make the change

时间:2024-05-01 09:30:07编辑:分享君


  1. 改变点 change point;

  2. 改变光束 changing beam

  3. 改变主意 change one's mind

  4. 改变步调 A Change of Pace

  5. 使改变 change into

  6. 改变计划 Project Transform

  7. 改变视角 Change perspectives

  8. 改变措辞 Rephrasing ; rephrase

  9. 做出改变 Make the change

  10. 改变本性 change one's skin
  1. change the colour;


  2. change one's mind;


  3. genetic surgery;


  4. The general trend of history is unalterable.

  1.reform, transfrom这组词都有“改革、改变、改造”的意思,其区别是:

  reform 指去恶扬善、弃旧图新,使变得完美,多用于社会、政治、经济方面,如体制、法律、机构等的改革。

  transfrom 指既改变外部形体,又改变内部性质或功能。

  2.turn, transform, change, modify, convert, vary, alter这组词都有“变化,改变”的意思,其区别是:

  turn 指外形、颜色、气味、性质等方面的变化,比change更通俗。

  transform 指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。

  change 指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。

  modify 强调起限定作用的变化或变更。指细小的变化,常含“缓和、降调”的意味。

  convert 指进行全部或区域性改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。

  vary 暗示不规则或断断续续地变。

  alter 常指轻微的改变,强调基本上保持原物、原状的情况下所进行的部分改变。
  1. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside.


  2. The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord.


  3. The coffin had been draped in a Union Jack.


  4. The road snaked through forested mountains, past the village of San Antonio.


  5. The mountains reared up on each side, steep and white.


  6. In industry, diamond can form a tough, non-corrosive coating for tools.


  7. The snowy street, like the church, assumed a dumb, lifeless aspect.


  8. More than a foot of snow blanketed parts of Michigan.


  9. A fresh layer of snow covered the street.


  10. Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface.


  11. The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.


  12. The hills were salted with a light fall of snow.


  13. The inside of a chimney soon gets covered in soot.


  14. The fields have frosted over in this wintry morning.


  15. The pond was covered in a brittle layer of ice.


make the change是什么意思

make the change
做出改变 做此调整

  make the change意义不是我喜欢标新立异,我只是对一成不变不敢苟同。 别老拿我和别人比较,我只在意和自己一寸一寸地较量。 你们为我安排的路总是让我迷路。 沿着旧地图找不到新大陆。 让改变发生——Make The Change由来为了配合全球市场的拓展,李宁体育用品有限公司将在2010年第三季度开始更换新的LOGO,产品涉及李宁运动鞋,服饰,运动套装及球类等全部产品线,同时全球李宁专卖店和企业UI都将使用此新标志。李宁新LOGO的设计依旧沿用了旧标志的设计概念,飘动的造型将更加锐利和富有动感,传达给消费者“突破、进取、创新”的新产品文化。 2010年6月30日…


Ms. gray said she had planned to make the change anyway.


  随着时间的流逝,人的心情也会发生改变,感情也一样。下面是我给大家整理的改变的英语短语,供大家参阅!   改变的英语短语篇1   1. If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.   对于现况的不满,不能只是抱怨,要有勇气作出改变。   2. I really don't see any reason for changing it.   我真的不明白为什么要改变它。   3. Recession has simply accelerated changes that have been reshaping the industry anyway.   经济萧条只不过加速了原本就在改变行业状况的变化。   4. They have no wish for any change in the status quo.   他们不想改变现状。   5. Too much time is spent worrying over that which one can't change.   太多的时间花在了担心那些我们无力改变的事情上。   6. It's the collision of disparate ideas that alters one's perspective.   是迥然不同的观点之间的碰撞改变了人们的看法。   7. They threatened to walk out if the party did not change direction.   他们威胁说,如果该党不改变方针,他们就将集体退席。   8. He changed our world through the force of his ideas.   他通过自己观念的力量改变了我们的世界。   9. The advances in communications altered the nature of information processing.   通讯技术的进步使信息处理发生了质的改变。   10. Another change that Sue made was to install central heating.   休所作的另一个改变是安装中央供暖系统。   11. She even had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose.   为改变鼻子的形状,她甚至接受了整形手术。   12. Only with mass direct action will we obtain such change.   只有采取大规模直接行动,我们才会取得这样的改变。   13. Midland decided to change the way it credited payments to accounts.   米兰银行决定改变付款贷记的方式。   14. I don't think it has fundamentally altered the sport.   我认为它并没有从根本上改变这项运动。   15. Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.   今天,他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍。   改变的英语短语篇2   只有你自己可以改变自己。   And only you can change yourself.   你只能改变你自己。   You can only change yourself.   然后从那里开始,你就可以改变。   Then from there, you can make the change.   那么,我应该如何得到多大改变?   So, how much change should I get?   我们如何改变我们的环境呢?   How do we change our environment?   谁能做些什么来改变这一状况呢?   But who can do what to change the situation?   为什么我们要改变和弦?   Why do we have to change chords?   至于是否要改变你的工作,只有你才能作出决定。   As for whether you should be changing your job - only you can decide.   我需要做什么改变?   What do I need to change?   你必须要改变你所有的期盼,她告诉我。   You have to change all of your expectations, she told me.   这些是什么?你是怎样判断出他们吗?它是可能的改变?   What are these? How you detect them? Is it possible to change them?   我别无选择,只有把它记录下来,这样我就可以向我的朋友证明:没有任何东西改变过。   I had no choice but to write it down, so I could prove to my friends that nothing ever changes.   我别无选择,只有把它记录下来,这样我就可以向我的朋友证明:没有任何东西改变过。   I had no choice but to write it down, so I could prove to my friends that nothing ever changes   我们无法改变过去。   We cannot change the past.   改变的英语短语篇3   你改变主意了吗?   Have you altered your mind?   我改变了主意,打乱了她的计划。   I changed my mind and disconcerted her plan.   他改变话题以规避我们的问题。   He dodged our questions by changing the subject.   立交桥改变了城市的面貌。   Flyovers have changed the face of the city.   这改变显然对他有益。   He has obviously gained by the change.   他们不喜欢改变。   They do not like change.   每当我们改变它,我都要强烈抗议。   Whenever we change it, I have an outcry.   我们能做些什么来改变这一切。   What can we do to change this?   他们不需要改变他们的工作方式。   They do not have to change how they work.   为了做到这一点,我们需要改变分区。   To do that, we need to change the partitions.   我想要改变的是什么?在你指出的全部那些范围内,有什么是你想要变得不同的?   What would I like to change? In all of those areas you identified, what would you like to bedifferent?   我该如何去改变呢?   How do I go about changing?

