galway girl

时间:2024-05-03 02:00:37编辑:分享君

Galway Girl歌词

She played the fiddle in an Irish band她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴But she fell in love with an English man却爱上了一个英国男人Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand我亲吻着她的香颈 然后握着她的手Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"对她说 亲爱的我想跳起舞了I met her on Grafton street right outside of the bar我在酒吧外的格拉夫顿大街遇见了她She shared a cigarette with me while her brother played the guitar她递给我支烟 那时她的弟弟在弹着吉他She asked me what does it mean, the Gaelic ink on your arm?她问我“你手臂上的盖尔语纹身是什么意思”Said it was one of my friend's songs, do you want to drink on?我回答那是我朋友的一首歌 你想要喝一杯吗She took Jamie as a chaser, Jack for the fun她酷爱Jameson,偶尔也喝点田纳西的威士忌She got Arthur on the table, with Johnny riding as a shotgun把那Arthur黑啤放在桌子上,配上那Johnny威士忌,好似一把猎枪Chatted some more, one more drink at the bar在那酒吧随兴聊着 不停喝着酒Then put van on the jukebox, got up to dance, you know然后在点唱机放起范莫里森的歌 开始跳起舞了She played the fiddle in an Irish band她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴But she fell in love with an English man却与一个英国男人共谱恋曲Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand我亲吻着她的香颈 然后握着她的手Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"对她说 亲爱的我想跳舞了With my pretty little Galway Girl和我漂亮的戈尔韦女孩一起You're my pretty little Galway Girl你就是我那漂亮的戈尔韦女孩儿You know she beat me at darts and then she beat me at pool她扔飞镖能赢我,英式台球也能赢我And then she kissed me like there was nobody else in the room她也会就在那房间里旁若无人的吻着我As last orders were called was when she stood on the stool当到打烊的最后时刻她还会站在高脚椅上After dancing to Cèilidh singing to trad tunes跳完凯莉舞又唱起爱尔兰古老的歌I never heard Carrickfergus ever sung so sweet我从未听过卡里克弗格斯民谣被唱得这么好听A capella in the bar using her feet for the beat她扭着双脚打着节拍唱着阿卡贝拉Oh, I could have that voice playing on repeat for a week噢那一刻的场景让我后来回味了一个星期And in this packed out room swear she was singing to me, you know在这个挤满人的空间里我确定她是在唱给我听She played the fiddle in an Irish band她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴But she fell in love with an English man却与一个英国男人共谱恋曲Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand我亲吻着她的香颈 然后握着她的手Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"对她说 亲爱的我想跳舞了My pretty little Galway Girl和我漂亮的戈尔韦女孩一起My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl我亲爱的最爱的深爱的戈尔韦女孩My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl唯一的特别的只属于我的戈尔韦女孩My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl我亲爱的最爱的深爱的戈尔韦女孩Now we've outstayed our welcome and it's closing time我们耗光了欢迎与耐心 酒吧就要打烊关闭I was holding her hand, her hand was holding mine我握着她的手 她也握着我的手心Our coats both smell of smoke, whisky and wine外套上满满的烟味 葡萄酒味还有威士忌As we fill up our lungs with the cold air of the night当吸够了这寒冷夜里的冰冷空气I walked her home then she took me inside就走到了她家里 她将我带了进去Finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine一起吃完了多力多滋(薯片)又干完了一瓶酒I swear I'm going to put you in a song that I write我发誓我要把你写进歌里About a Galway Girl and a perfect night关于一个戈尔韦女孩和那夜的美妙无比She played the fiddle in an Irish band她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴But she fell in love with an English man却与一个英国男人共谱了恋曲Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand我亲吻着她的香颈 然后握着她的手Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"对她说 亲爱的我想跳舞了My pretty little Galway Girl和我漂亮的戈尔韦女孩一起My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl我亲爱的最爱的深爱的戈尔韦女孩My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl唯一的特别的只属于我的戈尔韦女孩My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl只属于我的戈尔韦女孩

galway girl什么意思?

