high heels

时间:2024-05-02 12:49:13编辑:分享君

High Heels

Women love high heels, and they are obsessed with these strange, stilt-like shoes for a long time. As far as we know, high-heeled shoes are worn around the world, women in particular.

A well-known female shoe lover in the American series《Sex and City》was Carrie, who is a writer for fashion columns on newspaper. She is always crazy about high-heeled shoes, and her love for shoes is much deeper than the desire for seeking Mr. Right.

I suppose most girls would admire her fabulous wardrobe for shoes, there are ranks of high- heeled shoes in various styles.

Why do women choose to wear high-heeled shoes? Obviously, they are neither comfortable nor safe in appearance, and studies suggest high-heeled shoes are bad for the muscles and skeleton.

While women insist on saying it is a fashion statement and personal decision.

A professor of sociology from the University of Leicester gave his explanation. He says that high-heeled shoes have a kind of magical quality, it can transform a person’s stature and appearance in some way.

When you are wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes, it makes you 3 to 6 inches taller instantly. Not only do you feel taller, but also it makes you feel much confident and attractive with yourself, which leads to a glamorous poise, a kind of self-acceptance feeling.

Normally, In the working place, there is an unspoken dressing code for female and male workers, high-heeled shoes for women, black and brown leather shoes for men. No sandals and sports trainers accepted.

Women wearing high-heeled shoes stand up straight, walk elegantly, and act confidently. That is an usual thing, as long as they are not forced to do so and make it a sign of oppression.

That is only a general rule, once you are in a high-tech company, then there is no code at all, comfort and personality are the most important factor in choosing what to wear.

Do men wear high-heeled shoes? Yes, they do. According to the professor, men usually are not troubled by shoes. Black, brown flat shoes are their usual choice. There is no stylish footwear to define them, who they are, or what group they belong to.

If men wear high heels, it will evoke a view of suspicion to some extent, in term of sexuality, work ethic, or general moral standards. Especially in working place, men wearing high-heeled shoes, flamboyant clothes, their work ethic will be judged. It is a normal social psychology, not necessarily associated with the truth.

In a word, if you are able to choose and also the the the choice is subordinate to the exact situations properly, you can wear whatever you like.

Female friends, still obsessed in high-heeled? It is not a problem, just go buying, buying, buying. Remember to buy those well-designed pairs and be nice to your dear feet.

high heels是什么意思啊

high heels是高跟鞋的意思。 high heels是高跟鞋的意思;(可以简写成 heels)鞋都是2只,要用复数。例句:①High heels are in this season。这季高跟鞋很流行。②She came tottering in in her mother's high heels。她穿着她妈妈的高跟鞋摇摇晃晃地走进来。英语单词学习技巧1、外籍教师说:每天听半小时英语,培养语感(注意,是无意识地听),我们小时候也是这样才学会说话的。你可以在休闲中播,但只可以是半小时!2、抄得多自然熟,知识点抄抄抄。3、设立错题本(非常有效),把错的答案,为什么错,列出来。4、要对英语充满兴趣,细细体味英语中的词语表达精妙之处。5、我跟你说!你每天要看以两段文字,如果没有时间,那就考试前一个星期每天看两篇!这样可以保持考试的阅读速度!6、抄的单词本你们要复习啊!7、找一个外国歌手做你的偶像,把他(她)的歌听完全。8、多看中英对照文章,这样对你的翻译语感非常有帮助。

