brittany murphy

时间:2023-11-27 11:26:38编辑:分享君
姓名:布兰妮·墨菲 性别:女 原名:SharonMurphy 英文名:BrittanyMurphy 出生年:1977年 生日:11月10日 星座:天蝎座 国籍:美国 地域:欧美 职业:演员 身高:160cm 1977年11月10日布里坦妮·墨菲(Brittany Murphy)出生在亚特兰大,由单身母亲在纽泽西将她扶养长大。墨菲在蹒跚学步时即已展现表演的天份,不满九岁就在地方戏院登台作秀。在青少年时期就已有经纪人帮她接洽工作,拍了几支广告之后,首次演出了电视情境片《少女心》。   墨菲第一次受到注目是在1995年的喜剧片《独领 ... 》中,饰演女主角艾莉西亚席维史东的闺中密友,傻气逗趣的演出获得不少好评。小有名气之后,墨菲继续接拍许多电视和电影来累积更多的表演经验。   墨菲近期的作品包括1999年在与 薇诺娜瑞德、 安洁莉娜裘莉合作的《女生向前走》中饰演精神病患、在坎城影展热门参展片《美丽比一比》中演参加选美的竞赛者、以及去年与阿姆合演广受好评的《八英里》,2003年她与好莱坞新晋红小生阿斯顿·库彻联手主演了喜剧片《新婚告急》。 作品表 §快乐脚 Happy Feet (2006) §万恶城市 Sin City (2005) §劈腿排行榜 Little Black Book (2004) §新婚告急 Just Married (2003) §杠上富家女 Uptown Girls (2003) §街头痞子 8 Mile (2002) §辣妹青春 Riding in Cars with Boys (2001) §夏日捕手 Summer Catch (2001) §沉默生机 Don't Say a Word (2001) §出情致胜 Sidewalks of New York (2001) §女生向前走 Girl
Interrupted (2000) §都是处女惹的祸 Cherry Falls (2000) §美丽挤下去 Drop Dead Geous (1999) §独领 ... Clueless (1995)
Birth name Brittany Bertolotti Born November 10
1977 (age 29) Atlanta
USA Notable roles Tai Fraiser in Clueless (1995) Daisy Randone in Girl
Interrupted (1999) Alex in 8 Mile (2002) Shellie in Sin City (2005) Luane in King of the Hill (1998-) 代购#Britney Spear 布兰妮中国香港演唱会2017 ! 即上Ticketbuynow
以下就系! 2008 Sin City 2 Shellie 2007 The Ramen Girl post-production 2007 The Other Side Max Mackenzie 2007 Tinker Bell Tinkerbell (voice) Filming 2006 Love and Other Disasters Jacks 2006 Happy Feet Gloria (voice) 2006 The Groom ... en Sue 2005 Sin City Shellie 2004 Little Black Book Stacy 2003 Uptown Girls Molly Gunn 2003 Spun Nikki 2003 Just Married Sarah McNerney 2002 8 Mile Alex 2001 Sidewalks of New York Ashley 2001 Don't Say a Word Elisabeth Burrows 2001 Riding in Cars with Boys Fay Forrester 2001 Summer Catch Dede Mulligan 2000 Cherry Falls Jody Marken 1998 David and Lisa Lisa 1998 The Prophecy II Izzy 1999 Girl
Interrupted Daisy Randone 1999 Drop Dead Geous Lisa Swensen 1999 The Devil's Arithmetic Rivka 1998 Falling Sky Emily Nicholson 1997 Drive Deliverance Bodine 1996 Freeway Rhonda 1995 Clueless Tai Fraiser 1995 Victim of the Night Julia Newland 详细资料 Birth name Brittany Bertolotti Born November 10
1977 (age 29) Atlanta
USA Notable roles Tai Fraiser in Clueless (1995) Daisy Randone in Girl
Interrupted (1999) Alex in 8 Mile (2002) Shellie in Sin City (2005) Luane in King of the Hill (1998-)
参考: en. ... /wiki/Brittany_Murphy
Birthday: Nov 10
1977 Age (in Apr 2006): 29 Martial status: Single Nationality: American Music: In the Spring of 2006
Paul Oakenfold along with Brittany Murphy released the single "Faster Kill Pussycat"
with the album A Lively Mind which was released on June 6 in the United States. The song has bee a club hit
and hit number one on Billboard magazine's Hot Dance Club Play chart. It also hit number seven in the UK singles chart in June 2006. She dabbled in music again with the release of her movie Happy Feet
in which she covered Queen's classic "Somebody to Love" and Earth
Wind & Fire's "Boogie Wonderland". Brittany is currently working on her debut album
which is inspired by techno-pop sound. The album will be released in 2007. She is working with various producers and DJs including with Paul Oakenfold
Chris Cox
Max Martin and Timbaland. Brittany is currently working on her debut album
which is inspired by techno-pop sound. The album will be released in 2007. She is working with various producers and DJs including with Paul Oakenfold
Chris Cox
Max Martin and Timbaland. Selected filmography YearTitleRole 2008Sin City 2Shellie 2007The Ramen Girlpost-production 2007The Other Side MaxMackenzie 2007Tinker BellTinkerbell (voice) 2006Love and Other DisastersJacks 2006Happy Feet Gloria (voice) 2006The Groom ... enSue 2005Sin CityShellie 2004Little Black BookStacy 2003Uptown GirlsMolly Gunn 2003SpunNikki 2003Just MarriedSarah McNerney 20028 MileAlex 2001Sidewalks of New YorkAshley 2001Don't Say a WordElisabeth Burrows 2001Riding in Cars with BoysFay Forrester 2001Summer CatchDede Mulligan 2000Cherry FallsJody Marken 1998David and LisaLisa 1998The Prophecy IIIzzy 1999Girl
InterruptedDaisy Randone 1999Drop Dead GeousLisa Swensen 1999The Devil's ArithmeticRivka 1998Falling SkyEmily Nicholson 1997DriveDeliverance Bodine 1996FreewayRhonda 1995CluelessTai Fraiser 1995Victim of the NightJulia Newland 2007-04-13 03:25:23 补充: 咁佢即系结o左婚未? 快乐脚... haha
参考: en. ... /wiki/Brittany_Murphy

