my heart will go

时间:2024-05-01 00:15:47编辑:分享君

my heart will go on是什么意思?

每一个寂静夜晚的梦里 Every night in my dreams我都能看见你,触摸你 I see you, I feel you, 因此而确信你仍然在守候 That is how I know you go on 穿越那久远的时空距离 Far across the distance 你轻轻地回到我的身边 And spaces between us 告诉我,你仍然痴心如昨 You have come to show you go on 无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are 我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on 当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door 清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you're here in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒And my heart will go on and on 爱曾经在刹那间被点燃 Love can touch us one time 并且延续了一生的传说 And last for a lifetime 直到我们紧紧地融为一体 And never let go till we're one 爱曾经是我心中的浪花 Love was when I loved you 我握住了它涌起的瞬间 One true time I hold to 我的生命,从此不再孤单 In my life we'll always go on 无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are 我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on 当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door 清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you're here in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on 真正的爱情永远不会褪色 There is some love that will not go away 你在身边让我无所畏惧 You're here, there's nothing I fear, 我深知我的心不会退缩And I know that my heart will go on 我们将永远地相依相守We'll stay forever this way 这里会是你安全的港湾 You are safe in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on

“my heart will go on” 中文是什么意思?

意思:我心永恒(美国电影铁达尼号主题曲) heart 读法 英 [hɑːt] 美 [hɑːrt] n. 心脏;感情;勇气;心形;要点vt. 鼓励;铭记vi. 结词汇搭配:1、Angel Heart 天使心2、Crazy Heart 疯狂的心示例:We'll stay, forever this way, you are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on.我们将永远相携而行,在我心中你永远都安然无恙,我的心永远都与你在一起。词语用法:1、heart的基本意思是指人体的脏器——“心,心脏”,用于比喻可表示人的“内心,心肠”“爱心”“感情”“勇气”等,还可引申指某物〔事物〕的“中心”或“要点”。heart还可指“心形物”,用于纸牌还可指“红桃牌”,其复数表示“一组红桃牌”。2、heart作“心,心脏”解在句中有时可用作定语。heart有时还可用作亲昵的称呼语,意为“亲爱的人”。3、Bless his〔her, your〕heart!是感叹语,表示喜爱、感激、赞叹等;Bless my heart!也是感叹语,表示惊愕、意外等。

My heart will go on的中文意思

My Heart Will Go On(我心永恒)
歌手:Celine Dion
Every night in my dreams
I see you,I feel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
Wherever you are
I believe
That the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're one
Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on
You're here
There's nothing I fear
And I know
That my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
夜夜在我梦中 见到你 感觉你 我的心仍为你 悸动
穿越层层时空 随着风 入我梦 你的心从未曾 不同
你我 尽在不言中 你的爱拌我航行 始终
飞翔 如风般自由 你让我无忧无惧 永远的活在爱中
只是一见钟情 两颗心 已相通 刹那化成永恒 情浓
怨命运总捉弄 缱绻时 太匆匆 留我一世一生 的痛
你我 尽在不言中 你的爱伴我航行 始终
飞翔 如风般自由 你让我无忧无惧 永远的活在爱中
记得 所有的感动 星光下我们紧紧 相拥
无论 是否能重逢 我的心永远守候 只盼来生与共


My Heart Will Go on的中文意思

My Heart Will Go On(我心永恒)
歌手:Celine Dion(席琳·迪翁)
词作:韦尔·杰宁斯(Will Jennings )
曲作:詹姆斯·霍纳(James Horner)

Every night in my dreams 
I see you I feel you 
That is how I know you go on 
Far across the distance and spaces between us 
You have come to show you go on 
Near far wherever you are 
I believe that the heart does go on 
Once more you opened the door 
And you're here in my heart 
And my heart will go on and on 
Love can touch us one time 
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we've gone 
Love was when I loved you 
One true time I hold you 
In my life we'll always go on 
Near far wherever you are 
I believe that the heart does go on 
Once more you opened the door 
And you're here in my heart 
And my heart will go on and on 
You're here there’s nothing I fear 
And I know that my heart will go on 
We'll stay forever this way 
You are safe in my heart 
And my heart will go on and on 

my heart will go on是什么歌?

歌曲:《my heart will go on》作曲:詹姆斯·霍纳作词:韦尔·杰宁斯演唱:席琳·迪翁歌词:Every night in my dreams在我的每一个梦中I see you我都能看到你I feel you我都能感受到你That is how I know you go on我便确定了,你在永恒不变的跟随着我Far across the distance跨越距离And spaces between us.无论生死You have come to show you go on你悄悄的来找我,证明你的灵魂永存Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信,我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,你再一次you open the door,悄悄打开了我的房门And you're here in my heart.你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永存Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现And last for a lifetime但这份爱情也伴我终身And never let go till we're gone,这份爱情不会湮于岁月,只要我还活着Love was when I loved you当我与你心心相依时,才感受到了爱情One true time I hold to.那是真实又纯真的爱情In my life we'll always go on.只要我还在世,你我就会并肩前行,青史留名Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,再一次吧you open the door,再悄悄的打开我的房门And you've been in my heart,你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去You're here,只要你伴随着我You're here,只要你伴随着我there's nothing I fear.我便会勇敢起来,不惧任何事物And I know that my heart will go on我也知道,我的心必将永恒we'll stay forever this way.你也会一直一直的伴随在我的身边You are safe in my heart,最安全的地方也比不上我的心里and my heart will go on and on因为你会和我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去扩展资料:《My Heart Will Go On》是加拿大女歌手席琳·迪翁演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由詹姆斯·霍纳和威尔·詹宁斯编写,后者负责音乐制作。该歌曲作为1997年电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲,于1997年12月8日通过哥伦比亚唱片公司发布,同时也被收录在席琳·迪翁于1997年11月14日发行的第五张英语专辑《Let's Talk About Love》中。作为1997年卖座电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲,《My Heart Will Go On》由好莱坞主流电影作曲家詹姆斯·霍纳一手制作。歌曲的歌词由韦尔·杰宁斯编写,歌词的创作灵感来源于电影中那位百岁老人年轻时候的爱情故事,中文歌词由中国当代童话作家王雨然译作,粤版歌曲《系我心弦》由香港女歌手叶倩文演唱。参考资料来源:百度百科-my heart will go on

