
时间:2024-04-26 02:10:01编辑:分享君


raver,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“(Raver)人名;(英)雷弗”。(often humorous) 喜欢社交活动的人;喜欢寻欢作乐的人:a person who likes going out and who has an exciting social life;参加狂欢聚会的人:a person who goes to raves;单词用法柯林斯英汉双解大词典raver /ˈreɪvə/ ( ravers )1.N-COUNT A raver is a young person who has a busy social life and goes to a lot of parties, raves, or nightclubs. 社交场常客; 寻欢作乐者 [非正式] 短语搭配realizedeortality raver 实际死亡率I am a raver, and this is my manifesto. 我是一个锐舞客,这是我的宣言。


rave:初为一种活动,锐舞可以说是一种英国的现象,最早是出现在80年代末90年代初。2001年日本出版同名漫画。不及物动词 vi1.胡言乱语;狂骂;激烈地说,She ravedin her fever.她发高烧,胡言乱语。2.狂热赞扬,极力夸奖,The guests ravedabout dinner.客人们极力夸赞可口的饭菜。3.(风等)呼啸,咆哮The wind ravedthrough the mountains.风呼啸着掠过群山。及物动词 vt1.语无伦次地说,狂乱地说[(+out)],His mother ravedout her grief.他的母亲语无伦次地倾诉心中的悲痛。2.叫嚷(或呼啸)得使……The boy ravedhimself hoarse.这男孩嚷得嗓子都哑了。名词 n1.胡言乱语;狂骂;呼啸,咆哮[U][C]2.【口】热烈赞美;赞扬,吹捧[C][U]His new play received ravesin the paper.他的新剧本在报纸上受到赞扬。3.【主英】喧闹的宴会形容词 a1.【口】赞扬的关于rave的造句:1、rave about one's misfortune.2、The play received rave reviews.3、The drunkard began to rave again.4、March with grief doth howl and rave.5、After meeting a young girl at a rave party.6、I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups.7、 Do you think rave culture should be promoted? Why?8、The play received rave reviews from the critics. 9、We don't go and rave about anybody, or celebrate destroy them.10、I read rave reviews on it, but it has battery recharge issues.11、It is useless to rant and rave at the injustices in the world.12、The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out.13、If you continue to rant and rave at me like this, I'll just leave the room.14、And then she began to rave about her lover, the movie director whom she had seenon the dance floor.15、Do not believe the rave vowed at the time of love, that are written in wine will soonbe evaporation.16、You can go to the boss for a rant and a rave but it won't change anything.17、If you rave about the benefits of XP for 10 minutes, a typical boss will focus on one.18、Since then, sales of the Mondeo has always been among the best, the parties to rave reviews, but also twice received the "World Car of the Year" title.19、It doesn't matter if you listen to opera, classical or the latest rave music. It's the speed of the beat that counts.20、Though the system received rave reviews, and many stood by it, HP failed to attractthe developers necessary to build an ecosystem of apps.21、This isn't to say you can't rant and rave about a bad day, but doing so without consideration of your partner's life is self-centered.22、Life is like dust, heaven and earth are full of feelings, because I will be drunk, I will be drunk and rave.23、It rave nights in the leading role, whether you went to that corner there, and you will see all kinds of red hats, some still shiny hat tip, and some glittering.24、Over time I found that he started turning to me. He knew I wouldn't rant and rave at him, nor kiss up. Instead, I would offer candid, helpful advice.25、The boy wants to join the army. This is enormous shock to his dad, who would havepreferred to rant and rave about his wanting to become a painter.26、I, who preached contentment with a humble lot, and justified the vocation even of hewers of wood and drawers of water in God's service — I, His ordained minister, almost rave in my restlessness.27、Cook. Do people rave about your food? Offer to cater events. Provide food for a picnic, for a cocktail party, for a sit-down dinner. Sell cookies and cakes.28、The billion dollar success of plastic pop, clumsy metal and predictable, playa style rap has left little to rave about, and caused parents to shake their heads in disgust, stupefied at the bland or even bad taste of their very own kids.29、Chia-chu scowled and screwed up his face with exasperation. He sat up abruptly onthe couch and was just going to rave at his wife, when he saw that the child was scrabbling his feet on the book he had just brought in.

