妥协 但我一直行走在空虚边沿

We're just no longer on the same track 我们只是不再在同一线上了

And it's killing me in every way 而这一切把我给扼杀了

You take me in shut me out you're breaking me down 是你让我走进 却把我关在门外 你正在一点点地把我给毁灭

Tell me that i'm the one but i see through your lies 你说我是你的唯一,但我看穿了你的谎言

As long as i'm living you keep me bleeding 只要我依然存活着,你就是我呼吸的氧气

It's like a burning out burning out 似如焚烧起来 焚烧起来

You're making me feel so alone 是你让我感到如此孤独

Baby just let me let go 允许我离开

Cuz i just cant escape your ghost 因为我会情不自禁着了你的魔

The fire you start once 你是导火线

It’s now 现在

Burning out burning out焚烧起来 焚烧起来

I'm burning out burning out 我被焚烧起来

I'll just be the way 我会沿着这一条线

We're burning out burning out 我们被焚烧起来 焚烧起来

We keep on burning out burning out 我们不断地剧烈焚烧起来 焚烧起来

I cant form the self-living 我不能自理

And it hurts with every breath i take 呼吸像是被灼热的伤

That i will never know the feeling 这是我从未感觉到的

Have you loved me the same way 你依然爱我如昔吗?

You take me in shut me out you're breaking me down 是你让我走进 却把我关在门外 你正在一点点地把我给毁灭

Tell me that i'm the one but i see through your lies 你说我是你的唯一,但我看穿了你的谎言

As long as i'm living you keep me bleeding 只要我依然存活着,你就是我呼吸的氧气

It's like a burning out burning out 似如焚烧起来 焚烧起来

You're making me feel so alone 是你让我感到如此孤独

Baby just let me let go 允许我离开

Cuz i just cant escape your ghost 因为我会情不自禁着了你的魔

The fire you start once 你是导火线

It’s now 现在

Burning out burning out 焚烧起来 焚烧起来

I'm burning out burning out 我被焚烧起来

I'll just be the way 我会沿着这一条线

We're burning out burning out 我们被焚烧起来 焚烧起来

We keep on burning out burning out 我们不断地剧烈焚烧起来 焚烧起来

Have you ever even noticed all the pain when you look into my eyes tell me告诉我当你望入我的眼眸时,却从来都只是忽略我在眼里掩饰的疼痛

Have you ever even thought about that i'm i'm burning out 你有想过这样会使我烈火如烧


Tata Young的Burning Out英文歌词!

Tata Young - Burning Out (lyrics)


i dont wanna take a step back but i'm running on emptiness

we're just no longer on the same track

and it's killing me in every way

you take me in shut me out you're breaking me down

tell me that i'm the one but i see through your lies

as long as i'm living you keep me bleeding

it's like a burning out burning out

you're making me feel so alone

baby just let me let go

cuz i just cant escape your ghost

the fire you start once is now

burning out burning out

i'm burning out burning out

i'll just be the way

we're burning out burning out

we keep on burning out burning out

i cant form the self-living

and it hurts with every breath i take

that i will never know the feeling

have you loved me the same way

you take me in shut me out you're breaking me down

tell me that i'm the one but i see through your lies

as long as i'm living you keep me bleeding

it's like a burning out burning out

you're making me feel so alone

baby just let me let go

cuz i just cant escape your ghost

the fire you start once is now

burning out burning out

i'm burning out burning out

i'll just be the way

we're burning out burning out

we keep on burning out

have you ever even noticed all the pain when you look into my eyes tell me

have you ever even thought about that i'm i'm burning out

you're making me feel so alone

baby just let me let go

cuz i just cant escape your ghost

the fire you start once is now

burning out burning out

i'm burning out burning out

i'll just be the way

we're burning out burning out

we keep on burning out

