
时间:2024-05-03 08:15:02编辑:分享君


1。Nitrocarburize h 0.8-1.3mm 59-65HRC.The复样条函数,HRC52.The核心32.46HRC.The h,h 0.9-1.4mm水泥和Nitrocarburize假设。






7。未披露过的技术规格和极限尺寸偏差的锻造根据/团体/ GOST 8479-70和阶级/ / GOST 7505-74。

8。应注明印刷型5-Pr3 GOST 26008-85。标记的方法,蚀刻、雕刻是允许的。

9。通过TOCT 23.1167-86其他要求。

前10。# 1的切割。

11分。假定的表面光洁度Rz800在/ /区域。

12。在大规模生产的齿轮的齿冠的E interaxle距离测量的变化在轮子应控制另外Fj为”= 0.140mm齿Fj为”= 0.050格局和后跟etalon轮子的牙齿不低于20%的长度与遥远从牙边缘不少于5毫米,高度45%。


阴险的英文是insidious。insidious,英语单词,主要用作形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“阴险的;隐伏的;暗中为害的;狡猾的”,作名词时意为“(Insidious)《潜伏》(电影名)”。短语搭配:Insidious Parasite 命寄生 ; 狡猾寄生 ; 生命寄生。insidious a 不知不觉之间加剧 ; 阴险的 ; 隐匿的 ; 暗中为害的。Insidious 2 潜伏 ; 阴儿房。Insidious Doubts 猜疑。Insidious Fever 热病术。insidious s 暗中为害的 ; 凶险的 ; 阴险的。insidious waste 无意识的浪费。The Insidious 阴儿房。insidious insidious 潜伏。双语例句:1. Meanwhile, protectionism continues its rise in insidious ways.与此同时,保护主义正以各种阴险的形式继续抬头。2. Our freedom is being eroded by quite well meaning and insidious bureaucrats.我们的自由正被一些善意的和阴险的官僚蛀蚀一空。3. The changes are insidious, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years变化是悄然发生的,15到20年间不会产生明显影响。4. They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism.他们关注的是公开的歧视,而不是种族主义的一些潜在问题。5. Lookism pervades society like an insidious virus and is found everywhere: on tv, in magazines, in school.外表歧视如暗疾般在社会上肆虐,在电视上,杂志上,学校里随处可见。6. Organized crime has an insidious influence on all who come into contact with it.所有和集团犯罪有关的人都会不知不觉地受坏影响。7. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process.黄金阻碍着这个阴险的过程。8. But the most insidious changes rarely happen during times of crisis.但最具威胁的潜藏改变很少在危急时刻发生。9. Long enough for it to begin its insidious work on her emotions.足够渴望让它开始在她的情绪上的它隐藏的工作。10. Well, I always have but not too bad, it's insidious.对,经常痛。可是不严重,是隐隐约约的痛。

(汉译英)英语高手帮忙翻译一段文字 越快越好 被采纳再追加100分!!!

1 the regional economy, and introduced the concept and theory of economic domain development mode. Firstly introduces the regional economy and the concept of economy, then domain from the town of economic development on some basic theory of economic development mode of the town were introduced, and probes into the industry layout, the area economic development model theory and from different Angle of town economy development mode.
2 for * * town domain economy are analyzed, and according to visit * * town, collecting relevant information resources and environment in the * * * * * * *, including the conditions, the development situation of natural climatic conditions of agricultural resources, etc, Introduce * town infrastructure construction; Analysis * * town domain economy development history. To study * * t town domain model of economic development, economic development mode for.
3 from on macroscopic analyses in the practice of constructing the several typical characteristics of different regional economic mode, and the development process, and analyzes several more characteristics of the town economic development model, such as industrial town development mode, and characteristics of private enterprise development mode and the village development mode, docking * town domain analysis model of economic development and the development experience.
4 for * * town domain model of economic development design strategies listed. According to * * township, economic conditions of a cultural foundation, such conditions, from industry, agriculture, foreign economic and social construction from the aspects of colleagues in the developed countries for reference, the area economic development mode based on the experience for * * out town domain economy development mode in future years for * * and economic model implementation of town domain. Through the system construction, developing agricultural economy and industrial economy, the construction of small towns in such aspects as promoting * * town domain economy development.


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