
时间:2023-11-21 03:14:44编辑:分享君

The process of truncating is called rounding down .

A charge of 1.90 will be rounded up to 2 , and one of 3.10 rounded down to 3 .

The prices of the goods have been rounded down

But in the game all numbers are rounded down to integral numbers

Round down each of the following numbers correct to the nearest value given in the brackets

The remaining notes will be allocated to apppcants pro rata ( rounded down to the nearest whole note )

If your ine is $ 2 , 386 . 46 , it will be rounded down to $ 2 , 386 for tax purposes
如果你的收入是2 , 386 。 46美元,為收稅的方便,就將尾數舍去成2 , 386美元整數。

Please measure those lengths of wood , ignore the inches and round down the figures to the nearest foot

If a value that is greater than 10 , 000 is specified , it is silently rounded down to 10 , 000 by asp .
如果指定了大于10 , 000的值, asp . 會在不給出任何提示的情況下將它向下舍入到10 , 000 。

The maelstrom ' s shield boost bonus was being rounded down to 7 % . it has been resolved and 7 . 5 % is appped per the description
死亡漩渦級艦船護盾增效加成已減少到7左右,描述中加成為7 . 5 。

The arrow knight ' s single next attack with a bow against that target ignores half of her armor and natural armor bonuses ( both rounded down )
羽箭騎士對該目標的下一次單次射擊能忽略目標一半的盔甲加值和天生防御加值(向下取整) 。

Us $ 3 , 000 , donation from red hat for cwmc 2006 , obtained by jimbo in peu of his honorarium for speaking at another conference ; rounded down to the nearest hk $ 1 , 000

All types of psionic item saves - - - fortitude , reflex , and will - - - are calculated the same way : the saving throw bonus equals 2 + one - half its manifester level ( round down )
所有類型的豁免檢定? ?強韌、反射、意志? ?都同樣計算:豁免加值等于2 +其顯能者等級的一半(向下取整) 。

For export grades , ... all end diameter is measured at the wharf under the japanese agricultural standard ( jas ) convention , ie , rounded down to the nearest even o - centimetre interval

The remaining notes will be allocated to apppcants pro rata rounded down to the nearest whole note . notes remaining after rounding will be allocated by ballot

Notes remaining will be allocated to each apppcation on a pro rata basis to the remaining quantity of notes appped for by each apppcation , rounded down to the nearest whole note and in the case of notes remaining after rounding , by ballot

