
时间:2024-04-27 22:00:07编辑:分享君


emotional的意思是感情的;情感的;情绪的;感人的;激动人心的;激发强烈感情的;感情外露的;情绪化的;易激动的;感性的。Emotional是Agnes Carlsson在2005年所发行的专辑Agnes中的一首歌曲。Emotional在瑞典当地皆有很好的销售成绩,并拿下专辑榜冠军。I don't need a heartache。And crushes can be so fake。Sooner than you know it。They turn your world around。You might think I'm crazy。When I don't want red roses, yea。I'd rather have you promise。To never let me down。I don't wanna fall in love。I try and try, but then we get emotional。Oh I don't need a hit and run。Don't tell me we were only having fun。Kinda like your sweet talk。And that could make a good start。But if you want to move me oh。Play it straight with my heart。I don't wanna fall in love。I try and try, but then we get emotional。Oh I don't need a hit and run。Don't tell me we were only having fun。So maybe you're the one。Who gets me going on。But I'm not waiting for a star to fall。You gotta treat me right。And be my knight in white。That's so emotional。Mm yeah。Oh yeah。Oh oh emotional。So emotional。Oh yeaah。I don't wanna fall in love。I try and try, but then we get emotional。Oh I don't need a hit and run。Don't tell me we were only having fun。




emotion读音:英 [ɪˈməʊʃn] 、美 [ɪˈmoʊʃn] 。n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;情绪。复数: emotions。记忆技巧:e 出 + mot 动 + ion 表名词 → 动出〔感情〕→ 感情。同义词:n.passion、feeling、sensation。例句:A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement 心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。Influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion. 被强大的力量影响或者控制,例如强烈的感情。www.dictall.com3The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought. 这个决定不是基于理性的思考而是基于感情作出的。


emotional意思是:情绪的。emotional,释义:情绪的;易激动的;感动人的。读音:[ɪˈməʊʃənl]。emotional造句1、This studio aims at solving the emotional problems of young people.这个工作室的目的是解决年轻人的情绪问题。2、This emotional lady calmed down eventually.这位情绪激动的女士终于平静下来了。3、Emotional people usually have a lot of mood swings.容易激动的人通常情绪波动比较大。4、I am crying because of the deeply emotional movie.我哭了 因为这部电影特别感人5、Poetry conveys a deeper, emotional message that prose cannot.诗歌可以传达更深、更有情感的信息,散文则不能。

