“ofc”可能是是office的缩写,意思是:办公室;可能是oxygen-free copper的缩写,意思是:无氧铜;也可能是Operational Flight Control的缩写,意思是作战飞行控制。办公室读音bàngōngshì英文名Office: 处理一种特定事务的地方或提供服务的地方。是提供工作办公的场所,不同类型的企业,办公场所有所不同,由办公设备,办公人员及其它辅助设备组成,在办公室适合放些对人和工作氛围有帮助的东西,如花,画等。 办公室,还可以指一种机构,如区委办公室、区政府办公室、党校办公室等,它是一个单位对外的窗口,对内协助领导工作的机关。名词解释:西方古代的办公室通常是宫殿或大型庙宇中的一部份。通常是一间存放有大量卷轴的房间,并有抄写员在其中进行工作。对一些考古学家和大众媒体而言,这些房间有时也被称为“图书馆”(Libraries),因为这个场所通常与记载有文学作品的卷轴有关。事实上,除了诗歌或虚构的文学作品之外,自从各种记录、合约、命令、公告等内容都被记载于卷轴上起,这些存放卷轴的房间就有了现代“办公室”的定义。
OFC是无氧铜(oxygen-free copper)的意思。根据含氧量和杂质含量,无氧铜又分为一号和二号无氧铜。一号无氧铜纯度达到99.97%,氧含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.03%;二号无氧铜纯度达到99.95%,氧含量不大于0.005%,杂质总含量不大于0.05%。无氧铜无氢脆现象,导电率高,加工性能和焊接性能、耐蚀性能和低温性能均好。各国对于含氧量的标准也不完全相同,存在一定的差异。OFC(无氧铜):纯度为99.995% 的金属铜。一般用于音响器材、真空电子器件、电缆等电工电子应用之中。其中无氧铜中又有 LC-OFC(线形结晶无氧铜或结晶无氧铜):纯度在99.995%以上和OCC(单晶无氧铜):纯度最高,在99.996%以上,又分为PC-OCC和UP-OCC 等。铜具有高的电导率和热导率、良好的可焊性、优良的塑性和延展性、极好的冷加工性能且无磁性,而弥散无氧铜又克服了退火后屈服强度较低和高温下抗蠕变差的缺点,具有高温、高强度和高热导率的特性,受到电子材料专家的高度重视。铜及其合金已在电子工业中得到广泛应用,在真空电子器件中,无氧铜已居该领域中七大结构材料中用量之首。含氧量是无氧铜最重要的性能之一,由于氧和铜固熔量很小,因而无氧铜中之氧,实际是以Cu2O形式而存在。在高温下,氢以很大的速度在铜中扩散,遇到Cu2O并将其还原,产生大量的水蒸气。水蒸气的数量比例于铜的含氧量。例如,0.01%含氧量的铜,退火后,在100g铜中会形成14cm3的水蒸气,该水蒸气不能经致密铜而扩散,因而在存在Cu2O的地方,会产生几千兆帕压力,从而使铜破坏并产生脆裂和失去真空致密。因而,对氧含量必须进行严格限制。以上内容参考:百度百科——无氧铜
"OFC"是光电光通讯及其相关领域的顶级会议,也是英语"Oxygen Free Copper"的缩写,意为“无氧铜”。在欧美俚语中、论坛上和即时聊天软件中ofc.,就是 of course的缩写,意思是当然,肯定的。OFC也指“眼窝前额皮质”,即orbitofrontal cortex。【摘要】
"OFC"是光电光通讯及其相关领域的顶级会议,也是英语"Oxygen Free Copper"的缩写,意为“无氧铜”。在欧美俚语中、论坛上和即时聊天软件中ofc.,就是 of course的缩写,意思是当然,肯定的。OFC也指“眼窝前额皮质”,即orbitofrontal cortex。【回答】
OFC/NFOEC(Optical Fiber Communication Conference & Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference)是由美国光学学会(OSA)、美国通信学(IEEE/ComSoc)、美国激光与光电协会(IEEE/LEOS)联合组织的光电光通讯及其相关领域的顶级会议,从1975年创办至今,已经成功举办了34届。会议关注世界上最新的光电子和光通讯领域中的技术进展与研究热点,展示相关技术发展的最前沿趋势,被国际公认为光通信领域中全球规格最高、规模最大、历史最悠久、专业性最强的国际性盛会。【回答】
OFC意思是无氧铜。无氧铜(oxygen-free copper),不含氧也不含任何脱氧剂残留物的纯铜。但实际上还是含有非常微量氧和一些杂质。按标准规定,氧的含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.05%,铜的纯度大于99.95%。无氧铜制品主要用于电子工业。常制成无氧铜板、无氧铜带、无氧铜线等铜材。无氧铜的熔炼:严格区分,无氧铜应分为普通无氧铜和高纯无氧铜。普通无氧铜可以在工频有铁心感应电炉中进行熔炼,高纯无氧铜的熔炼则应该在真空感应电炉中进行。采用半连续铸造方式时,熔体在熔炼炉和保温炉内的精炼过程可以不受时间约束。连续铸造则不同,铜液的质量不仅依赖于熔炼炉和保温炉的精炼质量,更重要的是还需要依赖于整个系统和全过程的稳定性。
无氧铜是指不含氧也不含任何脱氧剂残留物的纯铜。实际上还是含有非常微量氧和一些杂质。按标准规定,氧的含量不大于0.03%,杂质总含量不大于0.05%,铜的纯度大于99.95%。 根据含氧量和杂质含量,无氧铜又分为一号和二号无氧铜。一号无氧铜纯度达到99.97%,氧含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.03%;二号无氧铜纯度达到99.95%,氧含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.05%。无氧铜无氢脆现象,导电率高,加工性能和焊接性能、耐蚀性能和低温性能均好。 OFC(无氧铜):纯度为99.995% 的金属铜。
不含氧也不含任何脱氧剂残留物的纯铜。但实际上还是含有非常微量氧和一些杂质。按标准规定,氧的含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.05%,铜的纯度大于99.95%。无氧铜制品主要用于电子工业。常制成无氧铜板、无氧铜带、无氧铜线等铜材。无氧铜(oxygen-free copper)根据含氧量和杂质含量,无氧铜又分为一号和二号无氧铜。一号无氧铜纯度达到99.97%,氧含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.03%;二号无氧铜纯度达到99.95%,氧含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.05%。无氧铜无氢脆现象,导电率高,加工性能和焊接性能、耐蚀性能和低温性能均好。各国对于含氧量的标准也不完全相同,存在一定的差异。OFC(无氧铜):纯度为99.995% 的金属铜。一般用于音响器材、真空电子器件、电缆等电工电子应无氧铜无氧铜用之中。其中无氧铜中又有 LC-OFC(线形结晶无氧铜或结晶无氧铜):纯度在99.995%以上和OCC(单晶无氧铜):纯度最高,在99.996%以上,又分为PC-OCC和UP-OCC 等。采用UP-OCC技术(Ultra Pure Copper by Ohno Continuous Casting Process)制造的单结晶无氧铜,无方向性、高纯度、防腐蚀、极低的电气阻抗使得线材适合高速优质的传输信号。 [1]
第一段翻译:Exhibition letter Ann, busy to disturb you is really embarrassed. Now, I think I should be time to write a letter to you, I just know you hate me so much,。but please allow to be my last audience? Because there is a lot that I want to tell you through this letter. Thanks. These years, lost your contact but also lost our friendship, my deep regret.Unfortunately, life has no regret! If I can help. Good friends should help each other, isn't they?剩下的翻译:Maybe you don't know, I have been missing you, not blame you, blame me for cowardice and escape. After high school, the family asked me to "official" (superstition). I did not from, so I hid in a classmate's home, at that time。 