
时间:2024-05-01 03:58:10编辑:分享君


舌头的英文是tongue,读音:英 [tʌŋ],美 [tʌŋ]。例句:1、She passed her tongue over her cracked lips and tried to speak. 她用舌头舔了一下干裂的嘴唇,试图要说话。2、The dog's tongue was hanging out. 狗的舌头耷拉在外面。3、Her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth. 她的舌头紧紧地贴着上腭。4、She ran her tongue over her lips. 她用舌头舔着嘴唇。5、She stuck her tongue out at me. 她冲我吐了吐舌头。


tongue的读音是[tʌŋ],具体释义如下:表达意思:舌,舌头;舌头,口条;语言,方言;说话方式,写作风格;鞋舌;舌状物;长条状陆地,舌状陆地;榫舌,雄榫;齿舌;喙;钟锤;簧片;搭扣销;用运舌法吹奏;用舌头触碰,舔;说话;斥责。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。固定搭配:hold one's tongue保持沉默 ; 不开口 ; 保持沈默 ; 闭嘴。例句1、Their tongues are hanging out, they are hungry to-night.他们的舌头伸着,今晚他们饿了。2、Within a few generations most had forgotten their native tongues.在几代人的时间里,大多数人都忘记了自己的母语。3、María Medrano came to the workshop with poems written in these women's mother tongues.玛丽亚·麦德拉诺带着这些女人用母语写成的诗歌来到了诗歌班。


舌头英文tongue; tongue:n.舌;舌头;口条;语言;v.吹奏(管乐器);舔; tongue的复数: tongues 扩展资料   He clicked his tongue to attract their attention.   他咂嘴发出啧啧声以吸引他们的注意。   It's not a name that exactly trips off the tongue, is it?   这个名字叫起来拗口,是不是?   None of the tribes speak the same tongue.   这些部落所说的语言都不相同。

上一篇:what i have done
