
时间:2024-05-04 15:11:17编辑:分享君

表示认命的经典句子 关于表示认命的语句









  认命的释义:承认不幸的遭遇是命中注定的。那么你知道认命用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   认命英语说法1:   Resign to fate    认命英语说法2:   resign oneself to desting    认命英语说法3:   admit that one's misfortune is predetermined by God    认命的英语例句:   1. She tried to accept her marriage as her lot in life but could not.   她想认命接受这段婚姻,但却做不到。   2. He is of the acquiescent rather than the militant type.   他是属于认命的而不是好斗的那一类型.   3. So Sutra says : You just ? acknowledge it as a? destiny. It is best for you.   那么,佛又云: 认命 比抱怨要好, 对于不可改变的事实,除了认命以外,没有更好的办法了.   4. A devoted cultivator should understand that hardship is part of life.   修道人辛苦一点也要认命,做的多,了愿的多.   5. She had to resign herself to bringing up her baby alone.   她不得不认命,独力抚养她的婴儿.   6. The Senate vote came after a little debate on the nomination.   参议院在未经讨论的情况下就对职位认命进行了投票.   7. The nurse whispered fatefully to call the priest.   护士认命地低声让人去叫牧师.   8. The only thing was to accept the inevitable.   唯一的办法只有自认命里注定.   9. He was at last reconciled to his lot.   他终于认命了.   10. President Bush moved quickly name a replacement.   布什总统很快认命了接班人.   11. Resign yourself , my heart; sleep your brutish sleep.   认命吧, 我的心; 愿你睡得像野兽一样.   12. By the seventh day, Felix , accepting his fate, no longer begged for mercy.   第七天, 费利克斯认命了, 不再祈求宽恕.   13. That's why last year I asked Vice President Biden to chair a on middle - class families.   这就是为什么去年我认命副总统.这就是为什么我们几乎将儿童医疗税收优惠提高了一倍.   14. Yue Niang initially to succumb to her fate but is finally determined to make her escape.   月娘本来想要认命,但是最后还是决定不向命运屈服.   15. Foreign tourists stared in bewilderment. Locals with the resigned look of those used to waiting.   外国旅客迷茫地凝视着. 当地人认命了,因为他们已经习惯等待.



