
时间:2024-04-21 23:15:42编辑:分享君

一首英文歌,开头是一大段的节奏:噔 噔 噔噔,噔 噔 噔噔……过了一段时间才有一个女的

跪求一首英文歌,前面是一个男的说唱,中间部分是节奏感非常强的一段电子,非常好听。楼主你好 很高兴为你解答符合你说的情况我找到了以下的这些歌《4 Minutes》 - Madonna《Smack That》- Akon《My humps》 - Black Eyed Peas《boom boom pow》- Black Eyed Peas你说的我不知道,不过符合要求的不一定只有一个,in my head挺不错哦!哪儿听到的,再给点儿线索能具体点么...你是在哪里听到的..是视频里的还是?Boyfriend歌手:Justin BieberIf I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go让我做你男友 绝不让你走I can take you places you ain't never been before带你游山玩水 保证你从没去过Baby take a chance or you'll never ever know宝贝抓住机会 要不你将永远不懂I got money in my hands that I'd really like to blow我可是帅气又多金 想宠我的小女友Swag swag swag, on youswag swag 宝贝Chillin' by the fire while we eatin' fondue玩笑打闹 水火交融I dunno about me but I know about you有时不懂我自己 但是我很懂你So say hello to falsetto in three two声音柔柔 我们来一起倒数I'd like to be everything you want我会成为 你想要的所有Hey girl, let me talk to you嘿 小可爱 让我告诉你If I was your boyfriend, never let you go让我做你男友 绝不让你走Keep you on my arm girl, you'd never be alone把你护在我怀里 永远不寂寞I can be a gentleman, anything you want做你的温柔绅士 你要的所有If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go,若我是你的男友 绝不让你走I'd never let you go永不让你难过Tell me what you like yeah tell me what you don't告诉我你爱什么 告诉我你讨厌什么I could be your Buzz Lightyear fly across the globe我可以做你的巴斯光年 背你环绕地球I don't never wanna fight yeah, you already know你知道 再生气 我也绝不会和你呛声动手I am 'ma a make you shine bright我会让你光鲜亮丽like you're laying in the snow Burr就像天使误入尘世Girlfriend, girlfriend, you could be my girlfriend女孩 女孩 你应该做我的女孩You could be my girlfriend until the --- world ends直到世界终结 你都该被我宠坏Make you dance do a spin and a twirl and牵你的手跳一支舞 陪你缠绵旋转Voice goin crazy on this hook like a whirl wind声音也随之疯狂 如风般寰转呢喃Swaggie嗯哼I'd like to be everything you want我会成为 你想要的所有Hey girl, let me talk to you嘿 小可爱 让我告诉你呀If I was your boyfriend, never let you go若我是你男友 绝不让你走Keep you on my arm girl you'd never be alone牢牢把你紧抱 永远不让你寂寞I can be a gentleman, anything you want温柔还是雅痞 怎么玩儿你随意If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go,让我做你男友 永远不让你走I'd never let you go绝不会让你走So give me a chance, 'cause you're all I need girl那就给我个机会吧 宝贝 我所需要的Spend a week with your boy就是尝试个一两周I'll be calling you my girlfriend好好宠你 爱你 叫你宝宝If I was your man, I'd never leave you girl若我是你的男人 我永远不会离开你I just want to love you, and treat you right我只想好好爱你 把你宠坏If I was your boyfriend, never let you go若我是你男友 绝不让你走Keep you on my arm girl you'd never be alone牢牢把你紧抱 永远不让你寂寞I can be a gentleman, anything you want做你的温柔绅士 你要的所有If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go,若我是你男友 不会让你走never let you go不愿让你走Na na na, na na na, na na na Ya girlna na na na naNa na na, na na na, na na na eyna na na na naNa na na, na na na, na na na eyna na na na naNa na na, na na nana na na na naIf I was your boyfriend如果我是你男朋友扩展资料:《Boyfriend》是加拿大流行男歌手贾斯汀·比伯演唱的一首流行歌曲,词曲由迈克·波斯纳、马修·马斯托、梅森·莱维、贾斯汀·比伯共同编写,音乐由迈克·波斯纳、MdL、库克·哈瑞尔负责。该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2012年4月20日通过小岛唱片公司发布 ,收录在贾斯汀·比伯的第三张录音室专辑《Believe》。