
时间:2024-04-30 03:43:31编辑:分享君


Kermit 科米蛙。  科米蛙,它是由吉姆·汉森创造的布偶形象。从1976年开始,科米蛙陆续在电视剧,电影等场景中露面。它胆小温和,荒唐滑稽,深受观众的喜爱。后来,科米蛙和伙伴猪小姐等一起,加入了《芝麻街》的演出, 变成了红的发紫的明星。图片来源:网易娱乐


  木偶,汉语词语。是指木刻偶像,古代叫傀儡、魁儡子、窟儡子。用它来表演的戏剧叫木偶戏。那么你知道木偶的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    木偶的英文表达1 :puppet   木偶的英文表达2:puppetry   木偶的英文表达3:wooden image   词组习语:   sock puppet   1.马甲   shadow puppets   1.皮影戏   puppet play   1.傀儡戏   puppet show   1.木偶剧   木偶的英文例句:   1. The puppets are expertly manipulated by Liz Walker.   利兹·沃克熟练地操纵着木偶。   2. We watched a performance which included a puppet show and acrobatics.   我们观看了一场演出,内容有木偶和杂技.   3. He jerked the string and the puppet jumped.   他猛一拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来.   4. We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll.   我们不希望她变得像木偶一样头脑简单.   5. The children I was looking after were interested in puppets.   我那时照看的孩子们对木偶感兴趣.   6. He was a puppet to be played by others.   他是一个由其他人摆布的木偶.   7. An unseen person makes the puppets dance.   一个看不见的人使木偶翩翩起舞.   8. Tendons hook us to muscles -- like strings on marionettes.   肌腱 就好比活动木偶的提线,把我们钩在肌肉上.   9. Behind the crude lectern, off to a side, stands a curtained puppet theatre.   在粗糙的读经台后面, 偏向一边, 是一座挂着幕布的木偶戏台.   10. I will call this new puppet Pinocchio, he thought.   他心想:“我把这个新的木偶叫做皮诺奇好了. ”   11. For I am Triumph , the puppet dog, I am a mere puppet.   因为我是Triumph, 一个木偶小狗, 我只是个木偶.   12. It's a uniquely - styled puppet opera requiring high levels of skills.   它是一个具有高超技艺,独特风格的木偶剧种.   13. The quite inconsequent fellow was managed like a puppet.   那个十分不重要的家伙被管理得像个木偶.   14. Marionette Puppet Toy ( lion ) is controled by real people.   本人供应木偶玩具 ( 提线狮子 ) 等.   15. Can your sister make a puppet? Yes, she can.   你的姐姐会做木偶吗 ?是的, 她会的.

