
时间:2023-11-23 06:54:15编辑:分享君
Now this is something to be grumpy about: Meme superstar Grumpy Cat has died.,现在这里有一件让人不爽的事情就是:表情巨星不爽猫离世。,Meme and animal lovers out there will be saddened to hear that the inter star Grumpy Cat has passed away. The news was revealed by Grumpy Cat’s owners on her official account. Grumpy Cat’s owners said the feline died on Tuesday, May 14, “at home in the arms of her mommy, Tabatha.” The cause of death was plications from a recent urinary tract infection.,不爽猫的离世让表情包和动物爱好者很伤心。该消息是由不爽猫的主人在她的官方账号上发布的。主人称这只猫在5月14日周二“在家中她母亲Tabatha的臂弯中离世。“死亡原因是最近一次尿路感染的并发症。,In announcing the passing, Grumpy Cat’s owners said, “Besides being our baby and a cherished member of the family, Grumpy Cat has helped millions of people ... ile all around the world–even when times were tough. Her spirit will continue to live on through her fans everywhere.”,在不爽猫的去世生命中,主人说:“除了是我们的宝贝,我们珍惜的家庭医院,不爽猫让世上百万人微笑,甚至有些人还处于逆境之中。她的处处遍布的粉丝让她的精神的继续传递。,Grumpy Cat, whose given name is “Tardar Sauce,” originally shot to fame in 2012 after one of Grumpy Cat’s owners posted a photo of her on Reddit. She quickly became a meme sensation due to the permanent frown she appeared to wear. Since then, the Grumpy Cat account has amassed over 1.5 million followers and her Instagram account has over 2 million followers.,不爽猫的名字是Tardar Sauce,最早它的照片拍摄于2012年主人把它的照片放在红迪网上。它万年不变的皱眉表情在网上迅速蹿红。从那时以后,不爽猫的账户吸粉150万,她的Ins账户有200万粉丝。,Grumpy Cat was 7 years old when she passed away at home in Phoenix.,不爽猫享年7岁,在凤凰城的家中去世。,翻译:林浔鸥

