japanese beauty

时间:2024-04-23 08:13:44编辑:分享君


  樱花象征热烈、纯洁、高尚,被尊为日本国花。樱花随季节变化,花色幽香艳丽,是很多人都喜欢欣赏的一种树木。那么你想知道樱花用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来樱花的英语说法和例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   樱花的英语说法1:   sakura   樱花的英语说法2:   cherry blossom   英 [ˈtʃeri: ˈblɔsəm] 美 [ˈtʃɛri ˈblɑsəm]   樱花相关英语表达:   樱花女孩 Sakura Girl   日本樱花 Japanese cherry blossom   樱花大战 Sakura Wars   冬樱花 Winter Cherry   樱花酒店 sakura hotel   樱花雨 Cherry rain   樱花英语说法例句:   1. Everyone at City Hall is receiving kickbacks. It's the only way to get anything done there.   市政府里的每个人都收回扣, 在那里只有送红包,事情才办得成.   2. Children like getting red packets very much at this festival.   在这个节日里,小孩子非常喜欢讨红包.   3. Giving red envelopes is a Chinese tradition for certain festive occasions.   在 春节 里,给红包是一个传统.   4. Parents give their children red envelopes for the Lunar New Year.   父母亲给他们的小孩子红包过农历新年.   5. Red wrappers with lucky money inside were distributed to the young.   年轻人会得到一个装着压岁钱的红包.   6. Can you imagine having New Yearsred envelopes on a hot summer day?   你能想像在炎炎夏日跟家人围炉拿红包 吗 ?   7. Employers give red packets to their employees as a year - end bonus .   雇主发红包给他们的员工当作 年终 奖金.   8. Children receive red envelopes with money from their elders.   孩子们从他们的长辈那里收到裹着钱的红包.   9. Does baby foot bottom board have small red - paper - packed money, be a beriberi?   宝宝脚底板有小红包, 会不会是脚气?   10. She recently went on a huge shopping spree with her Christmas bonus.   最近她拿着圣诞发的红包疯狂购物.   11. Business owners also give lai see to employees and associates.   企业的老板也要给员工和同事派发红包.   12. The children get red packets at Chinese New Year.   59孩子们在春节拿到红包.   13. Parents give their children lucky money in red envelopes.   父母亲给他们的小孩子装著红包的压岁钱.   14. Red envelopes that represent good luck are given to children.   代表好运的红包是送给孩子们的.   15. Only later, I Youwang that put some change a red envelope.   只是后来, 我又往那个红包里放了一些零钱.   1. The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year.   今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早。   2. It's lovely in the spring when the cherry blossom is out.   春天樱花开放,十分美丽.   3. The cherry trees cast all their blossoms after the storm.   风暴过后,樱花全部落掉.   4. They all went to enjoy the cherry blossoms.   他们都去观赏樱花了.   5. The oriental cherry is in full blossom.   樱花盛开.   6. The valley is carpeted with cherry blossoms.   山谷一片樱花.   7. The cherry blossoms burst forth in all their beauty.   美丽的樱花突然开放了.   8. The wind blasted the cherry blossom.   风使樱花枯萎.   9. When cherry trees blossom, people have parties.   樱花开放的时节, 人们都出去郊游赏花.   10. The cherry blossoms will bIoom and l must see that before we leave.   樱花就会开放在我离开之前要看到樱花开放.   11. There are more than 300 kinds of oriental cherry in all.   樱花一共有三百多种.   12. Beijing Yinghua ( Oriental cherry ) hotel is an international standard 2 star hotel.   北京市 樱花 宾馆是一家具备国际标准的二星级宾馆.   13. We went to the park to see Japanese cherry blossoms.   我们到公园去看日本樱花.   14. Did you go anywhere to see the cherry blossoms?   您去看樱花了 吗 ?   15. Yoshino cherry blossoms first bloom pink, then fade to a soft white.   吉野樱花盛开首先是粉红色, 然后变成柔和白色.


樱花的英文:sakura。读音:英[sakurə]、美[sakurə]。释义:n. 樱花。例句:How do I get to the Sakura Hotel?我该怎样去樱花旅馆?sakura造句如下:1、He meanders from Morningside Park west to Sakura Park and then northward along the Hudson river to Harlem.他从晨边公园向西漫步去樱花公园,随后再沿着哈德森河向北去到哈莱姆。2、Japanese students set up a "sakura club" in 2008, which teaches judo and the knowledge of Japanese tea serving and drinking culture of "sado".日本留学生在2008年成立了一个“樱花社”,教授柔道、日本奉茶知识以及日本“茶道”文化。3、The pale pink blossoms or "sakura" are in full bloom, signaling that it's time to flock to parks across the country for picnics under the cherry trees.浅粉色的花朵即樱花盛开枝头,暗示着人们是时候聚集到全国各地的公园,在樱花树下野餐了。


形容词变副词的规则  1、一般形容词变副词直接在其后接ly。比如quick的副词就是quickly。  2、以辅音字母+le结尾的形容词变副词要去e加y。 比如simple的副词就是simply。  3、少数以e结尾的形容词变副词要去e加ly。比如true的副词就是truly。  4、以辅音字母y结尾的形容词变副词要变y为i再加ly。拓展: 副词是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序的副词。




分类: 外语/出国 >> 英语四级

红烧海螺、糖酥鲤鱼 “糖醋黄河鲤鱼”、“九转大肠”、“汤爆双脆”、“烧海螺”、“烧蛎蝗”、“烤大虾”、“清汤燕窝” “干蒸加吉鱼”、“油爆海螺” “扒原壳鲍鱼”、“奶汤核桃肉”、“白汁瓤鱼”、“麻粉肘子”

宫爆鸡丁、一品熊掌、鱼香肉丝、干烧鱼翅 “大煮干丝”、“黄焖鳗”、“怪味鸡块”、“麻婆豆腐”

鸡汤煮干丝、清炖蟹粉、狮子头、水晶肴蹄、鸭包鱼 “清汤火方”、“鸭包鱼翅”、“松鼠桂鱼”、“西瓜鸡”、“盐水鸭”

龙井虾仁、西湖醋鱼、叫花鸡 “生爆蟮片”、“东坡肉”、“干炸响铃”、 “清汤鱼圆”、“干菜焖肉”、“大汤黄鱼”、“爆墨鱼卷”、“锦绣鱼丝”

三蛇龙虎凤大会、烧乳猪、盐局(左加火旁)鸡、冬瓜盅、古老肉 “五蛇羹”、“盐 火局鸡”、“蚝油牛肉”、 “干煎大虾碌”

红煨鱼翅、冰糖湘莲 “腊味合蒸”、“东安子鸡”、“麻辣子鸡”、 “汤泡肚”、 “金钱鱼”

雪花鸡、金寿福、烧片糟鸡、桔汁加吉鱼、太极明虾 “佛跳墙”、“醉糟鸡”、“酸辣烂鱿鱼”、 “清蒸加力鱼”、“荔枝肉”

葫芦鸭子、符离集烧鸡 “火腿炖甲鱼”、“腌鲜桂鱼”、“火腿炖鞭笋”、“雪冬烧山鸡”、“红烧果子狸”、“奶汁肥王鱼”、“毛峰熏鲥鱼”



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