galway girl:戈尔韦的女孩,是一首歌的名字。《Galway Girl》是由英国新生代歌手Ed Sheeran (艾德·希兰)演唱的一首歌曲,收录于Ed Sheeran (艾德·希兰)的2017年新专辑《÷ (Deluxe)》中。中英文歌词:She played the fiddle in an Irish band她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴But she fell in love with an English man却爱上了一个英国男人Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand我亲吻着她的香颈 然后握着她的手Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"对她说 亲爱的我想跳起舞了I met her on Grafton street right outside of the bar我在酒吧外的格拉夫顿大街遇见了她She shared a cigarette with me while her brother played the guitar她递给我支烟 那时她的弟弟在弹着吉他She asked me what does it mean, the Gaelic ink on your arm?她问我“你手臂上的盖尔语纹身是什么意思”Said it was one of my friend's songs, do you want to drink on?我回答那是我朋友的一首歌 你想要喝一杯吗She took Jamie as a chaser, Jack for the fun她酷爱Jameson,偶尔也喝点田纳西的威士忌She got Arthur on the table, with Johnny riding as a shotgun把那Arthur黑啤放在桌子上,配上那Johnny威士忌,好似一把猎枪Chatted some more, one more drink at the bar在那酒吧随兴聊着 不停喝着酒Then put van on the jukebox, got up to dance, you know然后在点唱机放起范莫里森的歌 开始跳起舞了She played the fiddle in an Irish band她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴But she fell in love with an English man却与一个英国男人共谱恋曲Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand我亲吻着她的香颈 然后握着她的手Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"对她说 亲爱的我想跳舞了With my pretty little Galway Girl和我漂亮的戈尔韦女孩一起You're my pretty little Galway Girl你就是我那漂亮的戈尔韦女孩儿You know she beat me at darts and then she beat me at pool她扔飞镖能赢我,英式台球也能赢我And then she kissed me like there was nobody else in the room她也会就在那房间里旁若无人的吻着我As last orders were called was when she stood on the stool当到打烊的最后时刻她还会站在高脚椅上After dancing to Cèilidh singing to trad tunes跳完凯莉舞又唱起爱尔兰古老的歌I never heard Carrickfergus ever sung so sweet我从未听过卡里克弗格斯民谣被唱得这么好听A capella in the bar using her feet for the beat她扭着双脚打着节拍唱着阿卡贝拉Oh, I could have that voice playing on repeat for a week噢那一刻的场景让我后来回味了一个星期And in this packed out room swear she was singing to me, you know在这个挤满人的空间里我确定她是在唱给我听She played the fiddle in an Irish band她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴But she fell in love with an English man却与一个英国男人共谱恋曲Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand我亲吻着她的香颈 然后握着她的手Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"对她说 亲爱的我想跳舞了My pretty little Galway Girl和我漂亮的戈尔韦女孩一起My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl我亲爱的最爱的深爱的戈尔韦女孩My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl唯一的特别的只属于我的戈尔韦女孩My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl我亲爱的最爱的深爱的戈尔韦女孩Now we've outstayed our welcome and it's closing time我们耗光了欢迎与耐心 酒吧就要打烊关闭I was holding her hand, her hand was holding mine我握着她的手 她也握着我的手心Our coats both smell of smoke, whisky and wine外套上满满的烟味 葡萄酒味还有威士忌As we fill up our lungs with the cold air of the night当吸够了这寒冷夜里的冰冷空气I walked her home then she took me inside就走到了她家里 她将我带了进去Finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine一起吃完了多力多滋(薯片)又干完了一瓶酒I swear I'm going to put you in a song that I write我发誓我要把你写进歌里About a Galway Girl and a perfect night关于一个戈尔韦女孩和那夜的美妙无比She played the fiddle in an Irish band她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴But she fell in love with an English man却与一个英国男人共谱了恋曲Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand我亲吻着她的香颈 然后握着她的手Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"对她说 亲爱的我想跳舞了My pretty little Galway Girl和我漂亮的戈尔韦女孩一起My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl我亲爱的最爱的深爱的戈尔韦女孩My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl唯一的特别的只属于我的戈尔韦女孩My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl只属于我的戈尔韦女孩艾德·希兰简介:爱德华·克里斯多弗·希兰(Edward Christopher Sheeran)艺名艾德·希兰(Ed Sheeran),1991年2月17日出生于英国英格兰西约克郡,是大西洋唱片(Atlantic Records)旗下的一位歌手同时也是一位创作人。 2011年6月,推出首支单曲《The A Team》荣获英国单曲榜第三名,同时该单曲在第55届格莱美颁奖典礼中被提名为年度最佳歌曲。2012年在第32届全英音乐奖中荣获英国最佳男艺人、英国最具突破艺人、英国最佳单曲和英国最佳专辑四项提名。2014年第二张专辑专辑《X》在英国销售达170万张。2015年在全英音乐奖颁奖盛典荣获“年度最佳男歌手”和“年度最佳专辑”两项大奖。2016年2月,在第58届格莱美音乐奖获得年度单曲奖和最佳流行歌手奖。2017年1月28日,艾德·希兰收获第一首公告牌冠军单曲《Shape of You》。同年3月3日,发行第三张专辑《÷》。

