too big to fail

时间:2024-04-25 04:05:04编辑:分享君

too big to fail的介绍

本片详尽描述了2008年的金融危机,以及那些在几周之内决定全球最大经济体命运的权力人物。通过对美国财政部长鲍尔森的聚焦,本片也深入揭示了华尔街与华盛顿之间的关系。现实往往是最令人惊悚的。本片根据《纽约时报》首席记者及专栏作家安德鲁·罗斯·索尔金(Andrew Ross Sorkin)的畅销书《大而不倒》(Too Big to Fail) 改编。

too big to fail的内容简介

Andrew Ross Sorkin delivers the first true behind-the-scenes, moment-by-moment, account of how the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression developed into a global tsunami. From inside the corner office at Lehman Brothers to secret meetings in South Korea, Russia and the corridors of Washington, Too Big to Fail is the definitive story of the most powerful men and women in finance and politics grappling with success and failure, ego, greed, and, ultimately, the fate of the world's economy. 'We've got to get some foam down on the runway!' a sleepless Timothy Geithner, the president of the Federal Reserve of New York would tell Henry M.Paulson, the Treasury Secretary about the catastrophic crash of the world's financial system would experience. Through unprecendented access to the players involved, Too Big to Fail recreates all the drama and turmoil, revealing never-disclosed details and elucidating how decisions made on Wall Street over the past decade sowed the seeds of the debacle. This true story is not just a look at banks that were 'too big to fail', it is a real-life thriller about a cast of bold-faced names who themselves thought they were 'too big to fail'.

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