
时间:2024-05-03 07:24:14编辑:分享君


goof的意思 是:犯愚蠢的错误,也可以作名词表示愚蠢的错误;傻瓜;蠢人。它的音标是[ɡuːf]。goof造句:一:I saw a few films and generally kind of goofed off all day. 我看几部影片,一整天差不多就混过去了。二:We goofed last week at the end of our interview with singer Annie Ross. 上周我们采访歌手安妮·罗斯,结果到快结束时犯了个愚蠢的错误。三:Other than the above ideas, I have also considered making movie goofs. 除了自创的桥段外,还可以玩电影恶搞




Basically , they are unrepable and goofy 基本上,他们就是既靠不住又傻里傻气的。 I ' m sure she ' d love to hang out with a goofy secretary 我相信她肯定愿意和一个 I ' m sure she ' d love to hang out with a goofy secretary . . 我相信她肯定愿意和一个 But more than anything , you ' re just goofy 但是无论如何你只是有点傻乎乎罢了 But these are goofy questions everybody has 摩甘:可是每个人都会问这样愚蠢的问题。 Legal tender at any participating goofy goober - - 可以在任何高菲高伯店使用 Knock this over , we ' ll all get pretty goofy in here 把这个弄翻了对我们大家都没好处 Legal tender at any participating goofy goober - 可以在任何高菲高伯店使用 Since he ' s a goofy - foot , he ' s been really biased 因为他是右脚导板左脚在后,所以对我 Hey , fellow goofy goobers . time to sing 嘿,高菲高伯们唱歌的时间到了 And goofy kevin talks you into street racing again 就是因为笨蛋凯文唆使你参加街头比赛? And goofy kevin talks you into street racing again 就是因为笨蛋凯文唆使你参加街头比赛? Spongebob , it ' s the goofy goober theme song 棉球,是高菲高伯主题歌 Why , it ' s one of the funniest , cornball , goofy , silly sounds 那是整个西部最可笑粗俗愚蠢 Since he ' s a goofy - foot , he ' s been really biased . . 因为他是右脚导板(左脚在) ,所以对我. . I don ' t know when you were goofier , then or now 我不知道什么时候你变成了傻瓜,以前还是现在 Since he ' s a goofy - foot , he ' s been really biased . . 因为他是右脚导板(左脚在后) ,所以对我. . Goofy plays golf . goofy plays tennis 高飞打高尔夫球。高飞打网球。 Why , it ' s one of the funniest , cornball , goofy , silly sounds . . 那是整个西部最可笑、粗俗、愚蠢 But not as much as one goofy straight guy named timothy treadwell 但没有提摩西崔德威那样多问题 But not as much as one goofy straight guy named timothy treadwell 但没有提摩西崔德威那样多问题 Alcohol will make you feel kind of goofy and uninhibited 酒精会使你变得愚蠢而且显得毫不受拘束。 Living with your goofy - ass nephew 还要跟你这个没用的侄子住一起 Goofy goober ' s lce cream party boat 高菲高伯的冰淇淋派对船! A dim - witted , *** elly , goofy - - [ sighs ] 一只又臭又懒又笨的. . Okay , well , he thinks you ' re . . . goofy 好吧,他觉得你有点…傻 You ' ve been wearing the same goofy goober peanut party underpants 你穿这条高菲高伯花生派对的内裤 There ' d be some goofy , ugly people 应该会有一些又笨又丑的人 To your favorite undersea peanut , goofy goober 致敬的时候了 To your favorite undersea peanut , goofy goober 致敬的时候了 There ' d be some goofy , ugly people 应该会有一些又笨又丑的人 Who is wilpng to often be bee goofy 谁愿意老是当傻瓜? We ' re just goofy when it es to love 恋爱中的人都变蠢了 Okay , well , he thinks you ' re . goofy 好吧,他觉得你有点傻 It be the tear of the goofy goobers 这是高菲高伯的眼泪 A dim - witted , *** elly , goofy - sighs 一只又臭又懒又笨的 That was one of the goofiest things i ' ve ever seen , but i thought 这真是我所见过最蠢的事之一可我还是想 I want you to fix my chopper before i stomp your goofy ass 在我把你的 *** 踢烂之前你最好把我的车给修好 No different . youstilllook goofy 没区别,都是那么傻 Pecos goofy s frontier revue 西部高飞边疆拓荒滑稽剧 Goofy is not a very good cook 高飞不是个好厨师。 Ll : yeah , he sounds pretty goofy to me . was he goofy - looking , too 你是问他长的样子是不是也怪怪的、傻傻的啊? P > ll : yeah , he sounds pretty goofy to me . was he goofy - looking , too 你是问他长的样子是不是也怪怪的、傻傻的啊? You ' re not gonna convert me to a goofy - footer just because you are 你不可能只因为你自己是右脚导板就让我变成这样 That you ' re goofy , do you …说你傻,是吧? That you ' re goofy , do you …说你傻,是吧? Goofy can run fast . goofy can walk fast . goofy can jump high 高飞可以跑得很快。高飞可以走得很快。高飞可以跳得很高。


