
时间:2024-04-18 22:52:44编辑:分享君


shake的意思是摇动。shake读音:英:[ʃeɪk],美:[ʃeɪk],解释:vt.动摇;摇动;震动;握手;vi.动摇;摇动;发抖;n.摇动;哆嗦。例句1、When the earthquake happened,I felt the ground shaking violently.地震发生时,我感到地面在强烈地抖动。2、The president shaked hands with the staff in the meeting.主席在会上与工作人员握手。3、His body can't help shaking because of nervousness.由于紧张,他的身体不由自主地抖动。


shake的中文意思为摇动。shake的相关例句如下:1 He pronounced sonorously as he shook the wet branch. 他一边摇动着湿树枝,一边用洪亮的声音说着2 The whole house shook during the earthquake. 地震时整个房子都摇动了。3 A study of the separation mechanism in shaking sluice 摇动溜槽分选机理的研究4 A study of the particle motion in the shaking sluice 矿粒在摇动溜槽中运动规律探讨5 Though it was strong, it still would shake when elephants went by. 虽然它很结实,但当大象经过的时候,它还是会摇动。6Products should be installed and used without significant shake, shock and vibration place. 产品应安装和使用在无显著摇动、冲击和振动的地方。


shaker中文意思是摇动者。1、Yet the houses he lived in, no matter how rich he became, tended not to be ostentatious and were furnished so simply they would have put a Shaker to shame.但不管多么富有,乔布斯居住的房子从来都是朴实低调的,家中摆设之简单,即便一个震颤教的教徒看了也会自惭形秽。2、It is ideal for those who are on a very tight budget and cannot afford the more efficient and much more convenient higher end models of shaker dust collector.对于经济紧张,无法承担效率更高、更方便的高端振动式除尘器的客户而言,这款产品是理想的选择。shaker英文作文:In a Music lesson,We call it“Maracas” .ln an English lesson,We call it"Shaker" .l can make a shaker,Do you believe?Let me tell you.Take an empty plastic bottle,put some beans in the bottle.Twist on the lid,lt is a shaker.Shake it,lt is loud!ls it easy?If someone knocked over the salt shaker, you will be scolded, an argument, only to knock over the salt sprinkled on the head to lift the bickering and unhappiness.


shake的意思:摇基本释义:shake作动词时译为“动摇;摇动;震动;握手;动摇;摇动;发抖”,作名词时译为“摇动;哆嗦,奶昔”。单词发音:英[ʃeɪk]美[ʃek]短语搭配:Shake Station社家站 ; 社家车站shake off抖落 ; 摆脱 ; 撵走 ; 甩掉Strawberry Shake草莓奶昔 ; 草莓雪泡 ; 草莓沙冰Camera shake相机抖动 ; 镜头随机晃动的效果 ; 照相机抖动 ; 摄影机震动Shake out抖开 ; 落砂 ; 筛出 ; 打开Cocktail Shake调酒壶cup shake环形裂纹 ; 弧裂 ; 轮裂 ;[木]环裂through shake全裂 ; 贯通裂Meipai Shake美拍摇双语例句:1、To shake or tremble, as from old age; totter.因年老而颤抖;蹒跚而行。2、Then they take out the frame, shake off the remaining bees and take it to a warm room.然后,取出蜂板并晃动,抖落粘在上面的蜜蜂,放到温暖的房间内。3、Though I kept on running, I couldn't shake them off my trail.虽然我不停地奔跑,可还是无法摆脱他们的追踪。4、They shake their heads and mutter darkly.他们一边摇头,一边阴沉地小声嘀咕。5、Reaching over the arm of my chair I shake Manfred by the scruff of his neck.扶着椅子的扶手,我摇了摇曼弗雷德的颈背。

