
时间:2024-04-28 05:52:13编辑:分享君


稍等一会儿英语:Wait a minute.重点词汇:minute一、读音:英 ['mɪnɪt]     美 ['mɪnɪt]    二、意思是:n. 分钟;片刻;备忘;会议记录adj. 微小的;仔细的vt. 记录例句:Just a minute, please. I’ll have the bill ready. 请等一下, 我马上把账单准备好.说法2:Just a second.例句:Just a second, I will go get some. 稍等一下。我去拿一些过来。说法3:Wait a second.例句:But wait a second, you may say. 但你可能会说,等一下。说法4:Wait a moment. 扩展资料:重点单词wait的用法1、释义vt. 等候;推迟;延缓vi. 等待;耽搁;伺候用餐n. 等待;等候2、例句Should I wait for you in this winter? 在这个冬天,我应该在等待您?3、词组1)wait for 等候2)wait until 等待直到…3)wait for a while 等一会儿


Just a moment , please . 请 稍等一会儿 。 Please wait a moment . 请 稍等一会儿 。 Wait half a jiff . 稍等一会儿 。 Wait a bit ! 稍等一会儿 ! Waiter : thank you , sir . just a moment , please 谢谢您,先生。请 稍等一会儿 。 Just a minute . i ' ll put you on to the captain 请 稍等一会儿 。我帮你接领班。 I ' m sorry . ne moment ; i have to take this 我很抱歉 稍等一会儿 ,我得接个电话 Wait , wait , just wait a sec , please 等会儿,请 稍等一会儿 Wait , wait , just wait a sec , please 等会儿,请 稍等一会儿 Rubberized squeaking - wait one minute - 稍等一会儿 Would you excuse us for one second 稍等一会儿 好吗? Could you hold a moment , please 你能 稍等一会儿 吗? Could you hold a moment , please 你能 稍等一会儿 吗 Excuse me for a moment 对不起,请 稍等一会儿 。 Can you hold on , please 你能 稍等一会儿 吗? He stands out in the crowd 再 稍等一会儿 。 Can you hold on , please 你能 稍等一会儿 吗 Please hold on for a moment . at present the expressway is under traffic control 请您 稍等一会儿 ,现在这条公路正在执行交通管制。 Wait a bit 稍等一会儿 Excuse me , sir / madam . there has been a mistake , please wait a moment and iwill check 对不起,先生/女士,一定是哪儿出了问题,请 稍等一会儿 ,我这就查一下。 Sure . if you ' ll just wait here for a moment , i ' ll just tell my boss and get the keys 当然可以,如果你愿意在这里 稍等一会儿 ,我就去告诉老板并将车钥匙拿来。 S : sure . if you ' ll just wait here for a moment , i ' ll just tell my boss and get the keys 当然可以,如果你愿意在这里 稍等一会儿 ,我就去告诉老板并将车钥匙拿来。 After a few passes with the clay bar , rub your hand over the area to feel that surface contamination is removed 稍等一会儿 后,用手触摸表面看污点是否已经祛除。 You would pke another appetizer ? if you would be so kind as to wait a few moments , i will check whether we still have any 您还需要点凉菜吗?如果您愿意 稍等一会儿 ,我厨房看看还有没有。 Ok . please wait a minute . here is your u . s . $ 1 , 000 in chinese yuan . and your passport and the exchange memo . please check them 好,请 稍等一会儿 。这是您一千美元所换的人民币。给你护照和兑换水单。请核对。 I ' m sorry , sir , we don ' t have a free table now , would you pke to have a drink in the bar ? we ' ll call you as soon as possible 对不起,先生,我们现在没有空餐桌,请您在酒吧 稍等一会儿 ,好吗?有空桌,我们会立刻通知您。 The fellow i spoke to made no answer at first , looked me up and down , noticed that i was almost in rags , then said , " just a minute . 我所问的那个家伙起先一声也不响,上下打量我,注意到我衣衫褴褛,然后他说: “ 稍等一会儿 。 ” I guess we can offer a table in ten minutes . would you please have a seat and wait a moment ? and we 谁 l call you when your table is ready 我想我们10分钟就能腾出一张桌子出来您能坐下 稍等一会儿 吗?等您的餐桌准备好了,我们会叫您的。 Nikolay did not waste words on the man , but asking his sister and petya to wait for him , rode over to where the hounds and the men of the enemy , ilagin , were gathered together 尼古拉没有跟猎人谈话,请他妹妹和彼佳 稍等一会儿 ,他向敌对的伊拉金的猎人帮所在的地点疾驰去了。


“稍等一下”在英语口语中可以表达为“hold on”、“wait a minute”或者“hang on”。这些表达方式都是用于暂停或者中断正在进行的事情,等待一下,通常用于电话、面对面交流等情境中。 “Hold on”是最常见的表达方式,表示“稍等一下、别挂电话”。例如,“Hold on, let me check”(稍等一下,让我检查一下),“Can you hold on for a moment?”(你能稍等一下吗?)。 “Wait a minute”也是常用的表达方式,表示“等一会儿”。例如,“Wait a minute, I’ll be right back”(等我一下,我马上回来),“Can you wait a minute while I finish this?”(你能等我做完这个吗?)。

上一篇:西海情歌 刀郎