《Boyfriend》凭借首周52万1千份的数字音乐下载空降美国iTunes排行榜冠军,成为历史上男歌手单曲首周销量第二高的单曲,在全球32个国家的iTunes排行榜上都取得冠军之位。歌曲MV于2012年5月3日在美国MTV电视台首播后,又刷新了YouTube的纪录:在24小时之内拥有超过800万次的点击率和4千4百万条评论。跪求!!急急急!一首英文歌前面开头是一个比较老的女人清唱的几句 后面是一首缓慢的英文歌 女版的 求: 您好:不清楚,但是好听的英文歌好多呢~~~本人学英语的推荐这些吧希望你能喜欢.听歌学英语软件,里边全是经典的英文歌曲,列表中搜索歌曲就可以,还有英文歌曲的伴奏和翻译,若是有搜索不到的歌曲可以联系主播,每首歌主播...求一首英文歌,是一个女歌手唱的,前面是一段很有节奏感的独白,越到后面越好听,记得好像有一句后面是o: 极度澎湃 应该是这个求一首英文歌,一开头是my sweet summer love,中间有oh Im dreaming about you,my summer love, - : 这首歌名叫 my sweet love 你在狗狗里面搜下就好了 再看看别人怎么说的.求一首很嗨的英文歌 开头是一哦黑 诶诶诶 没有很多歌词 节奏很嗨 - : Come and Get Your Love 《Come and Get Your Love》是由美国老牌摇滚乐队Redbone(红骨头乐队)演唱的一首歌曲,出自乐队专辑《Wovoka》,同时也是电影《银河护卫队》的插曲.红骨头乐队,Redbone,美国老牌摇滚乐队,活跃于上世纪70年代.主要成员有Lolly Vasquez-Vegas(前期主唱、吉他手,已于2010年逝世),Tony Bellamy(后期主唱、吉他手,已于2009年逝世),Peter DePoe(第一任鼓手),Arturo Perez(第二任鼓手),Butch Rillera(第三任鼓手),Jack White(第四任鼓手).求一首歌抖音一首英文歌女生的 一段是 前面一段英语然后突然wu一声 后面就是wu~wu~wu? - : 我感觉你说的是《歌剧2》原唱俄罗斯Vitas,是俄语,你去搜了听听看是不是求一首英文歌的名字,开头前奏是噔~噔~~噔~噔~~噔噔噔噔~噔~噔~~蹬~蹬~~噔噔噔噔...: 是不是罗家英的only you 啊求一首英文歌 前面是一段童声 后边是一个男的说唱 很欢快的节奏 大家帮帮忙 - : 你好!是不是akon的mr.lonely?如果对你有帮助,望采纳.求一首英文歌 开头是一男一女打电话 很吵 女的好像在说什么you don't know之类的.: 前面那个不知道..男的唱的女的唱的啊???我觉得像后街男孩的the call.你听听是不是叫床那个是 Britney Spears 的Gasoline有一首英文歌,开头是一段英文,然后有一段喔哦哦哦哦喔哦哦哦哦的是什么歌?在线等,急. - : 谢谢你,我找到了,我也喜欢这首歌,《good time》求一首英文歌,开头是一声很脆的“嘿”,然后是清晰的鼓点,女生唱的,很轻快. - : 求一首英文歌,女生唱的,风格是很轻快的那种,开头好像是you you you youKelly Clarkson--Already Gone Hush Hush 试一试吧 girl friend(艾薇儿)相关内容:前奏是女生说话的英文歌 、 说唱前奏小女孩 、 一首英文歌开头是屋噢哦 、 一首英文歌开头是啊 、 一首开口脆的女声英文歌 、 衣呦嘿一首英文歌 、 you啊you啊一首英文歌 、 喔哦喔哦一首英文歌曲 、 一首dj英文歌蹬蹬噔 、 一首英文歌哎呀咿呀呦 、 一首英文歌开头噔噔噔 、 开头第一句是嘿的英文歌 、 开头哎一声的英文歌 、 英文歌什么都要嘿一声的 、上一篇:下一篇:相关热门一首歌高潮部分是个男声唱的crazy in love,crazy in love.在重复这句话 -Nicol Sponberg: Crazy In Love(Yea Yea) (Yea Yea) You are, to me the sun and you are the stars You are, all the beautiful things I`ve imagined so far I can't believe that you're real You're standing here And you are all mine Chorus: Crazy, crazy, crazy in...求一首英文mv是一个男的在弹吉他女的在树林里唱歌高潮是gone gone -那是我霉霉的!!Taylor Swift!!她的《Safe&Sound》(安然无恙)是《饥饿游戏》的片尾曲 超爱泰勒的说!MV里就是她在树林里走,然后歌曲最后是一直在发“wu~~wu~~”的声音一首英文歌男鼻音开头 bababong bang~bang~bang~ ba bongbongbong节奏较快 很 -开头一段音乐低沉,男声带重鼻音外文歌曲 之前电脑里有存放换电脑弄丢了 跪求正确答案一首英文歌一个男生貌似是黑人唱的歌词没大听清大概是 hei baby want to go do not push let me go oh oh -Back in time-Pitbull 黑衣人3里面的歌曲应该是这首啦.~~求一首英文歌曲,男生唱的,高潮部分是one什么什么,two 什么什么,three什么什么.four -很有可能是这个哦!one for da money-overground歌词里就有one, two, three, four....one for the money and the car i drive,two for the girls who are passin by,three for the house and the hills outsidefour for the guys and the wop wop woopone ...找一首英文歌,男的唱的,开头颤音,像结巴似的. -THE WHO的my generationPeople try to put us d-down (Talkin' 'bout my generation)Just because we get around (Talkin' 'bout my generation)Things they do look awful c-c-cold (Talkin' 'bout my generation)I hope I die before I get old (Talkin' 'bout my ...一首DJ歌曲 开头就是个男的唱的 欧蕾欧偶欧蕾 -是不是很久的一首歌,那时候很流行,大概有十几年前了吧,和爱拼才会赢那首歌一起红的.高潮部分是一个老外在打碟,我看过那个MV,哦,错了,那时候是用VCD看的,