now think is really ridiculous, obviously very want to know how your college entrance examination, but just do not have the courage to call you, why? Is irritable? Or are timid? Maybe all, so I asked him to inquire about you (call you)。and I knew it harassed you. It may hurt your heart and live up to her expectations. But I am not like that Like it? I hope to take this opportunity to express my apology to you and say sorry to you! I know some things are useless to say sorry, but I still beg for your forgiveness。hope you can accept my late confession, hope the past let him past. Perhaps you have forgotten, perhaps I also do not need to mention again。and perhaps at the beginning is redundant.and then later, gradually there is no news of you. I also have no way, because at that time I was really chaotic, my world became a mess。 my mood was bad to the extreme, I don't want to be tired to you, really! . (Actually, I have asked someone to go to Dongxi to find you。 I know your home is not in Dongxi. ) 。In my freshman year, I dropped out because of my family distress. After that time, I have been living while working and learning, and at that time。Fan Zhengli gave me a great help. The pressure of study and busy work make my daily life full and nervous, but my thoughts for you have never subsided one day. Over the years, I felt like an ostrich with my head buried in a sandbag,。thinking that I could forget all my troubles and missing。but I found that I was wrong, my troubles can be briefly forgotten, and the missing is beheaded in any case. Whenever it is quiet in the dead of night , I always think of all your dribs and drabs。 I always forget your gentle and considerate voice, your beauty, show off the wisdom. Whenever I think of these, I will feel that I am happy, the day's fatigue will also disappear. You have ever know every day after a busy day, with sweet miss sleep, what comfortable ah. Hello and beautiful!The last time I came to Hangzhou, in fact, you don't need to see me. Just want to talk to you, just want to tell you this. I said I wanted you to come to Hangzhou. It's actually a joke. Li and I said I had a girlfriend before. Later, he broke up. In fact, I just want to test your reaction, there was a mood and conditions to talk about? You asked Xiao to tell me that you have a boyfriend. If I don't think of it, it is false, no matter you have a boyfriend this matter is true or false。I will sincerely bless you! Have you really never felt anything about me? I am so stupid! What if you do so? Maybe this is good to you, good to me. Take good care of you! Just be me The years have been wishful thinking and sentimental. People always have to learn to grow up, feelings. Ha ha, so say up, it is as if you gave me a lesson oh? People laugh at me silly, maybe it is, perhaps the feelings really shouldn't see so heavy. Some time ago was originally wanted to make you happy。 (in fact, this is a friend of my search idea, ah... a wrong again wrong. )。 Really disrespect for you, sorry. Ah.... maybe this is a good ending, thank you. People laughed at me silly, maybe it was. Fool, but what? The day still goes on. Right, right? Haha.... Are you doing right now? Your one Are you sister and brother? How about the aunt? Or will you call it so? It feels like you are a bit like an aunt right now. Uncle's eyes are like you, so crazy! Mother and uncle is so happy! Ha ha! After writing these words, feel the mood really relaxed a lot。the original no worry alive is so easy, everything let go, with the encounter! Let everything with the wind! Finally sincerely wish you, wish you smooth work,。wish you find life really love you good partner, wish aunt smile, also wish your family happiness!