
时间:2024-04-29 14:51:38编辑:分享君


amend强调“修正”,即把文章,合同等往好的,正确的方向去改;revise则泛指“修改”,不一定是改好,强调“改变”。amend意思:改进,改正例句:To amend as follow做如下的更改,订正To amend L/C修改信用证To amend a credit.修改信用证.revise意思:修订,校订,修正,修改例句:revise or renew one's assessment.对已有的估价进行修改、更新.Bob asked me to revise my plan.鲍勃让我修改计划书。


amend强调“修正”,即把文章,合同等往好的,正确的方向去改;revise则泛指“修改”,不一定是改好,强调“改变”。amend意思:改进,改正例句:To amend as follow做如下的更改,订正To amend L/C修改信用证To amend a credit.修改信用证.revise意思:修订,校订,修正,修改例句:revise or renew one's assessment.对已有的估价进行修改、更新.Bob asked me to revise my plan.鲍勃让我修改计划书。

如何区分alter, amend, revise, modify?

区别如下:1、alter 改变,更改词性方面有: vt.& vi.造句:As times alter,men's affections change.时过境迁.2、amend 改良; 修改,修订词性方面:vt.& vi.造句:The thief has amended.这小偷改过自新了.3、revise 修订,修改词性方面有:vt.造句:They are revising a dictionary.他们在修订一部词典.4、modify 修改,更改词性方面有:vt.& vi.造句:The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.工业革命改变了整个英国社会的结构扩展资料:造句如下:1、The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections总统同意修订宪法,允许多党选举。2、He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fail.他导致了他们的婚姻破裂,因此想作出补偿。3、'You must admit that the man has got charm,' said Nicolson. 'Glamour,' amended Wells.“你必须承认这个男人有魅力,”尼科尔森说。“是诱惑力,”韦尔斯纠正说。4、We would rather withdraw the draft resolution than amend it.与其修改决议草案,不如予以撤回5、To forestall is better than to amend.; Prevention is better than cure.与其补救于已然,不如防范于未然。


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