
时间:2024-07-13 23:11:14编辑:分享君


1987年8月参加工作,曾任3007厂二分厂副厂长、技术处处长;贵州安大航空锻造有限责任公司总经理、副董事长;曾任安大航空锻造有限责任公司总经理、副董事长;江西景航航空锻铸有限公司董事长;2002年3月~9月在上海召开贵州省现代企业管理高级研究班培训;2009年5月,吴浩当上了中航重机的常务副总经理,当年12月始,吴浩获任江西景航航空锻铸有限公司和中航卓越锻造(无锡)有限公司法人兼董事长。2010年9月,吴浩担任陕西宏远航空锻造有限公司法人兼董事长、贵州安大董事长和中航特材工业(西安)有限公司法人、董事长兼总经理。2010年10月至今,吴浩卸下常务副总担子,任中航重机的副总经理至今。 2011年5月和2013年1月,吴浩以贵州安吉航空精密铸造公司董事长身份视察了中航工业河北安吉宏业机械股份公司。2014年6月3日下午,有关吴浩被双规的消息就在坊间流传。很快,中航重机就发布公告称,“公司近日接到上级纪检部门的通知,决定对副总经理吴浩采取‘两规’措施。”


吴浩,字广天,号闲语堂主人、无为居士。19631正月生,中国书法家协会会员,邳州市书法家协会副主席。就职于江苏省邳州市农村商业银行。书法作品先后入展:1996年5月 全国第一届行书展1998年11月1日 第四届中国书坛新人作品展1999年6月6日 全国第一届扇面书法作品展2000年12月 全国第八届中青年书法篆刻家作品展2002年9月28日 第四届全国楹联书法大赛2003年8月25日 首届中国敦煌国际书画小品展2003年8月25日 首届中国敦煌杯全国书法大赛2004年3月26日 全国第八届书法篆刻作品展2005年9月30日 全国首届走进青海书法展2005年10月26日 三晋杯全国首届公务员书法大展2005年11月22日 全国书法大展冼夫人奖2006年9月 首届江苏省金融系统书法作品一等奖


