
时间:2024-05-03 09:25:51编辑:分享君


《霍比特人1》片尾曲:Song of the lonely mountainSong of the lonely mountain中文名:孤山之歌歌曲原唱:Neil Finn所属专辑:The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)歌词:Song Of The Lonely Mountain - Neil FinnFar over the misty mountains riseLeave us standing upon the heightsWhat was before we see once moreIt's a kingdom a distant lightFiery mountain beneath the moonThe words unspoken well be there soonFor home a song that echoes onAnd all who find us will know the tuneSome folk we never forgetSome kind we never forgiveHaven't seen the back of us yetWell fight as long as we liveAll eyes on the hidden doorTo the lonely mountain borneWell ride in the gathering stormUntil we get our long-forgotten goldWe lay under the misty mountains coldIn slumbers deep and dreams of goldWe must awake our lives to makeAnd in the darkness a torch we holdFrom long ago when lanterns burnedUntill this day our hearts have yearnedHer fate unknown the arkenstoneWhat was stolen must be returnedWe must awake and make the dayTo find a song for heart and soulSome folk we never forgetSome kind we never forgiveHaven't seen the end of it yetWell fight as long as we liveAll eyes on the hidden doorTo the lonely mountain borneWell ride in the gathering stormUntil we get our long-forgotten goldFar away from misty mountains cold《霍比特人2》片尾曲:《I See Fire》英文原唱:Ed Sheeran所属专辑:The Hobbit:The Desolation Of Smaug (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (霍比特人2:史矛革荒漠)  歌词:  Oh, misty eye of the mountain below  哦,群山之下的迷雾之眼  Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls  请用心守护我兄弟的灵魂  And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke  若浓烟烈焰覆盖了苍穹  Keep watching over Durin's son  请永久守望杜林的子民  If this is to end in fire  如果一切注定在火中燃尽  Then we should all burn together  我们将一同燃烧  Watch the flames climb high into the night  守望烈焰升起点燃暗夜  Calling out for the rope, sent by and we will  召唤祖先,与我们并肩,我们将  Watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side  望着血红的烈焰燃遍山间  And if we should die tonight  若我们将在今夜不归永往  Then we should all die together  我们将一同面对生死茫茫  Raise a glass of wine for the last time  最后一次举杯  Calling out for the rope  呼唤祖先  Prepare as we will  准备  Watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side  望着血红的烈焰燃遍山间  Desolation comes upon the sky  破败从天空席卷而来  Now I see fire, inside the mountain  如今我目睹烈火,在山内燃烧  I see fire, burning the trees  我目睹烈火,摧毁山林  And I see fire, hollowing souls  我更目睹烈火,噬灭魂魄  And I see fire, blood in the breeze  我目睹烈火,在风中燃如鲜血  And I hope that you'll remember me  我希望你们能铭记我  Oh, should my people fall  哦,假如我的子民落败  Then surely I'll do the same  我仍会如此般屹立  Confined in mountain halls  坚守在山内的厅堂  We got too close to the flame  我们太逼近烈焰  Calling out father hold fast and we will  呼唤祖先,与我们紧靠,我们将  Watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side  望着血红的烈焰燃遍山间  Desolation comes upon the sky  破败从天空席卷而来  Now I see fire, inside the mountain  如今我目睹烈火,在山内燃烧  I see fire, burning the trees  我目睹烈火,摧毁山林  And I see fire, hollowing souls  我更目睹烈火,噬灭魂魄  And I see fire, blood in the breeze  我目睹烈火,在风中燃如鲜血  And I hope that you'll remember me  我希望你们能铭记我  And if the night is burning  如果暗夜被点燃  I will cover my eyes  我将紧闭双眼  For if the dark returns then  因若黑暗重临  My brothers will die  我的兄弟将不归永往  And as the sky's falling down  当苍穹坠落  It crashed into this lonely town  毁灭这孤独的城镇  And with that shadow upon the ground  当暗影肆虐于大地之上  I hear my people screaming out  我听见我同胞的惊叫  Now I see fire, inside the mountain  如今我目睹烈火,在山内燃烧  I see fire, burning the trees  我目睹烈火,摧毁山林  And I see fire, hollowing souls  我更目睹烈火,噬灭魂魄  And I see fire, blood in the breeze  我目睹烈火,在风中燃如鲜血  I see fire, oh you know I saw a city burning (fire)  我希望你们能铭记我  And I see fire, feel the heat upon my skin (fire)  我目睹烈火,感到灼热侵蚀我的皮肤  And I see fire (fire)  我更目睹烈火  And I see fire (burn on and on and mountains side)  我目睹血红的烈焰燃遍山间


