
时间:2024-04-25 22:38:51编辑:分享君


Dickies 读作:英 ['dɪkɪs] 美 ['dɪkɪs],翻译成中文是:迪凯思。Dickies成立于1922年,成立之初是一家小型背带裤公司,对功能的注重使Dickies成为了品牌中的另类,如今是美式休闲工装制造商,潮流服装公司。扩展资料:1922年3月11日,Charles Nathan Williamson与C. Don Williamson同Colonel E. E. Dickie 一起买下了沃斯堡市的美国背带裤公司。两天后,他们将公司更名为Williamson-Dickie制造公司,并开始了全球第一职业品质工装品牌之路。起初公司只有35名员工,在沃斯堡市波阿斯街上的一座小楼里,几年后员工超过了400人,到1926年,公司仅成立4年后,Dickies® 品牌成为公司的注册商标。参考资料:百度百科:Dickies


dicky英 [ˈdɪki] 美 [ˈdɪki] adj.虚弱的;有病的;工作不正常的。n.(汽车后部的)行李厢。Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall. 两只小鸟坐在墙头上。扩展资料近义词:1、weak英 [wiːk] 美 [wiːk] adj.虚弱的;无力的;不牢固的;易损坏的;易破的;易受影响的;懦弱的;软弱无力的。I was too weak to move or think or speak 我太虚弱了,无法动弹,无法思考,也无法说话。2、feeble英 [ˈfiːbl] 美 [ˈfiːbl] adj.虚弱的;衰弱的;无效的;缺乏决心的;无力的。He told them he was old and feeble and was not able to walk so far 他告诉他们,他年老体弱,不能走那么远。


dickies的读音:['diki]dickies的中文意思:不可靠的词汇解析dickie读音:['diki]adj. 不可靠的;低劣的n. (小孩的)围嘴;(女性衬衫)的胸襟n. (Dickie)人名;(英、法)迪基例:Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.迪基二话没说就走了。一会儿,他带着一个大布口袋回到店里。 例:In the corner Dickie and his cooks are enveloped insteam rising from vats of boiling water and broth.Dickie和他的厨师被笼罩在一个充满蒸汽的角落里,大桶的开水和肉汤就是这蒸汽的来源。扩展资料近义词1、shirtfront英 ['ʃɜːtfrʌnt];美 ['ʃɜːtfrʌnt]n.衬衫的胸部例:Then iron the rest of the front of the shirtfront in sections, smoothing the fabric across the ironing board. 然后熨烫前部其余部分,在熨板上小心拉平例:Harry fists his hands in Draco's shirtfront and lifts his torso so that they face each other, almost nose to nose. Harry攥着Draco衬衣的手握成了拳,然后把他拽了起来,他们两个面对面的,简直就要脸贴着脸了。2、dickyadj. 恶劣的;易碎的n. 围嘴;衬衫的胸襟n. (Dicky)人名;(法)迪基;(英)迪基(教名Richard的昵称)例:Born with a dicky heart, his protagonist was not supposed to live past the age of 30.由于先天性心脏病,塞拉伯格本被认为活不过30岁。例:At work, Chow suffers abuse from his coworkers. At school, Dicky is subjected to harassment by his classmates and teachers.在工作当中,周先生遭到了同事的虐待,在学校,迪克也遭到了同学和老师的欺负。


没有。dickies的读音:['diki]dickies的中文意思:不可靠的词汇解析dickie读音:['diki]adj. 不可靠的;低劣的n. (小孩的)围嘴;(女性衬衫)的胸襟n. (Dickie)人名;(英、法)迪基例:Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.迪基二话没说就走了。一会儿,他带着一个大布口袋回到店里。 例:In the corner Dickie and his cooks are enveloped insteam rising from vats of boiling water and broth.Dickie和他的厨师被笼罩在一个充满蒸汽的角落里,大桶的开水和肉汤就是这蒸汽的来源。近义词1、shirtfront英 ['ʃɜːtfrʌnt];美 ['ʃɜːtfrʌnt]n.衬衫的胸部例:Then iron the rest of the front of the shirtfront in sections, smoothing the fabric across the ironing board. 然后熨烫前部其余部分,在熨板上小心拉平例:Harry fists his hands in Draco's shirtfront and lifts his torso so that they face each other, almost nose to nose. Harry攥着Draco衬衣的手握成了拳,然后把他拽了起来,他们两个面对面的,简直就要脸贴着脸了。2、dickyadj. 恶劣的;易碎的n. 围嘴;衬衫的胸襟n. (Dicky)人名;(法)迪基;(英)迪基(教名Richard的昵称)例:Born with a dicky heart, his protagonist was not supposed to live past the age of 30.由于先天性心脏病,塞拉伯格本被认为活不过30岁。例:At work, Chow suffers abuse from his coworkers. At school, Dicky is subjected to harassment by his classmates and teachers.在工作当中,周先生遭到了同事的虐待,在学校,迪克也遭到了同学和老师的欺负。


Dickies 读作:英 ['dɪkɪs] 美 ['dɪkɪs],翻译成中文是:迪凯思。Dickies成立于1922年,成立之初是一家小型背带裤公司,对功能的注重使Dickies成为了品牌中的另类,如今是美式休闲工装制造商,潮流服装公司。1922年3月11日,Charles Nathan Williamson与C. Don Williamson同Colonel E. E. Dickie 一起买下了沃斯堡市的美国背带裤公司。两天后,他们将公司更名为Williamson-Dickie制造公司,并开始了全球第一职业品质工装品牌之路。起初公司只有35名员工,在沃斯堡市波阿斯街上的一座小楼里,几年后员工超过了400人,到1926年,公司仅成立4年后,Dickies® 品牌成为公司的注册商标。

