
时间:2024-04-22 19:51:32编辑:分享君


【 #英语资源# 导语】坚强的心灵就像一粒种子,总有破土而出的冲动,让我们用汗水浇灌心田,用智慧根植希望,用年轮记刻岁月,用绿叶收藏美好的未来。植树节快乐! 考 网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.植树节英语作文   In March, light clouds, soft wind and bright sunshine are a good time to plant trees.   I made an appointment with my friends to plant trees. Taking labor tools and carrying saplings, he came to a barren beach in the countryside. The monitor gave an order: we work in groups of two, and each group is responsible for planting a sapling. Xiao Dong and I were in a group. They found a relatively flat place. You shoveled me to work. Xiao Dong is a big man in our class and has great strength. I saw him taking the shovel, pointing at the ground, and stepping on the flat with his feet on the spade. He pressed it with his hand and a large piece of earth bit it down. As for me, I was digging hard with a hoe. We worked hard. After a while, a deep tree pit appeared.   Looking at the black soil and round pit, Xiaodong and I were happy. I carried the saplings from the roadside and said to Xiaodong, "let's invite the saplings into our new home!" Xiaodong nodded. We both lifted the sapling vertically and gently put it into the pit. I helped the saplings and little east picked up the spade and raised the soil with a shovel and a spade. The tree pit became smaller and smaller, and slowly became a small soil bag. Then we went to pick up a bucket of water, poured it on the root of the tree and said to the little tree, "drink, drink, grow up when you're full." The sapling swayed gently with the wind, as if nodding to promise us.   Unknowingly, it was the evening, and the colorful glow sprinkled on the earth. The small saplings were like neatly lined up students doing radio gymnastics. We were so tired that we had back pain and panting, but looking at this small sapling and thinking that it would be lush in the near future, the students were very proud. 2.植树节英语作文   On TV and in books, I often see pictures and records of people cutting down a large number of trees, because they cut down at will, the green of the motherland is decreasing, the land is losing, and large tracts of desert are replaced. But now, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, we all know the importance of the environment and begin to plant trees and protect trees. I also wanted to contribute to the protection of the environment, so I decided to plant trees on the small soil slope with my father when the arbor day came on March 12.   In the early morning, the sun was shining brightly. We were walking on the road with great interest. When we thought of making a contribution to the greening of the motherland, we were very excited and couldn't help but speed up the pace. Before we got to the small slope, my father and I saw many people from a distance who didn't know what to do there. I can't help wondering: why is the small earth slope so busy today? When I looked closer, I knew that everyone also wanted to contribute to the greening of the motherland. They all came to plant trees!   Watching everyone working in full swing, we were unwilling to show weakness. We immediately picked a position, put down the saplings, and couldn't wait to pick up the shovel to dig a hole. Dad was so strong that he dug a hole at once. As for me, if I didn't dig a well, I was sweating and tired. But I kept on digging and thought: I must add more green to my motherland.   Finally, the pits were dug. My father and I put the saplings in, buried them with soil and watered them, even if we finished the tree species. Looking at the small saplings planted by myself, I think: small saplings, grow up quickly and add a green to the motherland! Look at the people around who have become "mud monkeys", who are still busy. I have a feeling: Yes! Who would be unhappy to contribute to the protection of the environment? In the future, I will not only protect the environment and take good care of flowers and trees, but also mobilize everyone to protect the environment, take good care of flowers and trees, and strive to change our home back to the original endless green with everyone! 3.植树节英语作文   Driven by food demand and supply, the degree of land use has increased sharply. In the 1980s, the grain yield per hectare of agricultural land was 1. 8 tons, now 2. 5 tons. However, this unsustainable land use has caused serious land degradation, which has attracted great attention of the international community, especially in developing countries and regions with concentrated drylands. Land desertification is related to the survival and development of all mankind. Therefore, people have turned their attention to what we can do.   China is one of the countries in the world with a large area and wide distribution of desertification and is most seriously affected by desertification. The total area of desertification land in China has reached 263. 620000 square kilometers, accounting for one third of the land area; Desertified land 173. 970000 square kilometers, accounting for one fifth of the land area. Desertification land is still expanding in some areas. The direct economic loss caused by land desertification is as high as more than 50 billion yuan every year. Nearly 400 million people in China are threatened by desertification, especially in the western region.   