
时间:2024-04-29 18:55:19编辑:分享君


暗杀者的英文:assassin;assassinator;stabber。双语例句:或许,暗杀者可以采取先混在人群当中,然后靠近这位新总统的策略。相对而言,这比枪杀他还容易一些。It could have been relatively simple for an assassin to have mingled with themin order to get close enough to shoot the new president. 和其他的暗杀者很是符合。Very much in line with other assassins. 暗杀者的子弹,把担任总统的艰巨重担交给了我。An assassin's bullet has thrust upon me the awesome burden of the Presidency. 很可能是个暗杀者。It could very well be an assassin. 这位前汽车销售员利用美国的支持建立了一支800人的“蝎子”部队。暗杀者已经几次瞄准了他。The former car salesman had used American backing to build his800-manScorpion force and assassins had already targeted him several times.


暗杀英文是assassinate。kill、murder、slaughter、massacre、assassinate、execute这些动词均有“杀,杀死”之意。 murder指谋杀或凶杀。 slaughter本义指大批宰杀动物,也指像屠宰牲畜一样一次杀死许多人。massacre语气比slaughter强。指大屠杀,尤指屠杀失去了自卫能力的人。assassinate通常指因政治原因用非法手段杀害政治领袖人物或短名人士。kill普通用词,含义广泛,泛指以任何方式使人、动物或植物死亡。execute指依法处死罪犯。assassinate例句:1、The revelation of an alleged plot to assassinate the king.对传说中暗杀国王阴谋的透露。2、The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister.情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。3、How did you assassinate people and what kind of people would you be assassinating?你怎么刺杀别人的,你杀的都是什么人?

