
时间:2024-04-30 09:27:34编辑:分享君


shave的汉语意思如下:v.刮胡子;剃(须发);(尤指)刮脸;(少量地)削减,调低,降价。n.修面;刮脸;剃须。shave的读音是:英 [ʃeɪv] 美 [ʃeɪv]。 shave的造句如下:1、It is hard to shave an egg.给鸡蛋刮胡须难如上青天。2、Dad, what do you call that thingamajig you use to shave with?爸爸,你用来刮胡子的东西叫什么?3、At the Gillette Fusion tour, consumers can get a shave on-site to fully experience the razor.在吉列融合之旅上,顾客可获现场刮胡子以完整体验吉列刮胡刀。4、Hedges shave eyes and walls have ears.说话要小心,隔墙有耳啊!5、Shall I shave off your beard.给你把胡子刮一下吧?6、Do you want me to shave off your moustache?要不要我把您的胡子剃掉?


shave的意思有剃去,削平等。详细释义:vt.剃去,刮掉(毛发);刨;削平;把…削成薄片;掠过;擦过;(少量)削减,缩减;使(略为)下降;杀价买进;vi.剃须;刮胡子;n.修面;剃头;剃须;刮毛;薄片;shave读音为:英[ʃeɪv]。 同义词:plane;peel;touch;graze;action。搭配词:face、legs、body、wood、vegetable、cheese、prices、profits、man。常用短语:to shave your legs 剃除腿毛、to have a shave 修面;剃头;剃须;刮毛、a close shave幸免;侥幸脱险。双语例句:1.He never seemed to need a shave.他似乎从来都不需要修面。2.Shave a few pieces of cheese on to it.削几片干酪放在它上面。3.I'll shave and shower and then have some coffee.我要刮脸、淋浴,然后喝些咖啡。4.She had to call a barber to shave him.她不得不叫来理发师给他刮脸。5.I had unwillingly complied with the order to shave my beard off.我不情愿地服从了命令,把胡子刮掉了。

上一篇:林俊杰 她说
