
时间:2024-04-20 17:28:03编辑:分享君


问题一:和谐用英文怎么说? 名词:harmony 和谐
形容词: harmonious 和谐的
和谐社会 harmonious society

问题二:“和谐的”用英语怎么说 Harmony

问题三:“和谐”用英语怎么说? 名词和谐用“peace”就可以了。

问题四:期权和股票,不知道是什么东东? 5分 期代表未来,权代表权利,有购买股票的权利但是还未行使叫做期权,行使了这种权利后的产生物叫股票。

问题五:彼此相处和谐 用英语怎么说 get along well with each other

问题六:和声,和谐,和谐之声,用英文怎么翻译啊, harmony名词 n.
1. 和睦;融洽;一致[U]
This will bring us all into harmony.
这将使我们大家和睦融洽。 2. 和谐;协调;调和[U] 3. 【语】和声;和声学[C][U]
harmonious形容词 a.
1. 调和的;和谐的;协调的
The room was painted in harmonious colors.
房间油漆得色彩调和。 2. 和睦的;友好的Relations with our neighbors aren't very harmonious at the moment.
目前我们与邻居的关系不很融洽。 3. 悦耳的;和声的
a harmonious musical chord
悦耳的音乐和音 harmoniously 副词 ad.
1. 和谐地;调和地

问题七:和谐相处的英语是什么? 最少可以用三种方式来表达:
1. in har抚ony with...
2. get on/along well with...
3. on good terms with..

问题八:他们是和谐的一家用英语怎么翻译 their family is peace.


问题一:和谐用英文怎么说? 名词:harmony 和谐
形容词: harmonious 和谐的
和谐社会 harmonious society

问题二:“和谐的”用英语怎么说 Harmony

问题三:“和谐”用英语怎么说? 名词和谐用“peace”就可以了。

问题四:和声,和谐,和谐之声,用英文怎么翻译啊, harmony名词 n.
1. 和睦;融洽;一致[U]
This will bring us all into harmony.
这将使我们大家和睦融洽。 2. 和谐;协调;调和[U] 3. 【语】和声;和声学[C][U]
harmonious形容词 a.
1. 调和的;和谐的;协调的
The room was painted in harmonious colors.
房间油漆得色彩调和。 2. 和睦的;友好的Relations with our neighbors aren't very harmonious at the moment.
目前我们与邻居的关系不很融洽。 3. 悦耳的;和声的
a harmonious musical chord
悦耳的音乐和音 harmoniously 副词 ad.
1. 和谐地;调和地

问题五:彼此相处和谐 用英语怎么说 get along well with each other

问题六:是一个和谐的大家庭用英语怎样翻译? It is a big family with harmony

问题七:和谐用英文怎么说? 名词:harmony 和谐
形容词: harmonious 和谐的
和谐社会 harmonious society

问题八:“和谐”用英语怎么说? 名词和谐用“peace”就可以了。

问题九:“和谐的”用英语怎么说 Harmony

问题十:和声,和谐,和谐之声,用英文怎么翻译啊, harmony名词 n.
1. 和睦;融洽;一致[U]
This will bring us all into harmony.
这将使我们大家和睦融洽。 2. 和谐;协调;调和[U] 3. 【语】和声;和声学[C][U]
harmonious形容词 a.
1. 调和的;和谐的;协调的
The room was painted in harmonious colors.
房间油漆得色彩调和。 2. 和睦的;友好的Relations with our neighbors aren't very harmonious at the moment.
目前我们与邻居的关系不很融洽。 3. 悦耳的;和声的
a harmonious musical chord
悦耳的音乐和音 harmoniously 副词 ad.
1. 和谐地;调和地


Harmonize 和谐

The time has come to realize 时代发生了变革
Without world peace we can't survive 没有世界和平的话,我们就不可能生存
Our past is one that's filled with war 我们的过往充满着战争
Compassion is what we are looking for 只有别人的怜悯是我们期盼的
It fills me up with so much hope 它让我们充满希望
To realize how beautiful 了解到世界是如此美好
This world could be without anger 这个世界没有天使
Which drives us all against each other 促使我们背叛彼此

Let's promise to us , our hearts and souls 让我们对自己发誓,对着自己的心与灵魂
With wisdom we can gain control 智慧使我们理智
That's why we sing this song to you 这就是我们唱这首歌给你听的原因
Just don't lost faith we're here for you 不要丧失你的信念,我们就是为此存在

So hold on and harmonize all that is wrong 所以,坚持吧,直到纠正一切歪斜
And work for a peace which is strong 为和平所需做的工作是如此艰巨
And gain some respect for this earch 让这块土地获得更多尊敬
For all of mankind we will serve 为了全世界的人们

Let's harmonize all that is wrong 让我们纠正一切歪斜
And work for a peace which is strong 为和平所需做的工作是如此艰巨
And gain some respect for this earch 让这块土地获得更多尊敬
For all of mankind we will serve 为了全世界的人们




  当你计划去旅行在你的假期,你应该准备好。你应该计划和一个朋友一起去旅行。朋友可以帮助你保持安全,分享乐趣。  你应该计划你想去的地方。你应该知道一些携带地图,决定你想要什么。  你应该小心。不要去危险的地方。你应该只喝安全的水。外出旅行是在夏天,安全你应该喝大量的水,你应该戴上一顶帽子和一副太阳镜,你不应该在太阳下呆得太久。如果你喜欢游泳,记住你不应该一个人去游泳。  我们喜悦你的假期之旅!


使协调; 使调和
Maybe we can coordinate the relation of them.
We should coordinate what we will say.
You must coordinate what you said with what you did.

使和好; 和解
He had been reconciled with his family.
使一致, 使和谐



and、or和but的区别:1、and意思是‘和,另外,还有,以及' 是一种同义词地位一样都要带上的意思。2、or 是‘或者’的意思,是一种选择。3、but 是转折的意思,可以理解为:但是,可是,而。拓展资料and1、When he returned, she and Simon had already gone 他回来时,她和西蒙已经走了。2、Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older 随着年龄增长,学习变得越来越难。3、I waved goodbye and went down the stone harbour steps 我挥手告别,然后走下港口石阶。4、All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square. 昨天陆续有大批人到来,午夜时有几千人聚集在广场上。or1、'Tea or coffee?' John asked “喝茶还是喝咖啡?”约翰问道。2、Items like bread, milk and meat were either unavailable or could be obtained only on the black market 像面包、牛奶和肉之类的东西要么是买不到,要么就是只能去黑市买。3、Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day 每天只喝三四杯茶对身体有益。but1、'You said you'd stay till tomorrow.' — 'I know, Bel, but I think I would rather go back.' “你说过你要呆到明天的。”——“我知道,贝尔,但我还是想回去。”2、They need to recruit more people into the prison service. But another point I'd like to make is that many prisons were built in the nineteenth century. 监狱需要招募更多的工作人员。但我想补充一点,很多监狱都是在19世纪建造的。3、Please excuse me, but there is something I must say 不好意思,但有些话我必须说。

