DrumMania DrumMania (alternately drummania
abbreviated DM) is a video game created by Konami as part of the Bemani series. The player uses a simulated drum controller to play the notes of a chosen song's drum part as they are displayed on the screen. The game's music consists largely of rock and roll and J-Pop
many of which are covers by famous Japanese artists such as BeForU and notable English artists such as Arch Enemy. Eariler versions of DrumMania have been released in Hong Kong
the Philippines
South Korea
and other Asian countries
under the title Percussion Freaks. Konami has not produced an American version of DrumMania
since MTV Drumscape holds the US patent for "drum simulation games". Noheless
imported versions of DrumMania can be found in various locations across the United States and Canada. Controller DrumMania is played using a controller designed to imitate a drum set. Five pads are arrayed from left to right for the hi-hat
snare drum
high tom
low tom and cymbal. There is also a foot pedal for the bass drum near the snare and the high tom. During play
the player depresses the pads and steps on the pedal.The pads are actually a modified version of the DTXPRESS electronic drum kit made by Yamaha Corporation which is available in almost any musical chain store. the right of these pads
there are three buttons
Start and Right
which are used to select and decide in the selection screens. In those cases
the Left button is assigned to the snare drum pad
Right to the low tom
and Start to the cymbal.
参考: en. ... /wiki/DrumMania