歌手:Neil Finn
所属专辑:《Song Of The Lonely Mountain》

Far over the misty mountains rise
Leave us standing upon the heights
What was before we see once more
It's a kingdom a distant light
Fiery mountain beneath the moon
The words unspoken well be there soon
For home a song that echoes on
And all who find us will know the tune
Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the back of us yet
Well fight as long as we live
All eyes on the hidden door
To the lonely mountain borne
Well ride in the gathering storm
Until we get our long-forgotten gold
We lay under the misty mountains cold
In slumbers deep and dreams of gold
We must awake our lives to make
And in the darkness a torch we hold
From long ago when lanterns burned
Untill this day our hearts have yearned
Her fate unknown the arkenstone
What was stolen must be returned
We must awake and make the day
To find a song for heart and soul
Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the end of it yet
Well fight as long as we live
All eyes on the hidden door
To the lonely mountain borne
Well ride in the gathering storm
Until we get our long-forgotten gold
Far away from misty mountains cold


Star Sky中文名称:星空 所属专辑:Battlecry歌曲原唱:Two Steps From Hell 歌曲语言:英语Here we are 我们在此地Riding the sky 翱翔于天际Painting the night with sun 绘夜空以晨旭You and I, Mirrors of light 你和我 交相辉映Twin flames of fire 如两团火焰Lit in another time and place 闪亮在彼时彼地I knew your name 我曾知你生名I knew your face 也曾忆你音容Your love and grace 与你爱和魅力Past and present now embrace 过往与现在汇聚Worlds collide in inner space 世界激荡于内心Unstoppable, the song we play 我们奏响的歌 永不停息Burn the page for me 忘记我的过去I cannot erase the time of sleep 沉睡时光我无法抹去I cannot be loved so set me free 我不能被爱 所以放我自由I cannot deliver your love 我不能接受你的爱Or caress your soul so 也无法抚慰你的灵魂Turn that page for me 就让过往逝去I cannot embrace the touch that you give 我不能接受你的拥抱I cannot find solace in your words 也找不到安慰的话语I cannot deliver you your love 我不能回应你的爱意Or caress your soul 也不能抚慰你的灵魂Age to age 年复一年I feel the call 我感到那呼唤Memory of future dreams 未来梦想的记忆You and I, riding the sky 你和我 相依比翼Keeping the fire bright 让火焰永不熄From another time and place 在彼时彼地I know your name 我知你生名I know your face 将你容颜记Your touch and grace 和你的怀抱和魅力All of time can not erase 时间也无法抹去What our hearts remember stays 我们记得要留在哪里Forever on a song we play 永远留在 我们的那首歌里Burn the page for me 忘记我的过去I cannot erase the time of sleep 沉睡时光我无法抹去I cannot be loved so set me free 我不能被爱 所以放我自由I cannot deliver your love 我不能接受你的爱Or caress your soul so 也无法抚慰你的灵魂turn that page for me 就让过往逝去I cannot embrace the touch that you give 我不能接受你的拥抱I cannot find solace in your words 也找不到安慰的话语I cannot deliver you your love 我不能回应你的爱意or caress your soul 也不能抚慰你的灵魂扩展资料:Star Sky是由Two Steps From Hell(地狱咫尺)工作组制作,歌曲发布于该工作组2015年4月28日发行的专辑《Battlecry》中,时长5分30秒。Star Sky表达了一种内心深处的渴望,渴望成为英雄和救世主。与自己的欲望做斗争,比较起手起刀落,斩杀敌人的头颅来说要麻烦得多,也困难得多。在血与火的战场上成为英雄,那种万众瞩目、地动山摇的巨大成就感与存在感,是乏味的工作与生活永远无法给到的。正因为如此,这种欲望的满足,就更加诱人。这首《Star Sky》,以《霍比特人》的战争为画面配上这种史诗般恢弘的音乐旋律,酣畅淋漓。


