turn on the light

时间:2024-04-19 10:32:53编辑:分享君


turn on the light中文意思是开灯。例句:1、There's no need to turn on the light.不用开灯。2、I didn't turn on the light, but groped my way across the room.我没有开灯,而是一路摸黑走过房间。3、It is so gloomy in the room that you should turn on the light.房间内太暗,你应该打开灯。turn off the light 关灯例句:1、Make sure to turn off the light before you leave.临走前一定要熄灯。2、Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave the room.你离开房间时别忘了关灯。

turn on the light的中文是什么意思

turn on the light的意思是:开灯light 读法 英 [laɪt] 美 [laɪt] 1、作名词的意思是:光;发光体;电灯;点火器2、作形容词的意思是:轻的;明亮的;浅色的;少量的3、作动词的意思:点燃;照亮;用光指引4、作副词的意思是:轻地,轻装地短语:1、light source 光源2、light industry 轻工业3、red light 危险信号,红灯4、light intensity 光强度例句:I didn't turn on the light, but groped my way across the room. 我没有开灯,而是一路摸黑走过房间。扩展资料一、light的词义辨析:kindle,fire,ignite,light这些动词均含“点燃、着火”之意。区别:1、kindle指艰难或缓慢地把可燃料点燃,可用于比喻。2、fire普通用词,指将某物点燃使其燃烧起来,火势可大可小。3、ignite多用于科技文体,指使某物受热直到燃烧或发光,也可指用火花使易燃物迅速燃烧起来。4、light普通用词,指点燃易燃物,使其能发光,满足各种需要。二、light的用法:1、light的基本意思是“光,光线,光亮”,指自然界中可以照亮其他物体的物质。light也可用来指一束光的来源,即“光源”或“电灯,灯”。light还可用来指“火焰,火花,点火物”。2、light作“光,光线”解时,如果其前有形容词修饰,可与a连用。light在句中有时可用作定语。3、light用作形容词时可指“容易做的,轻松易懂的”“容易承受的,不严厉的”“不猛烈的”“稀少的”“少量的”“易消化的,清淡的”或“不沉的,不熟的”“愉快的,无忧无虑的”等。4、light在句中可作定语或表语。用作表语时,其后可接动词不定式或that从句。


问题一:开灯用英语怎么说 Switch on the light.

问题二:打开灯翻译成英文怎么说 turn on the light

问题三:打开灯和关上灯用英语怎么说 打开灯: Turn on the light或switch on the lights
关上灯: Turn off the light或The pass lights a lamp
switch on ['swit??n] 接通,开启
lights [laits]
n. 灯光(light的复数);(供食用的)家畜的肺脏
v. 点亮(light的三单形式)
希望对你有帮助 如有疑问请在线交谈

问题四:灯用英语怎么说 light。

问题五:灯用英语怎么写 light

问题六:指示灯用英语怎么说? Indicator

问题七:(请打开灯)的英语单词怎么写 turn on the light


关灯的英语是Turn off the lights。关灯英文例句He puts out his hand to turn off the light.他伸手去关灯灯关灯英语简要释义Light,英文单词,名词、形容词、副词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“光光亮,灯,人名;(英)莱特”,作形容词时意为“轻的;光亮的;容易的”,作副词时意为“轻地”,作及物动词时意为“照亮,点燃,着火”,作不及物动词时意为“点着;变亮;著火”关灯的英语同义词put out、light off双语例句你记得我们出来之前关灯了吗?Do you remember switching the lights off before we came out? 临睡前别忘了关灯。Remember to turn out the lights when you go to bed. 到就寝时间了。我们关灯吧。It's bedtime. Let's turn off the light. 离开教室时,我们永远不要忘记关灯。We should never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms. 出门时请随手关灯。Turn the light off as you go out.; Please switch off the lights when you leave. 他伸手去关灯。He puts out his hand to turn off the light. 请关灯。Please turn off the lights. 你愿意住在这样一个城市里吗?那里的建筑物会为你关灯,而自动驾驶的汽车会自动找到最近的停车位。Would you like to live in a city where buildings turn the lights off for you, and self-driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves?

