
时间:2024-04-25 05:25:39编辑:分享君


trumpet意思是:小号。双语例句:1、A QAS prototype was developed on the basis of the above research results. 在以上研究基础上,本文开发了一个中文问答原型系统。2、According to these requirements, this thesis presents the structure and the specific design methods of the QAS system. 根据这些需求,本文给出了QAS系统的总体设计和具体实现方法。3、Automatic Question Answer System ( QAS) is a kind of high-powered software system based on Internet. 自动应答系统(QAS)是一种基于因特网的高性能软件系统。4、In the end, this paper introduced the application of the algorithm in Question Answering System ( QAS). 最后,介绍了该算法在中文问答系统中的具体应用。5、Compared with traditional techniques, this technique will greatly improve the intelligence of Question Answering System ( QAS). 同传统做法相比,这种做法大大提高了系统的智能化。


trump英 [trʌmp] 美 [trʌmp] n. 王牌;法宝;喇叭vt. 胜过;打出王牌赢vi. 出王牌;吹喇叭短语IVANKA TRUMP 伊万卡 ; 伊凡卡Judd Trump 特鲁姆普 ; 贾德 ; 贾德·特鲁姆普 ; 贾德特鲁姆普Trump card 王牌 ; 撒手锏 ; 打出王牌to trump 出王牌Melania Trump 梅兰妮亚 ; 梅拉尼娅例句:1、The administration knows that's their trump card and will keep playing it as long as they can. 政府知道那是他们的王牌,会尽可能长久地使用它。2、The trump card is the Andes mountain range. 王牌是安第斯山脉。3、The propagandists' trump card "wreck our brilliant health care system". 宣传者的王牌“破坏了我们卓越的医疗保健系统”。4、I played a trump and won the trick. 我打出一张主牌,赢了那一墩。5、He played a trump. 他打了一张王牌。


喇叭的英文单词:trumpet、horn、loudspeaker 、bugle、speaker 单词解析:1、trumpet   读音:英 ['trʌmpɪt]   美 ['trʌmpɪt]    释义:n. 喇叭;喇叭声;喇叭手vt. 宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘vi. 吹喇叭;发出喇叭似的声音例句:A blast of the trumpet gave her a start.突然发出的喇叭声吓了她一跳。2、horn  英 [hɔːn]   美 [hɔːrn]    释义:n. 喇叭;触角;角质;号v. 强行介入例句:The driver tooted his horn as he approached the bend.开车的人在快要转弯时按响了喇叭。3、loudspeaker 读音:英 [ˌlaʊd'spiːkə(r)]  美 [ˌlaʊd'spiːkər]    n. 扬声器;喇叭例句:The police addressed the crowd through a loudspeaker on their car.警察通过他们汽车上的喇叭向人群喊话。4、bugle 读音:英 ['bjuːɡl] 美 ['bjuːɡl]    释义:n. 军号;剌叭;筋骨草属植物v. 吹号;吹喇叭例句:He blew two or three loud notes on his bugle.他吹了两三声喇叭。5、speaker 读音:英 ['spiːkə(r)]  美 ['spiːkər]    释义:n. 说话者;发言者;说某种语言者;扬声器例句:The left-hand speaker doesn't seem to be working.左手的扬声器看样子失灵了。


喇叭英文:horn;trumpet;loudspeaker;hooter;brass-wind instruments;suonahorn:n.喇叭,汽笛,警报器;(车辆的)喇叭trumpet:n.喇叭;小号;喇叭形物;绽开的水仙花loudspeaker:n.扬声器;扩音器;喇叭hooter:n. 汽笛;鼻子;喇叭;乳房中中释义喇叭 [lǎ bā]1. [suona]∶一种木管乐器,上细下粗,最下端的口部向四周扩张,唢呐的俗称2.[brass-wind instruments]∶铜管乐器的总称3.[loudspeaker]∶扬声器;汽车喇叭双语例句:1.喇叭声整栋房子都能听见。The trumpet can be heard all over their house.2.堆积体沿SWW方向呈喇叭形展布。The accumulation body flared along the SWW direction, like a trumpet.3.你为何不在机场扩音喇叭上呼叫他呢?Why don't you have him paged at the airport?4.按按喇叭,告诉他们我们到了。Toot your horn to let them know we're here.5.响亮的喇叭声是国王驾到的信号。A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king.6.她高声按响了喇叭。She gave a sharp toot on her horn.7.喇叭里叫着他们的名字。Their names were called over the loudspeaker.8.他的声音从喇叭里传出来好像失真了。The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice.

