we are young

时间:2024-05-01 08:52:35编辑:分享君

when we are young 中文是什么意思

原句:when we are young

When we are young, it is important to us to be accepted by a group and to be seen as "cool" by our peers.


we are young这首歌有什么深层的含义?

Give me a second I 给我点时间
  I need to get my story straight让我理清思绪
  My friends are in the bathroom死党醉倒在洗手间
  Getting higher than the Empire State已经悄然入天
  My lover she's waiting for me
  Just across the bar 爱人在酒吧那头等候
  My seats been taken by some sunglasses墨镜女占了我的位置
  Asking 'bout a scar谈起你我的情伤
  And I know I gave it to you months ago我知道我另你陷入情网
  I know you're trying to forget我知道你难忘伤痛
  But between the drinks and subtle things然而在酒醉金迷间
  The holes in my apologies我的道歉如此蹩脚
  You know I'm trying hard to take it back我想努力挽回你
  So if by the time the bar closes当酒吧打烊
  And you feel like falling down你的脚步蹒跚
  I'll carry you home我会带你回家
  We are young花样年华的我们
  So let's set the world on fire将世界点燃
  We can burn brighter Than the sun另骄阳失色
  We are young花样年华的我们
  So let's set the world on fire将世界点燃
  We can burn brighter Than the sun另骄阳失色
  Now I know that I'm not现在 我知道我已经不是你的真命天子
  All that you got
  I guess that I 我猜我只是想找到更好的方式和你分手
  I just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart
  But our friends are back 但现在我的朋友们都回来了
  So let's raise a cup 那我们可以放心的畅饮了
  Cause I found someone to carry me home 因为有人送我回家了
  We are young花样年华的我们
  So let's the set the world on fire将世界点燃
  We can burn brighter
  Than the sun另骄阳失色
  We are young花样年华的我们
  So let's set the world on fire将世界点燃
  We can burn brighter Than the sun令骄阳失色
  Carry me home tonight 今夜带我回家
  Just carry me home tonight请今夜带我回家
  Carry me home tonight 今夜带我回家
  Just carry me home tonight请今夜带我回家
  The world is on my side 世界都站在我这一边
  I have no reason to run 我没有理由逃脱
  So will someone come and carry me home tonight所以有人愿意今夜带我回家吗
  The angels never arrived天使并未降临
  But I can hear the choir但我听到天籁之声
  So will someone come and carry me home所以有人愿意今夜带我回家吗
  We are young花样年华的我们
  So let's set the world on fire将世界点燃
  We can burn brighter Than the sun令骄阳失色
  We are young花样年华的我们
  So let's set the world on fire将世界点燃
  We can burn brighter Than the sun令骄阳失色
  So if by the time the bar closes当酒吧打烊
  And you feel like falling down你的脚步蹒跚
  I'll carry you home tonight我今夜会带你回家


we are young原版歌词是什么?

《You Raise Me Up》歌曲原唱:Brian Kennedy,Tracy Campbell填 词:Brendan Graham谱 曲:Rolf LøvlandWhen I am down and, oh my soul, so weary. 当我失意低落之时,我的精神是那么疲倦不堪。When troubles come and my heart burdened be. 当烦恼困难袭来之际,我的内心是那么负担沉重。Then, I am still and wait here in the silence.然而我默默的伫立,静静地等待。Until you come and sit a while with me.直到你的来临,片刻地和我在一起。You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains .你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅。You raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.你鼓舞了我,故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面。I am strong when I am on your shoulders.在你坚实的臂膀上我变得坚韧强壮。You raise me up,to more than I can be.你的鼓励使我超越了自我。There is no life -世上没有——no life without its hunger.没有失去热望的生命。Each restless heart beats so imperfectly.每颗悸动的心也都跳动得不那么完美。But when you come and I am filled with wonder.但是你的到来 让我心中充满了奇迹。Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.甚至有时我认为因为有你我瞥见了永恒。You raise me up,so I can stand on mountains .你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅。You raise me up,to walk on stormy seas.你鼓舞了我,故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面。I am strongwhen I am on your shoulders.在你坚实的臂膀上我变得坚韧强壮。You raise me up,to more than I can be.你的鼓励使我超越了自我。拓展资料《You raise me up》由新世纪音乐乐队神秘园(Secret Garden)创作由Brian Kennedy和Tracy Campbell共同演唱。这首歌是典型Secret Garden的风格。那浑厚的男声能让你的听觉彻底崩溃,间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔。作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。神秘园(Secret Garden)乐队成立于1994年,由来自爱尔兰的小提琴家菲奥诺拉·莎莉(Fionnuala Sherry)与来自挪威的钢琴家、作曲家罗尔夫·勒夫兰(Rolf Løvland)和众多北欧乐器演奏家共同组成。1995年他们以一曲只带有数句歌词的器乐《夜曲》(Nocturne)赢得了当年欧洲电视歌唱大赛金奖,同时也是该赛创办40年来第一首金奖器乐作品。随之推出了他们的第一张专辑《神秘园之歌》(Song From A Secret Garden)取得空前成功,在美国Billboard新世纪音乐排行榜停留了两年。随后的二十年间发行了诸如《白石》、《新世纪的曙光》、《忆游红月》、《大地之歌》、《唱游心海》、《冬日诗篇》等畅销专辑。他们创作的一首由Brian Kennedy演唱的《You Raise Me Up》已被超过100多位欧美艺术家演绎,有超过500个翻唱版本。其中最为著名的乔诗·葛洛班在2004年美国超级碗中场表演中演唱此曲,更登上Billboard抒情单曲榜冠军数周。2010年为上海世博会挪威馆创作馆内主题音乐《Powered By Nature》、《Suite: Prelude, Intermezzo, Polka, Air, Interlude, Hymn》并现场表演,2015年迎来乐队20周年纪念,在罗尔夫的家乡、同时也是他们创作音乐和录制专辑的地方——挪威的克里斯蒂安桑的kilden表演艺术中心举行了纪念音乐会。其现场专辑于2016年全球发行。百度百科-YOU RAISE ME UP