As a responsible big country, China has always attached great importance to the ecological and environmental problems it faces. The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China raised environmental protection and the construction of ecological civilization to an unprecedented height. For the first time, it took international cooperation in environmental protection as an important part of China's path of peaceful development, paid equal attention to the country's major foreign political, economic, cultural and security strategies, and put forward the "Twelve character" policy of "mutual assistance, joint promotion and joint care" of the earth's homeland.   Reality is constantly ringing the alarm to people all over the world. It is the consensus of all mankind to take action to curb global land desertification and leave a sustainable living environment for future generations. To this end, the whole world should work together. 4.植树节英语作文   As the annual Arbor Day is approaching, we began to protect trees and trees. More than half of people think that trees and trees should be protected only on arbor day, but my view is just the opposite. We can't protect trees and trees only on arbor day, we should protect trees and trees all the time.   Hundreds of millions of years ago, when the earth was owned by animals, plants were lush, vibrant and full of green. However, after the emergence of human beings whose IQ was far higher than that of other animals, plants decreased sharply like magic. That's because human beings cut down trees in order to build houses. Some are because of commercial needs. A large number of trees are cut down to leave open space for building buildings. It is precisely because many people cut down forests and trees without authorization that nature is destroyed.   Cutting down trees has many disadvantages. We all know that trees can recycle carbon dioxide. If a large number of trees are cut down, the number of trees will decrease sharply, and the carbon dioxide we exhale cannot be recycled. Dense trees can stop sandstorms. Two years ago, Beijing suffered sandstorms, and the whole city was shrouded in sand, which was also caused by the lack of protection of trees.   Everyone knows Liangwan city in the Central Plains! In the past, it was dilapidated. The tiles of those bungalows were a hole in the East and a hole in the West. The door was made of a wooden board. The streets were full of garbage and dirty. Now apartments and buildings have been built in Liangwan city of the Central Plains. The river is clear and the willows on the river swing gently with the breeze. This is that people realize the importance of respecting nature and protecting the environment. 5.植树节英语作文   Trees are precious resources given to us by the earth. Without trees, human beings cannot survive. In many areas of China, land desertification has occurred to varying degrees.   Look at this scene: the trees in a village have been cut down, and there is not even a tree. Their original wish was only to build farmland, but now there is only a large area of land that has been desertification without roots and grass. Such tragedies have occurred in many places. Others cut down trees just to make disposable chopsticks. It's convenient for us to eat, but there are fewer and fewer trees   If similar behaviors are not effectively stopped, the days without trees are not far away from us; If we do not cherish trees, the last piece of land will become a desert. At that time, we will see human tears.   Actively planting trees and protecting the environment is the most basic obligation of everyone on earth. Today, tree planting has become the focus of concern all over the world. March 12 of each year is designated as China's "tree planting day", and the week of March 12 of each year is designated as "China tree planting week". This shows that many people have realized the importance of planting trees.   However, it seems that only at this time will many people realize that our trees are actually very limited. The consciousness of planting trees should not be just a day or a week. It is a subject of sustainable development and requires unremitting efforts. Therefore, only by enhancing the awareness of planting trees among the whole people, protecting trees and opposing indiscriminate cutting can nature live in harmony with us.   For our better future, let's start from me and save and cherish every tree like loving our eyes. Protect the limited source of life and never stop! 6.植树节英语作文   Spring came into the world. The spring breeze blows across the earth, flowers, small trees, and wisps of sunshine on willows. After March 8th, Arbor Day is ushered in on March 12th.   This year, in addition to planting trees, we also designed a wish card for ourselves on arbor day.   At first, I thought about how to arrange the typesetting on the wish card? What kind of patterns to draw and what meaningful words to write? I came up with many ideas, but after thinking about it, which one is more meaningful?   After careful consideration, I decided to write without shooting difficulties and move forward bravely, so why write these eight words? Instead of thriving and making progress every day?   