时间:2024-04-22 06:42:38编辑:分享君

right,not wrong是哪英文个单词的解释

right now 就是现在,马上
all right 好;顺利;正确的
property right 产权
right away 立刻
right hand 右手;得力助手
in the right 正确;有理;站在正义的一边
of right 按照法律
on the right 在右边,在右侧
right here 就是这里
right on [俚]好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对
have the right to 有权做…
to the right 向右;在…右边
right time 恰好时机
right or wrong adv.不管如何
right side n.正面
right up 一直等到,直到
turn right v.向右转
that's right 就是那样
reserve the right 保留权利
right after 就在…之后;刚好在…之后
all right令人满意的;可以;好;行
property right[法] 财产权;产权;[法] 财产所有权;[法] 产权论
right trapezoid直角梯形;度角梯型
new right新右派;新右翼;新右派思潮;新
Right Split右三分
Right Place正确的地点;适当的地点;恰当的地点;恰好地点
Right Quantity正确的数量;适当的数量;恰当的数量;合适的数量
right bridge正交桥;正桥
preferential right优先权
not wrong:没有错
Not Demonstrably Wrong不毫无根据地错误
Should Not Be Wrong千万不能写错
Would Not Be Wrong就不会有错
Not Both Wrong这样也不错
Not even wrong非关对错;连错误都不如
Not Be Wrong也不会有错
Not Only Wrong People不但不当人
Not To Wrong Topic不要看错题目
can not be wrong错不了


wrong的意思是:不正确的。1、After several wrong turns in our journey,we almost decided to skip it.我们的行程几经曲折,我们几乎决定放弃了。2、You must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.如果出了差错,你一定要能经得起严厉的批评。3、She had done the wrong thing,venturing into this holy of holies.她做错了事,闯入了这个最神圣的地方。4、What's wrong is to jack somebody's lyrics and not acknowledge the fact.错就错在剽窃了别人的歌词还不肯承认事实。5、They thought she was wrong but were too polite to say so.他们觉得她错了,但出于礼貌,没有说出来。