Zhou Enlai
March 5, 1898 Health, Xiang-Yu word. Childhood name, big-luan. Former Feifei, Wu Hao, a small mountain, crown of Health and so on. Shaoxing, Zhejiang origin, was born in Huai'an, Jiangsu.
1913 Tianjin Nankai Middle School into the study.
Studied in Japan in 1917.
Return in 1919. Tianjin to participate in the May Fourth Movement, the Organization Juewu She engaged in anti-imperialist, anti-feudal revolutionary activities.
From 1920 to 1924 to have work-study program in France and Germany, in Europe the Chinese students and workers in the Marxist propaganda, the organization launched in Europe juvenile Chinese Communist Party (later renamed the Socialist Youth League of China in Europe).
In 1922 into the Communist Party of China (Zhang by the government and others introduced), and the Chinese Socialist Youth League branch secretary of the total in Europe, and Europe participate in the general branch of the Chinese Communist leadership, the party early on, Tuan from the work of the Important role.
August 1924 from the Paris home, a former director of the Political Department of the Whampoa Military Academy, the National Revolutionary Army in the first director of the Political Department of the Army, chairman of the CPC Guangdong and Guangxi District, the Standing Committee of the military and the Minister, presided over the establishment of the direct leadership of the party's revolutionary armed independence Ye Ting Mission.
In February 1925, in October, leaders of the First, Second east, in order to consolidate and develop the revolutionary base in Guangdong and made a significant contribution to the Northern Expedition.
In 1926 in Guangzhou peasant movement workshops taught by the military course, the same year in winter in Shanghai, he served as secretary of the CPC Central Military Commission and secretary of the CPC Central Military District in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
March 1927 the leadership of Shanghai workers in the Third armed uprising to win; in August led the Nanchang Uprising, the Kuomintang reactionaries started the first shot, in order to create a people's army made an important contribution in the uprising of any secretary of the CPC Committee Qiandi. In the same period of the CPC, "87" meeting, was elected alternate member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau.
In 1928 to attend the party's six, made at the meeting on military issues and organizational issues. After adhere to the underground in Shanghai, the office of the Organization Department of CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Central Military Commission, issued a "commitment to eliminate all non-party sense of the proletariat" and "to the Central Committee of the Red Army in the fourth before the military commission instructions of the letter."
In December 1931 to enter the central revolutionary base, the Chinese permanent secretary of the Bureau of the Central Soviet Area, the total中国工农红军Junzheng Wei, political commissar of the First Minister and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission Vice-President.
Zhu De and the spring of 1933 along with the leadership and command of the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" of war, has made significant victory.
In January 1935 in Zunyi Meeting, the strong support for Mao Zedong's correct line, for the establishment of Mao Zedong in the party's leadership, has played a very important role. In the Zunyi Meeting after the revolution of the Central Military Commission Vice-Chairman of the Central and three members of the military command.
December 1936 plenipotentiary to the Chinese office in Xi'an with the arrest of Chiang Kai-shek to negotiate a peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. Anti-Japanese War, he served as the representative of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Board of the South, and non-governmental Armed Services Committee of the Political Department of the Kuomintang, Vice-Minister, in the long-term seat of the Nationalist government in Wuhan, and Chongqing to carry out the Party's united front work and work.
In August 1945 and Mao Zedong to Chongqing, with the KMT to negotiate the fight, "Double Ten Agreement" signed, the CPC delegation stay in Chongqing and Nanjing.
In November 1946 from Nanjing to return to Yan'an.
March 1947 the focus of the Kuomintang army offensive in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region when he moved to northern Shaanxi, in August the same year term of office of the Central Military Commission Vice-President and Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Central Military Commission.
In September 1948, to participate in the leadership and command of the Liaoning Shenyang, Tianjin, three of the Huaihai Campaign, and in November the same year term of office of the Central Military Commission Vice-President and Chief of General Staff, to overthrow the reactionary Kuomintang rule, the armed seizure of power, the creation of a new socialist China, The establishment of enduring achievements.
After the founding of the PRC, the former Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs (concurrently), the Chinese Central Military Commission Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Vice-Chairman of the first, second and third terms of the President. Communist China is the fifth member of the Central Committee, six to the 10th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, member of the CPC Sixth, the Seventh CPC Central Committee, eight to the 10th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee of the Eighth CPC 10th Central Committee of Vice-President, one to Four representatives of the National People's Congress.
Take in dealing with day-to-day affairs of the party and the country at the same time, Mao Zedong and work out the party's socialist construction of the line, principles and policies; several of the Five-Year Plan for national economic development he personally presided over the formulation and implementation of the organization. Adjustments made in 1960, to consolidate, enrich and improve the policy and take a series of measures to smooth economic recovery and development. It also raised the vast majority of Chinese intellectuals is the working people of intellectuals, science and technology in China's modernization, and so have a key role in view of socialist construction are of great significance. In international affairs, and personally involved in the implementation of the major foreign policy decisions made in diplomatic work in a number of specific guidelines and policies in a creative way to implement the party's foreign policy revolution. In 1954, initiated the famous Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. In April 1955, the Chinese delegation to attend the first Asia-Africa Conference, the meeting adopted the five principles of peaceful coexistence based on the Ten Principles of Bandung Conference. In 1961, 22, attended the Soviet Communist Party, Khrushchev on the group to split the international communist movement, waged a resolute struggle. In the "Cultural Revolution", the overall situation, patience, in order to continue the party and the state of the work to minimize losses for the protection of a large number of cadres inside and outside the party, painstaking, and with Lin Biao and Jiang Qing counter-revolutionary groups carried out the conspiracy All forms of struggle. In the fourth National People's Congress on behalf of the party: in this century, the full realization of agriculture, industry, national defense and modernization of science and technology so that China's national economy in the world in taking the grand planning. Illness in 1972, always insisted on working.
Jan 8, 1976 in Beijing, died 77 years old.
His major works as "Selected Works of Zhou Enlai."
His wife, Deng Yingchao.


ZhouEn to is horse grams of thinking in the Lord, and righteous life without first grade leather home, political governance that house, army into homes and outside of production in the home, in the kingdom party, who were and countries people Iowa the Lord will bring guide in a country people, people who put army gen built solution of people in China, who were and prime ministers (1949 ~ 1976). The original record zhejiang jiang shaoxing xing, born in jiang su the huai Ann. In 1917, cyanazine south open learning school day after Picasso in Japan for heritage this school. In 1919, September to countries in south open big study, in five four luck for days dynamic into circles of tianjin students leadership people, and with luck moving him to live in the same group of dynamic points son somatosensory woven into a step regiment enlightenment clubs. 1920 to law countries often work frugal learn. For countries in 1921 and in 1922 of party, the inflammation and zhao to is the party of (former period serious to bring the) group of woven brigade of eu countries in less synergy produced party (in change of name will the Lord for righteousness green kingdom clubs in European branch department) group tour. Any country club after righteousness will the Lord in Europe in group a green book tour in Europe were written, a tour guide people bring part.

