Counting Stars
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars
Yeah, we’ll be counting stars
细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
I see this life like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line
长驱直入 激活我的内心
In my face is flashing signs
在我脸上 划过迹象
Seek it out and you shall find
遍寻之后 你能发现
Old, but I'm not that old
我虽上年纪 但不致老态龙钟
Young, but I'm not that bold
虽还年轻 却未必鲁莽失礼
And I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I,feel something so right Doing the wrong thing
惯于离经叛道中 体味心安理得
And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing
亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈
I,could lie, could Iie, could lie
我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
we’ll be,we’ll be counting stars
I feel the love and I feel it burn
Down this river, every turn
Hope is a four-letter word
Make that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Old, but I'm not that old
我虽上年纪 但未必老态龙钟
Young, but I'm not that bold
虽还年轻 却不致鲁莽失礼
I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing
亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈
I could lie,could lie, could lie
我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过
Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly
但置我于低谷者 定能助我以崛起
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be we’ll be counting stars
我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars
我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be we’ll be counting stars
我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
The Sound Of Silence
原唱:Simon & Garfunkel
Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted
In my brain still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked along
Narrow streets of cobble stone
Beneath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed
By the flash of a neon light
That split the light
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence
"Fool" said I,"You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the walls of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the signs said "The words of the prophets
are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls"
Whispering in the sounds of silence
《大刀进行曲》与日军发动的“七七事变”有关。当时,驻守北平(今北京)西南宛平城的二十九军不顾国民党政府的不抵抗命令,组织大刀队浴血奋战,重创日本侵略军。其英雄气概极大地鼓舞了同胞们的抗战信心,麦新也为之激动不已。他几乎是一气呵成地谱写了《大刀进行曲》,并题“献给二十九军大刀队”。这首歌迅速传遍全国,成为抗日救亡歌曲的代表作之一。 歌曲赏析《大刀进行曲》没有过分地追求歌词的文学性,而以近乎口号式的呐喊,给人以巨大的震撼力。“大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去”一句作为首句,其居高临下的意味,勇猛之气、杀伐之声使敌人不寒而栗;作为尾句则显得干脆利落,不仅与首句相呼应,而且给人一挥而就、如同切瓜砍菜的快感。“抗战的一天来到了”和“把他消灭”两句被重复,作为一种强调的处理,具有强烈的艺术表现力。前者似乎是一个警句,向全国军民发出战斗的号召,后者则表达了中华民族英勇抗战、不达目的誓不罢休的决心。歌词中“冲啊!”和“杀”的呼喊,也恰到好处,恰如其分,使这首军歌的战斗精神得以最大程度的释放。《大刀进行曲》的旋律也不无精彩之处。例如,歌曲开始处的同音反复和“大刀向”3字上的逆分节奏,从容不迫,果断有力,如同战斗的号角,催人奋进,震撼人心,也像是挥舞的大刀,锋利无比,寒光闪闪。以上内容参考 人民网——28、大刀进行曲
历史影响:《大刀进行曲》最初发表时有个副题:“献给二十九军大刀队”。歌词的第二句原为“二十九军的弟兄们”,后因已唱遍全国,遂改为“全国武装的弟兄们”。歌词“前面有东北的义勇军”,指的是主要活跃在1931年至1932年期间的东北民间抗日义勇军。1932年秋冬前后,日军为消除蓬勃发展的东北抗日义勇军的威胁,动用共近20万日伪军警,分别对各地义勇军进行大“讨伐”。日伪军暂停“讨伐”后,义勇军又重新聚集起来,恢复活动,继续战斗。1933年3月,二十九军取得喜峰口、罗文峪战役胜利后,其中保持原组织系统的7万余人,分散各地山林的义勇军重新聚集起来,恢复活动。 长城抗战结束后,二十九军“大刀队”名扬天下,宋哲元等将领成为抗日英雄。宋哲元在共产党人和进步知识分子的帮助下,对二十九军加强爱国主义思想教育,一大批歌曲在二十九军官兵中传唱,《战斗动作歌》《射击军纪歌》等,其内容一般都包含爱国爱民的内容,歌词朴实无华,浅显易懂,而又慷慨激昂,铿锵有力。很多歌曲都是宋哲元亲自审定修订的。【回答】