Because these eight words are not only for yourself, but also for Xiaoshu. I hope that when I encounter difficulties and setbacks, I will not give up, but move forward bravely without fear. I also hope that the little tree will never shrink back in the face of wind, sand, rain and snow, drought and flood, and thrive in the face of wind, sand, rain and snow to become a towering tree.   Then, we also went to the basketball court next to the playground to plant trees. There are all kinds of tree planting tools, including hoes, shovels, kettles and so on. When we arrived at the basketball court, there was a small sapling next to each pit. Start planting trees! Because there are two sets of tools for five students in our group, we have a clear division of labor. Two students dig the pit in turn. Two students gently put the small sapling on the pit and brush the small sapling at the same time, for fear that the small sapling will be inclined and bent. At the same time, the student who dug the pit covered the soil on the root of the small sapling, and the other student brought a kettle to water the small sapling.   After planting trees, we will carefully hang the carefully designed wish card on the branches, hoping that the saplings will thrive. When we come to our alma mater a few years later, we can see your lush branches and leaves and fruitful results! 7.植树节英语作文   After lunch, I went to plant trees today.   We found an open space and wanted to plant the saplings, but the ground was full of garbage. We had to uproot the garbage. So we brought shovel and iron bucket to clear the rubbish. We started planting trees with buckets, shovel and saplings.   Chun dug a tree pit about 3 decimeters deep with a hoe. I held the sapling, filled the pit with a shovel, stepped on it with my foot, and then poured the water in the bucket at the root of the tree. In this way, a tree can be planted.   In order to plant faster, we decided to plant alone. My feet were slightly open and put into an "eight" character. I held the small sapling tightly in one hand and cultivated soil for the sapling with a shovel in the other hand. I planted the small sapling right first. I bent over, bent my feet and held a small spade in my hand. I was continuing to cultivate soil for the young trees one by one. Fill and fill, the soil in the tree pit is full, and the saplings have stood firmly. I released my hand, stepped on the soil with my feet, and then slowly poured the water into the soil. The water slowly seeped in, and the little saplings straightened their waist, as if saying to me, "thank you, I will thrive and grow into a towering tree!"   I straightened up and looked at the pure. I saw her digging the soil with a shovel and shovel and digging a hole with a spade. Then, with a shovel in her left hand and a shovel in her right hand, she first planted the tree in the pit, then spade it to the ground, then poured the water on the roots of the seedlings, so that another tree was good.   We were both in full swing, panting and flushed with fatigue. After about an hour, we all finished our planting task. We found a big stone and sat down and looked at the small saplings we planted by ourselves. I was really happy! 8.植树节英语作文   On a beautiful spring holiday, my father and I participated in a voluntary tree planting activity with their unit.   After the car bumped on the road for more than two hours, we came to a wasteland. On the bare sandy land, there are several unknown small trees. After taking a few steps, you will leave behind a string of small pits you stepped on. A gust of wind blows, and the rolled up dust will rush at you with its head and face -- no wonder you want to plant trees!   Labor began. My father and I dug a pit together, but the ground was not hard, but we just dug out a shovel of soil, and the surrounding sand poured into the pit as agreed in advance, filling the newly dug place again. Again and again, again and again, the sand always runs into the pit. What shall I do? I stamped my feet in a hurry, and sweat soon soaked my underwear.   At this time, my father straightened up, wiped his sweat and said, "let's shovel the floating sand on the surface to one side first, expose the wet soil, and then dig a hole." This method is really effective. In a short time, we dug several pits. Looking at the piles of new soil dug up by us, I couldn't help picking up a handful and smelling the refreshing fragrance. It's really "it's not a flower, because there's a faint fragrance"!   I put down the shovel and carried a tree seedling from the side of the car, and put it into the pit to bury the soil. Dad said quickly, "don't worry, we should align the tree with the trees around and back, so that they can grow up to be a windshield." "Dad, you know so much." I nodded in admiration. 9.植树节英语作文   Spring is coming and the sun is shining. Father, mother and I decided to plant trees together. We bought some necessary tools for planting trees from the flower and bird market: shovel, bucket, fertilizer and small saplings.   We chose a good day with clear sky and cloudless sky. That day, my father took a few small saplings, my mother carried two buckets full of water, and I came to an open space downstairs with a big shovel to start planting trees.   