
时间:2023-12-05 07:04:43编辑:分享君
英音 ['k?] ;,美音 ['k?] ;,可数名词:
1. 可以依靠的人或事物,靠山,后盾
2. 锚,锚固装置(用缆﹑链等连接着的金属设备,用以将船舶固定于海底或将气球固定在地面上)
3.[=anchorman, anchorwoman]【美】(尤指无线电或电视采访的)主持人
抛锚,用锚固装置固定(某物),名称 anchorage,时态 anchored,anchoring,anchors,secure a vessel with an anchor,fix firmly and stably,a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving,a central cohesive source of support and stability,a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute,to anchor抛锚,停泊,be at anchorv. 抛锚,停泊着,at anchor抛锚,停泊,e to an anchorv. 抛锚,e to anchor抛锚,停泊,anchor bill锚爪尖部,anchor clamp拉线夹,anchor escapement锚式擒纵机构,锚形擒纵机,anchor palm锚齿,锚掌,anchor plate地基板,锚板,锚定板,系定板,anchor n.[C]1. 可以依靠的人或事物,靠山,后盾2. 锚,锚固装置(用缆﹑链等连接着的金属设备,用以将船舶固定于海底或将气球固定在地面上)3.[=anchorman, anchorwoma,anchor bill 锚式擒纵叉爪,anchor gate 锚柱门,anchor ground n. 泊定地,anchor hold n. 锚力,挂锚处所,安全,egg and anchor phr. 卵箭饰

