
时间:2023-12-02 12:57:38编辑:分享君
Greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases are gases in an atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.The main greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are water vapor
carbon dioxide
nitrous oxide
and ozone. In our solar system
the atmospheres of Venus
Mars and Titan also contain gases that cause greenhouse effects. Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth; without them
Earth's surface would be on average about 33 °C (59 °F) colder than at present. 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ ... /mons/thumb/d/d5/The_green_house_effect.svg/350px-The_green_house_effect.svg The burning of fossil fuels since the beginning of the Industrial revolution has substantially increased the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .
温室气体(Greenhouse Gas
GHG)或称温室效应气体是指大气中促成温室效应的气体成分。自然温室气体包括水气(H2O),水气所产生的温室效应大约占整体温室效应的60-70%,其次是二氧化碳(CO2)大约占26%,其他还有臭氧(O3)、甲烷(CH4)、氧化亚氮(又称笑气,N2O)、以及人造温室气体氯氟碳化物(CFCs)、全氟碳化物(PFCs)、氢氟碳化物(HFCs),含氯氟烃(HCFCs)及六氟化硫(SF6)等。 温室气体的共同点,就在于它们对可见光透明,对红外线不透明。由于太阳辐射以可见光居多,这些可见光可直接穿透大气层,到达并加热地面。而加热后的地面会发射红外线从而释放热量,但这些红外线不能穿透大气层,因此热量就保留在地面附近的大气中,从而造成温室效应。 水蒸气是最主要的温室气体,但与二氧化碳不同,水蒸气可以凝结成水。因此大气中的水蒸气含量基本稳定,不会出现其它温室气体的累积现象。因此现在讨论温室气体时并不考虑水蒸气。 近年来最引人注意的反常全球气温快速上升,主要是由于人为作用,使大气中温室气体的浓度极剧上升所导致的。人类近代历史上的温室效应,与过去相比特别的显著,全球暖化即适用于形容现在的异常情形。之所以如此,是由于工业革命以来,人类燃烧化石燃料而使二氧化碳含量急剧增加,近十年来增加将近30%;其次是甲烷,从饲养牲畜的粪便发酵,污水泄漏,稻田粪肥发酵等活动产生的;还有许多人类合成的,自然界原本不存在的气体,如氟里昂。温室气体的增加,加强了温室效应,是造成全球暖化的主要原因,已成为世界各国家的共识,也是一种全球性的污染京都议定书正是为了采取措施减少温室气体排放,由联合国发起,世界各国达成的协议。
其他因素则是人类的活动而产生。 温室气体包括水蒸气、二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮和臭氧。 当燃烧固体废物会释放出二氧化碳(如石油和天然气) 生产及运送煤、天然气和石油时便会释放出甲烷 工农业活动以至燃烧固体废物和化石燃料,均会释放出氧化亚氮 2010-04-21 20:27:25 补充: worldlingo/zh_/products_services/puter_trlation .search.yahoo/language trlate.google/?hl=zh-TW 可以帮到你翻译
The Greenhouse Effect is a term that refers to a physical property of the Earth's atmosphere. If the Earth had no atmosphere
its average surface temperature would be very low of about -18 rather than the fortable 15 found today. The difference in temperature is due to a suite of gases called greenhouse gases which affect the overall energy balance of the Earth's system by absorbing infra-red radiation. In its existing state
the Earth-atmosphere system balances absorption of solar radiation by emission of infrared radiation to space (Fig. 1). Due to greenhouse gases
the atmosphere absorbs more infrared energy than it re-radiates to space
resulting in a warming of the Earth-atmosphere system and of surface temperature. This is the Natural Greenhouse Effect. With more greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere due to human activity
more infrared radiation will be trapped in the Earth's surface which contributes to the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect.