We began to plant the first tree. I picked up the shovel and dug a small hole. Eh, I can't dig. I must have exhausted my strength. I tried my best to feed, but the soil still didn't move. The soil is so hard. Dad kept laughing and said to me, "ha ha, see, you can't even shovel the soil. You have to eat more and have more strength in the future." "Let me do it." Dad continued, I handed the shovel to Dad. Dad took the shovel and dug directly into the land. Only then did dad dig a piece of the land, and dad was not very good! Dad scratched his head, smiled and said, "this soil is really a little difficult to dig." Then I continued to dig. Watching my father dig, my mother and I laughed.   After a while, the tree planting pit was dug, and my father was tired and sweating. I picked up a small sapling from one side and inserted it. I held the sapling. My mother picked up the shovel and filled the soil just lifted by my father into the pit of the sapling. My father picked up the bucket full of water and handed it to me. I carried the bottom end of the iron tube to water the young trees. Finally, my father went upstairs to get fertilizer to fertilize the young trees.   In this way, we shoveled soil, planted trees, watered and fertilized again and again, and finally planted all the small saplings. Looking at these small saplings, I couldn't help but look with admiration in my eyes. I felt these small saplings and was very happy. Only labor can bring results. I also deeply realized the happiness brought by labor.   After planting the trees, we took a group photo with these young trees. This photo has always been in the drawer of my study. 10.植树节英语作文   The annual Arbor Day is coming. It's sunny in March. The spring girl comes to the world with gentle steps. Everything on the earth recovers, and the grass comes out of the soil. This is the eyebrow of spring. Clusters of flowers bloom in the flower bed, which is the eye of spring.   Head teacher Ma took us to the road outside the city to plant trees. We jubilant the trees, carried the shovel, carried the bucket, and came to the road in high spirits. We are divided into groups. I am a group with Li HaoChen and Liu Qinglong. Li Haochen and Liu Qinglong worked together to pull a hole out of the shovel, put the tree in the pit, and buried the soil with a shovel. I took a bucket to look for water. After walking for ten minutes, I finally saw a stream. I picked up a bucket full of clear water from the stream, and then ran back to the tree with the bucket to water. Liu Qinglong also came to help me. We carried several buckets of water back and forth. The teacher praised us on the spot. Although we are very tired, we are very happy because we have made contributions to greening our motherland. May everyone in the world plant a small tree and watch them grow up. How interesting it is!   Let's all plant trees. Everyone has a green consciousness. Only in this way can our society be harmonious and the future of the earth must be green!


【 #英语资源# 导语】在平平淡淡的日常中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。 1.有关植树节的英语作文   Spring returns to the earth, full of green. The annual Arbor Day is coming again. Let's follow the trend and go to the suburbs to plant trees, so as to jointly create a beautiful earth.   On arbor day, our team of more than 120 people began to climb the mountain. The leader gave us a very detailed division of labor, including soil digging group, water lifting group, watering group, tree planting group and quality supervision group. My little friends and I were assigned to the tree planting group. With spades, pickaxes, hoes and buckets, we began to plant trees. Boys carry water and dig holes, women and children water and plant trees. We are very particular about the quality of tree planting. Tree pits should be dug 30 cm long, 40 cm wide and 40 cm deep. I'll dig the tree pit first, and then plant small trees. When I dug a big stone in the process of digging the tree pit, I dug out the big stones with my hands, picked up the small stones in the pit one by one, put the saplings in, put the good soil without impurities around the small tree with my hands, and then smash the soil with my small fist, and then build a small cofferdam around the small tree with the small stones just picked up, so as to save water and soil, and then pour a bucket full of peanut oil water, Then my little tree will be planted. Then hang the small sign with my name and hope written on it on my little tree.   Holding a tired pace, I walked down the path with a happy mood. When I looked back and saw the little saplings just planted swaying gently in the breeze, it seemed to wave goodbye to us!, I hope I can see the lush mountains next year. Let each of us take action, love nature, love every plant and grass, plant trees, and have a green consciousness. Only in this way can our society be harmonious. May everyone in the world plant a small sapling and watch them grow up. How interesting it is! The future of the earth is definitely green.   Although I am tired today, I feel very happy in my heart. 2.有关植树节的英语作文   Today is Arbor Day. Under the guidance of our teachers, we came to the park to plant trees.   