why would i ever

时间:2024-04-23 17:37:06编辑:分享君

《Why Would I Ever》的歌词是什么意思?

Under your spell agTousher Feat. Sam Watters - Why Would I Ever (Remix)[Intro]why would i ever why would i everwhy would i ever think of leaving you究竟为什么为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢why would i ever, why would i everwhy would i ever think of leaving you究竟为什么为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢[1st Verse]Wait a minute baby Tell me what's up lately I been knowin' you too long(女)等一等宝贝告诉我最近怎么了我已经认识你很久了I gotta get this out of my chestGirl I put you in a testCause I listen to these sad songs(男)我必须把这件事说出来女孩,我将你置于了一场测试因为我听到了这些悲伤的歌How could you ever think that I wouldn't have your back It's me and you against the world (女)你怎么可以那么想我得不到你的支持明明背对着整个世界,就只有我们紧紧相依If I told you that I love youNo matter what we doAnd promise to be my girl.........(男)如果我告诉你我爱你无论发生什么请答应做我的女孩[Chorus] We're never stoppin like the beat of my heartNo turning back now that we came so farWhy would I ever wanna push you awayWhen the only one I'm pulling is you(男)我们的感情就像我的心跳一样未曾止息从不回头的向前,我们已经走出很远为什么我要考虑是否要将你推开其实你是我唯一想紧紧拉住的人Why would I ever think of leaving you Why would I ever think of leaving you [2nd Verse]Wait a minute hold up I said when you rolled up You was yellin' off the chain (女)等一等 保持平静当你出现在我面前失控地大叫的时候Wait a minute hold upBrush off my shouldaI was at the top of my game(男)等一等 保持平静掸去肩上的灰尘我正处在我的巅峰状态Now we been through some problems Trust me we solve them We got too much in it to lose (女)现在我们遇到了一些问题相信我 我们可以解决我们之间的问题我们曾失去的太多了Too much in it to prove there is nothingI gotta tell you somthingBaby Imma do it for you (you) for you (you) hey....(男)那些东西再多也不算什么我现在要告诉你一些事情宝贝,我做的一切都是为你[Chorus] We're never stoppin like the beat of my heartNo turnin back now that we came so farWhy would I ever wanna push you awayWhen the only one I'm pullin is youWhy would I ever think of leaving you Why would I ever think of leaving you [3rd Verse]Tell me why did you ever question (Question everything we stand for) Between us (We got that) Have you seen us We got that love (女)告诉我为什么你总爱问问题什么都要问我们之间(我们拥有…)你难道没看见我们之间 (我们拥有爱情) 我们拥有那样的爱情[Following 3rd Verse]She tried to hold it down, I wanna hold it up And if things get too hot, then maybe I will self-destructAnd when I drop the diceIts like I'm gambling in every situation frozen, I’m feeling cold as iceBaby lets take it slow, don’t wanna crash todayCause if I take a shortcut, you know we feelin like.....(男)她试着放下,我想要抓住感情如果变得太火热,也许我将毁灭当我投掷一枚骰子我像是在冻结的环境中赌博,我感觉像冰一样寒冷宝贝让它慢一点,不想在现在坠毁因为如果我走一条捷径,你知道我们感觉像……(Ah ah)We makin it (Rock rock)We takin it (Top top)Dont makin it (Stop stop)Oh baby.....[Outro]why would i ever why would i everwhy would i ever think of leaving you究竟为什么为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢why would i ever, why would i everwhy would i ever think of leaving you究竟为什么为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢

why would i ever翻译是什么?

why would i ever译为:为何我曾经愿意。would英[wʊd , wəd]美[wʊd , wəd]modal将;(will的过去式,用于转述)将会;带出想象的结果;(表示可能发生的事情没有发生,是因为之前另一件事没有发生)就会。v.愿意;想要;希望;喜欢。v.立定志向;决心;决意;想要(某事发生);立遗嘱将(财产等)赠与(某人);立遗嘱赠与。近义词used to英[ˈjuːst tə]美[ˈjuːst tə]modal (用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经。[例句]People used to think the earth was flat.人们曾经认为地球是平的。

why would i ever 是什么意思

why would i ever英文发音:[waɪ wʊd aɪ ˈevə(r)]中文释义:为什么我要例句:Why would I ever stay away from you?为什么我要离你远一点?词汇解析:why英文发音:[waɪ]中文释义:adv.(用于问句)为什么,为何;(反问,表示不必)何必;(说明理由)为什么,?的原因例句:Why hasn't he brought the whisky?他为什么没把威士忌拿来?扩展资料why的用法:1、why的意思是“为什么”,可用作疑问副词,也用作关系副词,还用作连接副词,可以引导名词从句。2、why作为疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句或省略的特殊疑问句,表示疑问,意思是“为什么”; 后面跟不带to的动词不定式,意思是“为什么要?”,表示某一动作是不必要的或无意义的。3、why not有三重含义:①表示“为什么不”,②表示建议,③表示同意。why not跟不带to的动词不定式,用来提出建议,表示“为什么不?”, why not也可用来对前面的否定句进行提问。