Victory并不是某一部电影的配乐,虽然它被用与《霍比特人3》的宣传片中,但它并没有出现在电影的正式影片中。《Victory》只是Two Steps From Hell (两步逃离地狱)的单曲,收录于《Battlecry》专辑。扩展资料:Two Steps From Hell (又名两步逃离地狱、地狱咫尺、逃陷地狱)成立于2006年3月,总部设于美国加州洛杉矶,是一家专业的音乐制作公司。地狱边缘是由尼克·菲尼克斯和托马斯·J·柏格森共同创办,他们创作的音乐类型属于原声配乐(Original Sound Track),现在此公司属于汉斯·季默旗下的RC公司所拥有。声乐是地狱边缘的招牌元素,这使得他们的音乐风格大气壮观、雄浑有力又不失细腻,能在百转千回之余,依然刻划宏伟的景深。也因其多样而广阔的风格,使得地狱边缘所创作的音乐常被用来制作电影广告的配乐。因为超高的使用率,所以成立仅短短两年就已经在好莱坞名声大噪。许多电影、游戏使用他们的乐曲。同时,他们也把配乐作品挑选集结成非公开专辑,也因为很多好莱坞音乐都是出于其手,许多曲子会有似曾相识的感觉。目前,该音乐公司已公开发行了一些音乐专辑,其中一片原名为《Nemesis II》的专辑因不明原因改为《Illusions》,并以公司成员柏格森之名发行。在2011年12月1日,他们制作的《勇敢之心》出现在马德里的世界青年日,之后这首歌更被当作2012年欧洲锦标赛的开幕曲。参考资料:Two Steps From Hell-百度百科


《victory》不是哪个电影的主题曲。《Victory》并不属于某一部电影配乐,虽然它被用与《霍比特人3:五军之战》的宣传片中,但它并没有出现在电影《霍比特人3》的正式影片中。《Victory》是Two Steps From Hell (地狱咫尺)的单曲,收录于《Battlecry》专辑,是Two Steps From Hell最受欢迎的歌曲。歌曲资料:《Victory》是十大气势背景音乐之一,其让人震撼的女声和合唱,以及气势磅礴的旋律,足以征服听众的内心。《Victory》单曲收录《Battlecry》专辑。Victory在YouTube的观看人数为6513万(2019年11月5日)以上,创造了 Two Steps From Hell 的新纪录,是2019年 TSFH 最受欢迎的歌曲。让人震撼的女声和合唱,以及气势磅礴的旋律,足以征服听众的内心。


Victory并不是某一部电影的配乐,虽然它被用与《霍比特人3》的宣传片中,但它并没有出现在电影的正式影片中。《Victory》只是Two Steps From Hell (两步逃离地狱)的单曲,收录于《Battlecry》专辑。相关内容解释:Two Steps From Hell (又名两步逃离地狱、地狱咫尺、逃陷地狱)成立于2006年3月,总部设于美国加州洛杉矶,是一家专业的音乐制作公司。地狱边缘是由尼克·菲尼克斯和托马斯·J·柏格森共同创办,他们创作的音乐类型属于原声配乐(Original Sound Track),现在此公司属于汉斯·季默旗下的RC公司所拥有。声乐是地狱边缘的招牌元素,这使得他们的音乐风格大气壮观、雄浑有力又不失细腻,能在百转千回之余,依然刻划宏伟的景深。也因其多样而广阔的风格,使得地狱边缘所创作的音乐常被用来制作电影广告的配乐。因为超高的使用率,所以成立仅短短两年就已经在好莱坞名声大噪。许多电影、游戏使用他们的乐曲。同时,他们也把配乐作品挑选集结成非公开专辑,也因为很多好莱坞音乐都是出于其手,许多曲子会有似曾相识的感觉。目前,该音乐公司已公开发行了一些音乐专辑,其中一片原名为《Nemesis II》的专辑因不明原因改为《Illusions》,并以公司成员柏格森之名发行。