With a bucket in my right hand and a shovel in my left hand, I set out for Qujiang park. Qujiang park is even more vibrant in spring, with flowers in clusters and full of spring. The teachers and students came to a vacant lot with tree planting tools and their carefully selected saplings. After the teacher told us the essentials of tree planting, everyone began to work hard in the sky and earth. Some measured, some dug pits, some fetched water, and some carried saplings. I looked at the students and thought: great, this vacant lot is about to become a green shade!   Zhang Xiaoxue and I were in a group. We found a small hill that protruded out and decided to plant trees on it. I picked up the shovel and dug hard, but I didn't expect it to come out. I looked at Zhang Xiaoxue around me and wanted to get a little enlightenment from her. I saw Zhang Xiaoxue bending over, holding the shovel tightly, pedaling on the shovel back, digging hard, and the sweat on her face was also increasing. She took a few breaths and wiped the sweat off her forehead with her hand, She suddenly raised her head and looked at me suspiciously. Obviously, she didn't know how to dig. Teacher Chen, who had been looking aside, saw it. Without saying a word, she picked up Zhang Xiaoxue's shovel and began to shovel soil. One shovel left and one shovel right. Sweat continued to flow down his forehead. He didn't care to wipe it. In a short time, he dug the pit. It's really worthy of teacher Chen. It's really great! I sighed from my heart. Looking at Zhang Xiaoxue again, her surprised eyes seemed to tell me that she also thought so. After the pit is dug, it's time to plant small saplings. Zhang Xiaoxue carefully put the saplings into the pit, looked left and right, and righted them. Come and help! She suddenly spoke. Oh, hearing her words, I shoveled the surrounding debris into the pit with a shovel. After shoveling, step on the soil with your feet. After stepping on it, water it. Such a tree was planted.   Thanks to our unity and cooperation and the help of teacher Chen, we finished the task early. Look at other students: Wei Qi and Jin Jing are watering the trees, and Wang Yanyan is planting the seedlings in the soil... Teacher Chen is also busy. He not only helps me and Zhang Xiaoxue plant trees, but also helps other students plant trees. Everyone worked together, and the sun gradually sank   Looking at the small saplings rising from the ground and the spring breeze blowing, they seem to be waving to us to say thank you. 3.有关植树节的英语作文   Today is Arbor Day. Xiao Gang, Xiao Jun and Xiao Li go to plant trees in the park.   When we get to the park, the scenery in the park is really beautiful! Beautiful white clouds are floating in the blue sky. The green tree stretched its branches and leaves, like a big green umbrella. The green grass was full of colorful flowers, and they also smelled a faint fragrance of flowers. The spring breeze is still blowing gently. It's so comfortable.   They happily found a vacant lot and began to plant trees. Xiao Jun first dug a big hole in the ground with a shovel. Xiao Gang then forcefully inserted the sapling into the hole, and then held the sapling and said, "Xiao Jun, you fill the soil." Xiao Jun said, "OK, you have to hold it tight." Xiao Gang said, "I see." So the small military shovel filled a few shovels of soil, and then stepped on the soil with his feet. Xiao Li said, "I'll get some water." Before long, Xiao Li came back and poured water on it. The tree species are ready. They looked at the newly planted tree and said, "when this tree grows up, we can have a picnic under it and enjoy the cool."   They sang and danced around the little tree. At this time, a bird came, as if saying, "thank you for building a new home for me." It was late, and they went home happily. 4.有关植树节的英语作文   One day, Xiao Hong called Xiao Ming and said, "Xiao Ming will go to the park to plant trees at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Remember to bring a shovel and a bucket!"   In the afternoon, Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming came to the park together. It was as clear as a sea. Xiao Ming dug a tree pit. Xiao Hong carefully selected a small willow tree and carefully moved it into the tree pit. Xiao Ming was filling a few shovels of soil. Xiao Hong poured a few buckets of water with buckets, and a green willow was planted. It was as beautiful as a little girl! 5.有关植树节的英语作文   March 12 is the annual Arbor Day.   White clouds are floating in the sky of the park. It's really a good weather to plant trees! With the tools for planting trees, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong came to the park happily, carrying a small sapling. They saw green grass, colorful flowers, and strong trees.   Looking left and right, Xiao Ming first found a flat and tight grassland and began to dig holes. Xiao Ming rolled up his sleeve, held the shovel tightly, bowed his left foot, and dug with great strength. Soon there was a big and deep pit. Xiao Hong was not idle either. She picked up a sapling, carefully put it into the pit, and steadily righted the sapling. Then Xiao Ming filled the soil back again, patted the soil and stepped on it. Finally, Xiaohong fetched a bucket of water from the river and poured it around the saplings. The saplings seemed to be drinking water!   After planting the trees, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong were tired and sweating. Xiao Ming took a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his head. At this time, the bird flew over and chirped, as if to say, "thank you for building a new home for us." 6.