In 1924, after autumn back to countries former wide east yellow Po army responsible for the administration of the Lord: and the kingdom people life army an army of any political governance, the main party and an army vice President, and first watch any of the east after in the wide area committee member long, often will committee member of committee and army things long. In 1927 March the kingdom of thinning in north in people life army: close to Shanghai affection condition, and brought the man guided Shanghai work three times sasha packed their righteousness, cast away the yankees in keep Shanghai north of military valve team. 5 months in the first five times of all countries and the big will watch when elected members of the central committee, the fifth in a will in politics when elected central committee member for innings. In July in any of the central government governance innings when organizing committee members will often affairs (5). Countries face of after all, he and splitting points in celebrating the dragon, leaf pretty, zhu DE, liu bocheng waiting for a on August 1 in jiangxi south chang brought guide sasha packed their righteousness (see south chang up in righteousness), as were former enemy committee member will remember. The book In 1928 in all six in session 1 on when elected government will cure innings after in organizing responsible, often epicenter of woven department of central military commission, long book to remember. When at the epicenter of the Shanghai place in secret shape condition in secret work. He is to be made in the epicenter of license in full, for united, each department and guide to area altogether means in the party leadership, as against martial outfit fights in the kingdom people send exhibition for the party series leather life work area beginning to heavy will be used. In this first-order segment of big department points between, he when in reality of the interstate in the epicenter is the Lord to Lord hold.

In 1931, calendar of Sue area in any book in central bureau work written, red army total agricultural nation political governance committee member and the first a square face army political committee member, total life army camp in Crete thing committee member; deputy Lord seats. In 1933, spring and zhu DE a guide and refers to bring up the red army war wins swinging on people's party-military kingdom in Crete, according to central command the first root four "wai suppression". In 1934 October and add long levy. In January 1935 in your state province at the heave do righteousness county town of central government governance in in expanding big will re-debate bureau as judicators (i.e., the righteous will hold hair team) east of the Lord is truly edda, following zhang renewal was elected to the Lord of armies epicenter of what people bring guide. In December 1936, when in shaanxi west xian when the love kingdom will bring zhang study good and Yang tiger town, to Chiang interface by in the stone, rejects the resistance against rejected the emplacement slightly, set against altogether, hair force move sasha force of stone binding ban Chiang interface thing changed. West Ann Week of any favor in all the right to watch and qin nations for constitutional, leaf sword English with jiang interface to west Ann stone, and zhang, talk to a forced make jiang Yang plays by "stop dielectric stone after the war to fight within a day" Lord zhang, prompting group ", in face resistance in the country bureau of the cash.

Resistance against, war between, weeks grace period for a long period of in the table in heavy kei and kingdom people made of party control in his area to do its work, a battle line ec canute force regiment "each square face, Lord zhang of the kingdom of salvation resistance, and the amount of force after first in central were brought guide in length


编写学生类Student,属性包含姓名,年龄,性别,根据该类分别创建五个学生对象,如下:public class Student {private String name;private int age;private String sex;public Student(String name,int age,String sex){this.name=name;this.age=age;this.sex=sex;}public static void main(String[] args){//定义学生对象,直接在构造函数里给值,也可以用set设置值,get获取值Student st1=new Student("xiaobai",12,"男");Student st2=new Student("xiaohong",12,"女");Student st3=new Student("xiaoyi",12,"女");Student st4=new Student("xiaoer",12,"男");Student st5=new Student("xiaodong",12,"女");System.out.println("学生一:"+st1);System.out.println("学生二:"+st2);System.out.println("学生三:"+st3);System.out.println("学生四:"+st4);System.out.println("学生五:"+st5);}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public int getAge() {return age;}public void setAge(int age) {this.age = age;}public String getSex() {return sex;}public void setSex(String sex) {this.sex = sex;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "Student [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + ", sex=" + sex + "]";}}结果:学生一:Student [name=xiaobai, age=12, sex=男]学生二:Student [name=xiaohong, age=12, sex=女]学生三:Student [name=xiaoyi, age=12, sex=女]学生四:Student [name=xiaoer, age=12, sex=男]学生五:Student [name=xiaodong, age=12, sex=女]


  第四十七条 经济补偿按劳动者在本单位工作的年限,每满一年支付一个月工资的标准向劳动者支付。六个月以上不满一年的,按一年计算;不满六个月的,向劳动者支付半个月工资的经济补偿。
  第八十七条 用人单位违反本法规定解除或者终止劳动合同的,应当依照本法第四十七条规定的经济补偿标准的二倍向劳动者支付赔偿金。

