
时间:2024-05-03 13:45:33编辑:分享君


说话的英语:speak。speak的基本意思是“讲”“谈”,指用声音表达意思,着重开口发声,而且着眼于个人的言语行为,可指自言自语,也可指支离破碎地交谈。其后常接语言、实话等词。speak还可作“发言,演说,作报告”解,指连贯、系统、正式的讲话。双语例句1. computer-speak计算机术语2. business-speak商业术语3. management-speak管理术语4. Hello!Could I speak to Sheirly Lim please?喂,请找谢若利姆?5. Hello, this is John. I wanna speak to Linda, please.你好,我是约翰。我想和琳达说话。


说话方式英语是speech。句子:1、这是一种障碍,一个人突然改变了说话方式,听起来就像在用外国口音说话。It's a disorder in which a person experiences a sudden change to their speech so that they sound like they're speaking in a foreign accent.2、“是啊,她有一套独特的说话方式。”梅洛太太很高兴地总结。"Well, she’s got a way of saying things," ended Mrs. Medlock, much pleased.3、如果你走路和说话方式像个海盗一样,那么你应该去当海盗。And you know, if you walk like a pirate and you talk like a pirate, you should be a pirate.4、他们将流行明星视为自己的偶像,模仿他们的说话方式,追随他们的穿衣风格,并不惜一切代价寻找每一个与他们见面的机会。They take pop stars as their idols, imitating their way of talking, following their style of dressing, and seeking every chance to meet them in person at great expenses.5、违反这些准则可能是一种隐晦或礼貌的说话方式,或是通过挖苦或讽刺来表达幽默的方式。By violating the maxims, it can be a way to be subtle or polite, or to convey humor, through sarcasm or irony.

请大神帮忙翻译一篇演讲稿!三分钟的! 大家好,今天很荣幸能站在这里跟你们说些什么

Good moring, everyone! Today it's my great honour to stand here to give you my presentation. My topic is about the distance between our family and us after growing up. When we at the primary school, we lived near it. We left home every morning and went home every night. Later, when we became middle students, we began to live at school and went home only once a week. And then after college enterance examination and when we entered into an university, we went home only during the vocation. In the future, we probably go to a city where is further away from our home after graduation. We grow up. We visit home less frequently. Under the circumstances, we are becoming far away from our family.As a result, it is important for all of us returning home and visiting parents frequently for we are needed by our families. We are expected coming. Just go home!


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