turn on the light怎么读

turn——[tɜːn] on——[ɒn] the——[ðə] light——[laɪt]turn【释义】vt.& vi.使转动;旋转;使改变方向;使不适vt.使变酸;使变换;使变为n.翻转;(路线或方向的)改变;机会【形式】第三人称单数—turns 现在分词—turning 过去式—turned 过去分词—turned【示例】1、It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner.现在轮到他请我吃一顿丰盛的晚餐了。2、The turbulence caused the plane to turn over.空气的激流导致飞机翻转。on【释义】prep.(表示方向)向;(表示对象)对;(表示位置)在…上;(表示时间)在…之时adv.(放,穿,连接)上;向前,(继续)下去adj.活动着的情况,状态;使用着的;发生着的;计划中的【示例】1、The book is on the table.书在桌子上2、Put your coat on.穿上你的大衣3、The light were all full on.灯火通明the【释义】art. 那;这;这些;那些adv. (用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越 ... 越 ...【示例】1、The more he has, the more he wants.他得到越多,想要的也越多。2、I reached the gate that opened towards the lake.我走到临湖而开的那扇门前。3、I want the larger television.我想要那台较大的电视机。light【释义】n. 光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗adj. 轻的;浅色的;明亮的;轻松的;容易的;清淡的v. 点燃;变亮;照亮adv. 清楚地;轻便地【示例】1、I can't read while you are standing in my light.你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。2、This is a heavy box, and that is a light one.这是一个重箱子,那是一个轻箱子。3、He struck a match to light the room.他划了根火柴来照亮房间。turn on the light【释义】开灯【示例】1、I'd clean forgotten to switch the light on.我全然忘了开灯。2、Of course you can turn on the light.你当然可以开灯。3、I didn't turn on the light, but groped my way across the room.我没有开灯,而是一路摸黑走过房间。

turn on the light怎么读

turn on the light 【读音】[tə:n ʊn ðə laɪt]  开灯1、turn 【读音】英 [tɜːn] 美 [tɜːrn]  v. 翻转;旋转;转动;转向;轮流;(使)变得2、 on 【读音】英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑːn]  adj.表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中;发生;值班3、the【读音】英 [ðə] 美 [ðə]  art. 那;这;这些;那些4、light【读音】英 [laɪt]     美 [laɪt]     光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗turn on the light的短语1、 You turn on the light 你开灯 2、 to turn on the light 开灯 3、 turn on the overhead light 打开头顶灯 4、 t turn on the light 你不庆幸自己没开灯吗 5、 Turn on the light bulb 打开电灯 6、 turn on the reading light 打开 7、 turn on the green light 开绿灯 8、 Turn on the light dark 天黑了 9、 Don't turn on the light 不要开电灯 ; 别开灯 双语例句1、For fifty-three years he was married; now he doesn't even have someone to turn on the light for.他结婚已经有五十三年了,可现在,他连一个为他开灯的人也没有。2、I reached over to turn on the light, and as I did, I got very cold very suddenly, and then it was gone. 我赶紧伸手打开灯,就在开灯的时候,我突然间感到一阵极强的寒意袭来, 然后那个影子就消失了。3、Turn on the light,Li Ming. 请把灯打开,李明。扩展资料:【相似短语】1、on the light please 光的请 ; 光请 ; 在轻请 2、switch on the light 打开灯 3、 turn on the light 开灯 ; 开关手机背光的小软件 ; 留一盏灯 ; 打开灯 4、Passes on the light 传光 5、turned on the light 打开灯 6、 On comes the panic light 慌乱的灯光下 7、You turn on the light 你开灯 8、That writes on the light 她却惶然逃匿 9、 to turn on the light 开灯


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