my heart will go on歌词?

歌曲:《my heart will go on》作曲:詹姆斯·霍纳作词:韦尔·杰宁斯演唱:席琳·迪翁歌词:Every night in my dreams在我的每一个梦中I see you我都能看到你I feel you我都能感受到你That is how I know you go on我便确定了,你在永恒不变的跟随着我Far across the distance跨越距离And spaces between us.无论生死You have come to show you go on你悄悄的来找我,证明你的灵魂永存Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信,我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,你再一次you open the door,悄悄打开了我的房门And you're here in my heart.你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永存Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现And last for a lifetime但这份爱情也伴我终身And never let go till we're gone,这份爱情不会湮于岁月,只要我还活着Love was when I loved you当我与你心心相依时,才感受到了爱情One true time I hold to.那是真实又纯真的爱情In my life we'll always go on.只要我还在世,你我就会并肩前行,青史留名Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,再一次吧you open the door,再悄悄的打开我的房门And you've been in my heart,你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去You're here,只要你伴随着我You're here,只要你伴随着我there's nothing I fear.我便会勇敢起来,不惧任何事物And I know that my heart will go on我也知道,我的心必将永恒we'll stay forever this way.你也会一直一直的伴随在我的身边You are safe in my heart,最安全的地方也比不上我的心里and my heart will go on and on因为你会和我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去扩展资料:《My Heart Will Go On》是加拿大女歌手席琳·迪翁演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由詹姆斯·霍纳和威尔·詹宁斯编写,后者负责音乐制作。该歌曲作为1997年电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲,于1997年12月8日通过哥伦比亚唱片公司发布,同时也被收录在席琳·迪翁于1997年11月14日发行的第五张英语专辑《Let's Talk About Love》中。作为1997年卖座电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲,《My Heart Will Go On》由好莱坞主流电影作曲家詹姆斯·霍纳一手制作。歌曲的歌词由韦尔·杰宁斯编写,歌词的创作灵感来源于电影中那位百岁老人年轻时候的爱情故事,中文歌词由中国当代童话作家王雨然译作,粤版歌曲《系我心弦》由香港女歌手叶倩文演唱。参考资料来源:百度百科-my heart will go on

my heart will go on的歌词和中文翻译

每一个寂静夜晚的梦里 Every night in my dreams
  我都能看见你,触摸你 I see you, I feel you,
  因此而确信你仍然在守候 That is how I know you go on
  穿越那久远的时空距离 Far across the distance
  你轻轻地回到我的身边 And spaces between us
  告诉我,你仍然痴心如昨 You have come to show you go on
  无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are
  我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on
  当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door
  清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you’re here in my heart
  我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on
  爱曾经在刹那间被点燃 Love can touch us one time
  并且延续了一生的传说 And last for a lifetime
  直到我们紧紧地融为一体 And never let go till we’re one
  爱曾经是我心中的浪花 Love was when I loved you
  我握住了它涌起的瞬间 One true time I hold to
  我的生命,从此不再孤单 In my life we’ll always go on
  无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are
  我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on
  当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door
  清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you’re here in my heart
  我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on
  真正的爱情永远不会褪色 There is some love that will not go away
  你在身边让我无所畏惧 You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,
  我深知我的心不会退缩 And I know that my heart will go on
  我们将永远地相依相守 We’ll stay forever this way
  这里会是你安全的港湾 You are safe in my heart
  我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on

my heart will go on的中文歌词。

《my heart will go on》Every night in my dreams在我的每一个梦中I see you我都能看到你I feel you我都能感受到你That is how I know you go on我便确定了,你在永恒不变的跟随着我Far across the distance跨越距离And spaces between us.无论生死You have come to show you go on你悄悄的来找我,证明你的灵魂永存Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信,我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,你再一次you open the door,悄悄打开了我的房门And you're here in my heart.你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永存Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现And last for a lifetime但这份爱情也伴我终身And never let go till we're gone,这份爱情不会湮于岁月,只要我还活着Love was when I loved you当我与你心心相依时,才感受到了爱情One true time I hold to.那是真实又纯真的爱情In my life we'll always go on.只要我还在世,你我就会并肩前行,青史留名Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,再一次吧you open the door,再悄悄的打开我的房门And you've been in my heart,你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去You're here,只要你伴随着我You're here,只要你伴随着我there's nothing I fear.我便会勇敢起来,不惧任何事物And I know that my heart will go on我也知道,我的心必将永恒we'll stay forever this way.你也会一直一直的伴随在我的身边You are safe in my heart,最安全的地方也比不上我的心里and my heart will go on and on因为你会和我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去

