
时间:2024-04-20 18:13:14编辑:分享君


莎啦啦啦是歌曲《Sha La La》。歌曲:《Sha La La》演唱:Walkers组合作词:Poul Dehnhardt作曲:Torben Lendager歌词:There's a girl on my mind And she knows I'm thinking of her有一个女孩在我心里,他知道我在想念他On my way through the day and the night the star shine above me无数昼夜交替,星辰闪耀天际He's been gone for some time but I know I truly love him他已离去很久,但我知道我是真心爱他And I'm singing a song hoping he'll be back when he hears it所以我歌唱着,希望他听到后回来My heart goes sha la la la la,Sha la la in the morning我的心唱着莎啦啦啦啦,在早晨唱着莎啦啦Oh~ Sha la la la la,Sha la la in the sunshine啊,莎啦啦啦啦,阳光下唱着莎啦啦Sha la la la la,Sha la la in the evening莎啦啦啦啦,在晚上唱着莎啦啦Sha la la la la Sha la la la la just for you莎啦啦啦啦,莎啦啦啦啦,只为你唱If your love's gone away just like mine you'll fell like crying倘若你的爱已消逝,正如我的爱,你会想哭Sing along maybe once maybe twice let's try it together跟随我唱一次或两次,一起试试吧Some sweet day no one knows you'll return and you'll be happy会有甜蜜的那天,无人知道你将归来,你会高兴Shout it sweet in a song listen to your heart it is singing把甜蜜唱出来吧,听听你的心,它在歌唱My heart goes sha la la la la,Sha la la in the morning我的心唱着莎啦啦啦啦,在早晨唱着莎啦啦Oh~ Sha la la la la,Sha la la in the sunshine啊,莎啦啦啦啦,阳光下唱着莎啦啦Sha la la la la,Sha la la in the evening莎啦啦啦啦,在晚上唱着莎啦啦Sha la la la la Sha la la la la just for you莎啦啦啦啦,莎啦啦啦啦,只为你唱If your love's gone away just like mine you'll fell like crying倘若你的爱已消逝,正如我的爱,你会想哭Sing along maybe once maybe twice let's try it together跟随我唱一次或两次,一起试试吧Some sweet day no one knows you'll return and you'll be happy会有甜蜜的那天,无人知道你将归来,你会高兴shout it sweet in a song listen to your heart it is singing把甜蜜唱出来吧,听听你的心,它在歌唱My heart goes sha la la la la,Sha la la in the morning我的心唱着莎啦啦啦啦,在早晨唱着莎啦啦Oh~ Sha la la la la,Sha la la in the sunshine啊,莎啦啦啦啦,阳光下唱着莎啦啦Sha la la la la,Sha la la in the evening莎啦啦啦啦,在晚上唱着莎啦啦Sha la la la la Sha la la la la just for you莎啦啦啦啦,莎啦啦啦啦,只为你唱扩展资料:这首歌发行于70年代初,是一首节奏轻快的跳舞歌曲,曾被其他人翻唱过多次,包括香港温拿乐队,以及后来的荷兰组合Vengaboys还有中国的孙悦。温拿乐队演唱的版本,歌曲时长2分57秒,一经发布后反应热烈,占据香港电台流行曲榜榜首,后来被收录于专辑《真情廿五年》。

莎啦啦啦 是什么英文歌?

莎啦啦啦是英文歌《yesterday once more》。歌曲:《yesterday once more》演唱:Carpenters作词:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis作曲:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis歌词:When I was young I'd listen to the radio当我还年轻的时, 就喜欢收听广播Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I'd sing along当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱It made me smile这使我心情欢畅Those were such happy times and not so long ago那时多么幸福的时光就在不久以前how I wondered where they'd gone我想知道他们曾去何处But they're back again just like a long lost friend而今它们再次出现就像失散的旧友重逢all the songs I love so well正如老友失散又重聚Every shalalala, every wo'wo每一声莎啦啦啦,每一声哦哦Still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling依旧闪烁,每个迷人的音节That they're starting to sing,So fine他们演绎得,如此美妙When they get to the part当他们唱到一个地方Where he's breaking her heart令她伤心断肠It can really make me cry这真能叫我哭出来Just like before,It's yesterday once more正如从前一样,仿佛昔日又重来shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone by回头看岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad使今天显得令人哀伤So much has changed一切都已不再It was songs of love that I would sing to them我向他们唱爱的情歌and I'd memorize each word我会记住每一句歌词Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些熟悉的旋律,在我听来还是那么好As they melt the years away好像他们把岁月融消Every shalalala every wo'wo still shines每一句莎啦啦啦,每一句哦哦,仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每个迷人的音节That they're starting to sing,So fine他们又开始,唱得如此动听All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些仍能使我哭出来Just like before,It's yesterday once more正如从前一样,仿佛昔日又重来shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Every shalalala every wo'wo still shines每一句莎啦啦啦,每一句哦哦,仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每个迷人的音节That they're starting to sing,So fine他们又开始,唱得如此动听Every shalalala every wo'wo still shines每一句莎啦啦啦,每一句哦哦,仍闪烁扩展资料:这首歌发行于1973年5月份,具有浓浓的怀旧风,动人心弦。45年来被无数人翻唱,被改编成法语版、芬兰语版,并获得多项国际大奖,成为永恒畅销的金曲之一。这首歌唱出了很多人关于过去的心声,那种美好,那种怀念表达的恰到好处。歌词像是一句一句的哭诉,伤感动人,编曲复古哀伤,如泣如诉,卡伦嗓音甜美,演唱亲切自然,唱出了这首歌的伤,也唱出了这首歌的情,字字句句让人动容。


Vengaboys-Sha La La

There's a boy in my mind and he knows
I'm thinking of him
On my way though the day and the night
The star shine above me
He's been gone for some time but I know
I truly love him
And I'm singing a song hopping he'll be back
When he hears it

My heart goes sha la la la la
Sha la la in the moring
Sha la la la la
Sha la la in the sunshine
Sha la la la la
Sha la la in the evening
Sha la la la Sha la la la la just for you

If your love's gone away just like mine
You'll feel like crying
Sing along maybe once maybe twice
Let's try it together
Some sweet day no one knows you'll return
And you'll be happy
Shout it sweet in a song listen to your heart
It is singing

孙悦的《沙子》 歌词

歌名:沙子演唱:孙悦作词:崔恕 作曲:周治平我是被你忽略的沙子被风无意吹进你的眸子窥听了你最细密的心思却从不对你说半个字我是被你从容的沙子在你荒芜的世界里放肆扰乱了你最平静的心事却不愿被你太重视可惜呀 爱情这回事迟早逃不过无情的现实可是啊 幸福这回事有时候等于无谓的坚持我已决心作你眼里的沙子心里拔也拔不掉的一根刺一辈子 就这么耍赖一次没人能代替这个位子我已决心作你眼里的沙子心里抹也抹不去的一个字就算你 再怎么不愿意谁叫我天生这样的自私沙子 若是让你哭泣是否代表你一样动了心http://music.baidu.com/song/889840

上一篇:gimme more