求最近听到的一首很动感的英文歌,女声,播放率很高,开头好像是if什么 …最后好像一直重复一句:hey l...

call me maybe - carly rae jepsen 这首么 歌词如下I threw a wish in the well,Don't ask me, I'll never tellI looked to you as it fell,and now you're in my wayI trade my soul for a wish,pennies and dimes for a kissI wasn't looking for this,but now you're in my wayYour stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'Hot not, wind was blowin'Where you think you're going, baby?[Chorus]Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here's my number,so call me, maybe?It's hard to look right,at you baaaabeh,but here's my number,so call me, maybe?Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here's my number,so call me, maybe?And all the other boys,try to chaaase me,but here's my number,so call me, maybe?[Verse 2]You took your time with the call,I took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at all,but still, you're in my wayI beg, and borrow and stealHave foresight and it's realI didn't know I would feel it,but it's in my wayYour stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'Hot not, wind was blowin'Where you think you're going, baby?Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here's my number,so call me, maybe?It's hard to look right,at you baaaabeh,but here's my number,so call me, maybe?Hey, I just met you,and this is crazy,but here's my number,so call me, maybe?And all the other boys,try to chaaase me,but here's my number,so call me, maybe?Before you came into my lifeI missed you so badI missed you so badI missed you so, so badBefore you came into my life

就一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词里面有“just a kiss。。。。”“kiss goodbye”

最近看了一个关于赫敏和罗恩的视频是这首《Just a Kiss》, 有一句是just a kiss good night,很好听的
lyin’ here with you so close to me
it’s hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe
caught up in this moment
caught up in your smile
i’ve never opened up to anyone
so hard to hold back when i’m holding you in my arms
we don’t need to rush this
let’s just take this slow
just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
just a touch in the fire burning so bright
and i don’t want to mess this thing up
i don’t want to push too far
just a shot in the dark that you just might
be the one i’ve been waiting for my whole life
so baby i’m alright, with just a kiss goodnight
i know that if we give this a little time
it will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find
it’s never felt so real, no it’s never felt so right
just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
just a touch in the fire burning so bright
and i don’t want to mess this thing up
i don’t want to push too far
just a shot in the dark that you just might
be the one i’ve been waiting for my whole life
so baby i’m alright, with just a kiss goodnight


1.nrg- my girl
2.nrg-hit song
3.turbo - 制造回忆(天使韩版)
4.ss501 - never again
5.rain - sad tango

6.ss501-snow prince
7.我的女孩-never say goodbye
8.姜成勋-my girl
9.金钟国-可爱 10.ss501-take you high

11.东方神起-the way u are
12.wheesung-with me
13.李珉宇-let me love you
14. super junior -show me your love
15.turbo—cyber lover

16.东方神起 - hi ya ya summer days
17.天上智喜 - too good
18.rain-it s raining
19.李珉宇-last first kiss
21.李秀英-la la la
23.brown eyes-一年后
24. sg wanna be-狂
25.mc the max-我最后的呼吸声

26.sg wanna be-罪与罚
27.boa-moon and sunrise
28.安七炫 - 北极星愿
29.安七炫-just one day

31.sg wanna be-i loved you so much 32.裴勇俊-勿忘我
33.sg wanna be-活着
36.boa-long time no see
37.我的野蛮师姐-wind of soul
38.申慧星-a song for you


