
时间:2024-05-03 17:46:13编辑:分享君

in summer中英歌词,冰雪奇缘中的,我想要一句中文一句英文对照着的。

In Summer - Josh Gad
Really? I’m guessing you don’t have much experience with heat.
真的吗 我猜想你没有经历过大的苦难
But sometimes I like to close my eyes,
and imagine what it’d be like when summer does come
Bees’ll buzz, kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz
蜜蜂嗡嗡 孩子吹着蒲公英
And I’ll be doin’ whatever snow does in summer
A drink in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand
边喝酒 白雪覆盖了灼热的沙
Prob’ly getting gorgeously tanned in summer
I’ll finally see a summer breeze, blow away a winter storm
冬日已去 吹来了夏日的微风
And find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm!
And I can’t wait to see, what my buddies all think of me
我迫不及待 我的小伙伴们都很想我啦
Just imagine how much cooler I’ll be in summer
想想 夏日是多么的凉爽
Da da, da doo, ah bah bah bah bah bah boo
哒哒 哒咚 哈吧 吧哈巴哈吧
The hot and the cold are both so intense
Put’em together it just makes sense!
Ratdadat dad dada doo
呀哒哒 哒 哒哒 咚
Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle
But put me in summer and I’ll be a happy snowman!
但是把我放在夏天里吧 我想做一个快乐的雪人
When life gets rough, I like to hold on to my dream
当生活变得艰苦 我想躲到梦里
Relaxing in the summer sun, just lettin’ off steam
在阳光下放松 释放自我
Oh the sky would be blue, and you guys’ll be there too
蓝蓝的天空 你们应该在那
When I finally do what frozen things do in summer
在夏天 我能用什么办法让东西结冰呢
I’m gonna’ tell him
Don’t you dare!
In summerrrrrrrrr!


冰雪奇缘主题曲《Let It Go》。《Let It Go》是华特迪士尼动画工作室的二零一三年动画电影《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲,演唱者是同在剧里为主角艾莎配音的伊迪娜门泽尔,因为朗朗上口的歌词和豪迈感十足的旋律,该主题曲在世界各地都被翻唱成不同的语言版本。歌词:The snow glows white on the mountain tonight今晚山上的雪白雪皑皑Not a footprint to be seen一个脚印也看不见A kingdom of isolation与世隔绝的王国And it looks like I'm the Queen看起来我是女王The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside风在呼啸着,就像这漩涡中的风暴Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried没法控制住,天知道我试过了Don't let them in, don't let them see别让他们进来,别让他们看见Be the good girl you always have to be做你必须做的好女孩Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know隐藏,不要感觉,不要让他们知道Well, now they know现在他们知道了Let it go, let it go放手,放手Can't hold it back anymore再也忍不住了Let it go, let it go放手,放手Turn away and slam the door转身把门关上I don't care what they're going to say我不在乎他们会说什么Let the storm rage on让暴风雨继续肆虐吧The cold never bothered me anyway不管怎样,感冒从来没有困扰过我Let it go, let it go放手,放手Can't hold it back anymore再也忍不住了Let it go, let it go放手,放手Turn my back and slam the door转身把门关上And here I stand我站在这里And here I'll stay我会留在这里Let it go, let it go放手,放手The cold never bothered me anyway不管怎样,感冒从来没有困扰过我It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small有意思的是,一段距离让一切看起来都很渺小And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all曾经控制过我的恐惧根本无法控制我It's time to see what I can do是时候看看我能做些什么了To test the limits and break through试探极限突破No right, no wrong, no rules for me没有对,没有错,没有规则I'm free我自由了Up here in the cold thin air where I finally can breathe我终于可以呼吸了I know I left a life behind but I'm too relieved to grieve我知道我留下了一个生命,但我太放心悲伤Let it go, let it go放手,放手I am one with the wind and sky我与风与天合一Let it go, let it go放手,放手You'll never see me cry你永远不会看到我哭泣Here I stand and here I'll stay我站在这里,我会留在这里Let the storm rage on让暴风雨继续肆虐吧Let it go, let it go放手,放手Can't hold it back anymore再也忍不住了Let it go, let it go,放手,放手,Turn my back and slam the door转身把门关上And here I stand我站在这里And here I'll stay我会留在这里Let it go, let it go放手,放手The cold never bothered me anyway不管怎样,感冒从来没有困扰过我My power flurries through the air into the ground我的力量从空中飞向地面My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around我的灵魂在冰冻的碎片中盘旋And one thought crystallizes like an ice blast有一个想法像冰暴一样结晶I'm never going back, the past is in the past我再也不回去了,过去的已经过去了Standing - frozen in the life I've chosen站在我选择的生活中You won't find me, the past is still behind me你找不到我,过去还在我身后Buried in the snow埋在雪里Let it go, let it go放手,放手And I'll rise like the break of dawn我会像破晓一样站起来Let it go, let it go放手,放手That perfect girl is gone那个完美的女孩不见了Here I stand in the light of day我站在阳光下Let the storm rage on让暴风雨继续肆虐吧The cold never bothered me anyway不管怎样,感冒从来没有困扰过我Let it go, let it go放手,放手Can't hold it back anymore再也忍不住了Let it go, let it go放手,放手Turn my back and slam the door转身把门关上And here I stand我站在这里And here I'll stay我会留在这里Let it go, let it go放手,放手The cold never bothered me anyway不管怎样,感冒从来没有困扰过我Let it go, let it go, and here I stand放手,放手,我就站在这里let it go, let it go. Let it go放手,放手。算了吧扩展资料:1、随着《冰雪奇缘》一同火起来的这首主题歌《Let It Go》,为这部影片贡献了片中最豪华绚丽的一幕冰上圆舞曲,身负冰封魔咒的女主角——冰雪女王艾莎离开故乡后,试着用自己掌握的魔力在风中载歌载舞,凭空舞出了一座如水晶般耀眼夺目的冰雪城堡,那鲜艳欲滴的色彩,晶莹剔透的质感、辉煌壮观的场景。2、《冰雪奇缘》的歌曲是由克里斯汀·安德森-洛佩兹和罗伯特·洛佩兹作曲作词的,他们两人曾创作过百老汇获奖音乐剧《摩门经》的音乐。两人在创作《Let It Go》这首歌的时候参考过阿黛尔、莎拉·巴莱勒斯、凯蒂·派瑞、多莉·艾莫丝等人的歌。参考资料:百度百科——《let it go》