where做副词、连词、名词、代词,作副词时意为“在哪里”,作连词时意为“在…的地方”,作名词时意为“地点”,作代词时意为“哪里”。下面咱就详细的说说这个单词“where”。Where读音:英 [weə(r)]     美 [wer]    意思:adv. 在哪里;在那个地方conj. 在 ... 地方固定搭配:before you know where you are 立即,转眼之间...Put one's money where one's mouth is 说话兑现; 说给钱就...where it's at 事情的核心所在...where the shoe pinches 关键所在where one lives 要害用法:用于询问地点。Where is the library?图书馆在哪里?where用于引导主语从句时,通常可直接位于句首。Where we stay doesn't matter.我们住在哪儿没有什么关系。用于引导表语从句,主要用作连系动词be的表语,此时句子主语通常是this或that。This is where I part company with the professor.这是我和教授的意见相左之处。where用作关系副词引导定语从句时,其先行词应是一个表示地点的名词,并且关系副词where在定语从句中用作状语。Is this the place where it happened?这就是事发地点吗?where用于引导宾语从句,主要用作动词的宾语。The book doesn't say where he was born.书上没说他是在哪里出生的。where用于引导宾语从句,有时可用作介词的宾语。We have to consider the question of where we can sleep.我们得考虑在何处安歇的问题。where, which辨析where和which都可用来引导定语从句,但在定语从句中的作用不同。where是关系副词用作状语,而which是关系代词用作主语或宾语等。That's the place where we once lived.那就是我曾经居住过的地方。That's the place which we once visited.那就是我曾经访问过的地方。where的相关谚语:Where there's a will, there's a way.有志者事竟成。Where there is no good within no good es out.没有内心的美,就没有外在的美。Where there are reeds, there is water.有芦苇处必有水。Where the deer is slain,some of her blood will lie.鹿死总有血迹留。


where意思为:在哪里。短语搭配:1、no matter where.不管在哪里。2、where there's a will there's a way.有志者事竟成。3、where there's muck there's brass.哪儿有脏活哪儿有钱赚, 要挣大钱就别怕脏。4、home is where the heart is.心之所在即为家;金窝银窝, 不如自家的狗窝。5、credit where credit is due.适时给予的应得的赞扬。6、where one lives.在死穴上;在要害处。7、not know where to look.尴尬得不知如何是好, 狼狈不堪。8、fools rush in where angels fear to tread.智者三思之事蠢人急不可待。9、where someone is at.禀性;本性。10、where someone is coming from.意图;动机;个性。双语例句:1、It can use"machine learning"to predict when and where lightning (闪电) will strike (闪击).它可以使用“机器学习”来预测闪电将在何时何地发生。2、She took the lift to the 11th floor(楼层),and a clerk showed her where her desk was.她乘电梯到了11楼,一位职员指给她看她的办公桌在哪里。3、Charlie was taken to the army Reserve Center,where he really (真正的) dreamed to go.查理被带到了陆军预备役中心,那是他真正梦想去的地方。4、It's the place where nearly 75 percent of the world's flamingos (火烈鸟) are born.世界上近75%的火烈鸟出生在这个地方。5、Finally he planted the tree in his woods (树林) where no one could see it.最后,他把这棵树种在没人能看到的树林里。