有关植树节的英语作文   Tomorrow is March 12. Our head teacher, Mr. Wang, said that tomorrow is Arbor Day. We are too young to plant trees. We can only take us to help senior brothers and sisters water the trees they planted.   It's my first time to celebrate Arbor Day, so I'm very happy. I wondered if Arbor Day would be as interesting as the Spring Festival.   With expectation, I came to the classroom with a small bucket. My bucket is my favorite blue, and there is a little bear on it, which is very beautiful. I was a little reluctant to give up before. Later, I thought it was such an interesting arbor day.   Today, I worked with a group at the same table and watered many young trees to make them full. Although I was very tired and my bucket was dirty, I was very happy. 7.有关植树节的英语作文   The annual Arbor Day has come. In the morning, the sun is bright and the warm wind blows across my face. White clouds float in the sky, some like horses grazing on the grass, some like butterflies dancing in the flowers. My mother took me to "Huangxing Park" to teach me how to plant trees. I flew to the park like a happy bird!   However, you can't plant trees in the park. You need to make unified arrangements in your unit. My mother had to point to a tree and teach me the steps of planting it.   The first thing to do is to dig a hole with a shovel. The depth of the hole is to completely bury the roots. After putting the trees into the pit, fill and compact the excavated soil one by one with a shovel. Step on the soil with your feet. When the tree stands steadily, the water will slowly pour into the soil, and the tree will "drink" full of water. Only in this way can the tree be completely planted.   The big trees in the park grow up little by little. Only after countless strong winds and heavy rains can they grow into big trees in the sky to protect us from the wind and rain!   As long as we all have the awareness of planting and caring for trees, our earth will become more beautiful! 8.有关植树节的英语作文   Last Sunday, we held a family arbor day. I didn't go to school to plant trees. I originally felt very boring. I didn't expect that since it rained, it would be interesting for me to go out to do anything on a rainy day, so I happily stepped on the water flowers and went out. When it rained, it was quiet outside, and no one hindered me from watching the scenery around. It rained in spring, and it rained for a long time      We began to plant trees. My father dug a hole with a spade, about 30 cm deep. I hurriedly took down the plastic bag of the tree root and quickly planted the tree in the soil. My father pressed the tree and I filled it. I saw that I was working hard and accidentally shoveled the soil into my father's face. However, my father also smiled and didn't have a big hair, and finally filled the soil. At this time, the rain stopped. It was really a bad time to stop, I thought to myself.   But if we don't do it, trees can't be planted, So we hurried to get the bucket. It took a long time. Finally, we brought the bucket. The bucket was also full of water. We slowly lifted the water up and poured it out to moisten the tree. We hope it will grow taller and stronger next year.   After that, we planted some flowers around, taking the big tree as eight, so that the big tree can grow and send shade to the flowers, so that the flowers can evolve into the air of the world. 9.有关植树节的英语作文   When spring comes, it whistles and wakes up all things. Look: the river starts running with singing, the grass drills out of the ground, the willow opens its yellow green eyes, the peach blossom opens its round face... Arbor Day is coming.   On this sunny day, my mother and I went to the small garden of the community to plant trees. My mother and I took shovel and bucket and carried small saplings to the small garden to plant trees. First, I loosened the soil with my toy shovel, and then my mother easily dug with a big shovel, and dug out a big hole. Then, I took out a small sapling from behind, carefully inserted it into the soil, and then buried the root of the small sapling with soil. I took a bucket of water and slowly poured water around the small sapling, I said softly while watering, "young saplings, drink quickly, drink enough, take root quickly, sprout quickly, grow up quickly!"   Xiaoshumiao understood what I said and drank a bucket of water in a moment. My mother and I worked for a long time, and rows of saplings appeared in the small garden, as if I saw a forest. 10.有关植树节的英语作文   The annual Arbor Day is coming. On March 12, white clouds are floating in the blue sky. Xiao Ming, Xiao Hong and Xiao Liang are carrying tools to plant trees on the hillside.   They came to the hillside and acted immediately. Xiao Liang first dug a hole with a shovel. After digging a large and deep hole, Xiao Ming carefully filled the small saplings into the hole, and then stepped on the soil with his feet. Xiao Hong said, "I'll fetch a bucket of water to water the little tree!" They worked together and planted trees one after another. At this time, a few birds chirped in the sky, as if saying, "thank you for greening the hillside and bringing us joy."   After the trees ar

上一篇:Lauren Phillips
