
时间:2024-04-29 18:27:46编辑:分享君


中立的英文“neutral”。释义:n. 中立者,中立国。adj. 中立的,中立国的;中性的;不带电的;无性的。其他:比较级:more neutral;最高级:most neutral;复数:neutrals。 参考例句1、Neglect of a testator to mention a legal heir in his or her will.遗漏在遗嘱中立遗嘱者对有继承权者的遗漏。2、He was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality.他不是和平主义者,而是武装中立的鼓吹者。3、The country observes a strict neutrality.这个国家恪守中立。4、He shrugged his indifference.他耸了耸肩,表示中立。5、Many newspapers claim to be politically neutral, but few actually are.许多报纸都声明政治上中立,可实际上中立的很少。6、They have maintained a consistently neutral stance.他们一直持中立态度。7、To neutralize a city to prevent bombing.宣布某城市中立以避免被轰炸。


中立的英文“neutral”。释义:n. 中立者,中立国。adj. 中立的,中立国的;中性的;不带电的;无性的。其他:比较级:more neutral;最高级:most neutral;复数:neutrals。 参考例句1、Neglect of a testator to mention a legal heir in his or her will.遗漏在遗嘱中立遗嘱者对有继承权者的遗漏。2、He was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality.他不是和平主义者,而是武装中立的鼓吹者。3、The country observes a strict neutrality.这个国家恪守中立。4、He shrugged his indifference.他耸了耸肩,表示中立。5、Many newspapers claim to be politically neutral, but few actually are.许多报纸都声明政治上中立,可实际上中立的很少。6、They have maintained a consistently neutral stance.他们一直持中立态度。7、To neutralize a city to prevent bombing.宣布某城市中立以避免被轰炸。


  neutralize英 [ˈnju:trəlaɪz] 美 [ˈnu:trəlaɪz]

  vt.中和; 使中立化; 使无效; 宣布中立;

  [网络]抵消; 克制; 使成为无效;

  [例句]Such chemicals occur naturally in the body and in fruits and vegetables
and are believed to neutralize free radicals.


  [其他]第三人称单数:neutralizes 现在分词:neutralizing 过去式:neutralized 过去分词:neutralized
形近词: centralize neutralino neutralist

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