save me

时间:2024-04-21 03:41:41编辑:分享君


意思有:vt. 节省;保存;储蓄;解救 vi. 节省;挽救;救球。prep. 除...之外。n. 救球,救援。n. (Save)人名;(法)萨夫;(意、保、西、罗、塞、瑞典)萨薇 (女名),萨韦。短句节约能源save energy 节约能源save money 省钱;储蓄金钱save on vt. 节省,节约;节省save as 另存为;存储为save for 储蓄;除…之外;保存为例句:1.We should save some food against unexpected needs. 我们应该节省一些粮食,以备不时之需。2.She was willing to risk death to save her motherland. 为了挽救祖国,她宁愿冒牺牲性命的危险。3.He has never saved.他从来不储蓄。4.I saved part of my salary each month.我每月把工资存起一部分。5.I am going to take the bus to save money.为了省钱, 我打算乘公共汽车去。6.He had repaired my kettle, and it saved my buying a new one.他把我的水壶修好了, 省得我再买一个新的了。7.I'll telephone and that will save me writing a letter.我会打电话,就不用写信了。


“save”这个单词可以有不同的中文意思,以下是常见的几种:1、保存,储存这是最常用的意思,表示在某处存储东西以便将来使用。例如:Don't forget to save your work before you log out of the computer.(在退出电脑之前别忘了保存你的工作。)You can save this document to your hard drive or to the cloud.(你可以把这份文件保存到硬盘上或者到云端。)2、挽救,拯救这个意思表示从一个危险状态中进行救援并使其恢复正常。例如:The paramedics worked hard to save the injured person's life.(急救人员拼命地挽救伤者的生命。)We need to act quickly if we want to save the company from bankruptcy.(如果我们想让公司避免破产,我们需要迅速行动。)3、节省,省略这个意思表示减少开销或时间消耗,或者删去不必要的内容。例如:Turning off lights and unplugging appliances when you're not using them can help save energy.(当你不使用灯和电器时,关闭它们能够节约能源。)Let's save the small talk and get down to business.(我们少说闲话,进入正题吧。)4、保护,防止这个意思表示保护某物不受到损害或危害。例如:Wearing a helmet can save your head in case of an accident.(在事故中佩戴头盔可以保护你的头部。)My antivirus software saved my computer from a major virus attack.(我的杀毒软件保护了我的计算机免受病毒攻击。)请注意,由于第一个和第二个意思最为常见。

