
时间:2024-04-28 23:08:09编辑:分享君


问题一:不信任的英语简写怎么写 distrustful

问题二:我不相信你英文怎么说 我不相信你(说的话)
I don't believe you.
I don't believe in you.
I don't 龚rust you .
英 [b?'li?v] 美 [b?'liv]
vi. 信任;料想;笃信宗教
vt. 相信;认为;信任
I believe on my good friend.
We all believe the story to be true.
I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe.

问题三:信任用英语怎么写 信任[xìn rèn]
have confidence in; believe in;
take [put] stock in;
There is a credibility gap developing b贰tween employers and employees.雇主和雇员之间出现了信任危机。
It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust. 向自己信任的人倾诉感情是很有益处的。
He susses his colleagues out and he knows who he can trust. 他摸清了自己同事的底细,知道了谁可以信任。

问题四:"信任"用英语怎么说 信任-trust

问题五:"我不相信自己"用英语怎么说英语 I don't believe myself。或者 I lose耿my confidence

问题六:“我没有理由不信任你:英文怎么说 there isn't any reason for a doubt.

问题七:我不喜欢不被别人信任用英文怎么说 I don't like that I am not believed by other people.

问题八:不相信用英文怎么说 di *** elief
belief 相信


  能拥有几个值得信任的朋友是一件好事,因为现实生活中有太多无法信任的人了。你知道不信任的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的不信任的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不信任的英文   distrust;   not believe in;   have no faith in;   have no confidence in mistrust   distrust常见用法   vt.不信任; 怀疑;   n.不信任,猜疑; 疑惑,不相信;   1. Police moved in to separate the two groups, already sundered by distrust.   警方及时介入将互不信任、业已分化的两组人隔离开。   来自柯林斯例句   2. I don't have any particular reason to distrust them.   我没有任何特别的理由怀疑他们。   3. They looked at each other with distrust.   他们心怀戒备地相互看着对方。   4. Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.   非英国国教者一直不信任圣公会的人.   5. She could not overcome her distrust of the stranger.   她无法消除对那位陌生人的怀疑.   6. He looked at the stranger with distrust.   他怀疑地打量着那个陌生人.   7. What he saw there left him with a profound distrust of all political authority.   他在那儿的所见让他对一切政治当局产生了一种深深的不信任感。   8. He is devoting much of his energy to implanting an element of distrust in the community.   他竭力在社区内撒播猜疑的种子。   9. Our reporter looks at reactions to Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner.   英国对其欧盟伙伴显然存在着根深蒂固的不信任,我们的记者就人们对此的反应进行了报道.   10. His words were polite, but there were overtones of distrust in his voice.   他的话虽然很礼貌, 但话中含有不信任的暗示.   not believe in例句   1. He does not believe in a federal Europe with centralising powers.   他认为一个集权式联邦制在欧洲是不可行的。   2. He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.   他不赞成摆阔。   3. He does not believe in the existence of ghosts.   他不相信有鬼存在.   4. He does not believe in fate.   他不相信命运.   5. Mr Goss does not believe in any of this "new-fangled nonsense" about lean meat.   戈斯先生一点儿都不相信有关瘦肉的这种“奇谈怪论”。   6. That pagan did not believe in Christ.   那个异教徒从不相信基督。   7. The existentialist does not believe in the power of passion.   存在主义者不相信激情的力量.   8. I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it.   我不相信灵魂不灭的说法, 自己也没有这种愿望.   9. He did not believe in Howard's honesty.   他不相信霍华德为人真诚.   10. Babbs, however , did not believe in nicknames and sternly called the President " Franklin. "


下一篇:on the radio